Xianhong Road

Chapter 1087 Additional Conditions

Chapter 1087 Additional Conditions
The national teacher understands: he has lost.

Yang Fan was standing behind him. Although he didn't make a move, the icy chill coming from his back was more oppressive on the psychological level.

Wiping off the blood at the corner of his mouth, the national teacher's face was pale, but at the moment of life and death crisis, he was unusually calm: "How did you do it?"

Yang Fan looked at him appreciatively.

However, the absolute advantage he has achieved is not easy.

The artistic conception of the great reincarnation has been weakened to a certain extent when it penetrates into the other party's space domain and laws.

It is also very difficult for him to control the life and soul of the immortal-level powerhouse, and the opponent is not without the power to resist.

Looking away, Yang Fan said slowly: "Because there is still a rule in this world, which penetrates space, penetrates time, and affects cause and effect..."

"Infiltrate space, penetrate time, affect cause and effect!!"

The national teacher's heart was shocked, and he suddenly understood that the other party was standing at a level that he could not understand.

Although Yang Fan's cultivation level is not higher than his, the difference in realm and level is enough to affect everything.

"All, your space domain has very little influence on me, if you want..."

Yang Fan slowly raised his hand, and with one finger, lightly tapped the void in front of him.

There was a crackling sound in the dark.

In the surrounding space, there are cracks like spider webs.

These cracks seem to be embedded in completely transparent glass.

Then this complete space domain collapsed rapidly.

"This...how is it possible? You can also control the space?"

The national teacher really couldn't understand this situation, and was a little incoherent.

The opponent's finger just happened to touch the heart vein of his domain constructed by the laws of space.

Yang Fan did not explain: he is influencing the space through reincarnation.

After the space domain collapsed and disintegrated, two figures reappeared in the hall.

All the people in the hall were breathing heavily from the unprecedented oppression at this moment.

Breathe back to normal.

Blood, starts to flow.

Freezing space, no more resistance.

The confrontation between Yang Fan and the national teacher was only for a moment, but everyone in the hall seemed to have passed a long century.

"National teacher, our negotiation will continue."

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

The people in the hall did not see the confrontation between the two.

In their senses, the two disappeared for a few breaths, and then reappeared out of nowhere.

However, the national teacher's face seemed a little ugly.

A discerning person can judge that the national teacher may have suffered a bit.

"Okay, let's continue the negotiation."

The national teacher regained his calm look.

Yu Mengqing glanced at the national teacher who was a little older than before, and was secretly surprised: Could it be that the oldest and most noble national teacher of the Tianxiang Dynasty also suffered at the hands of this mysterious third son?

The next negotiation will be conducted by Yang Fan and the National Teacher.

"1000 billion fairy stones is too much, and it will cause a fatal financial crisis for the Tianxiang Dynasty."

The national teacher sighed, for the first time there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Yang Fan had the final say.

100 low-grade fairy stones = 1 middle-grade fairy stones
1000 middle grade fairy stones = 1 top grade fairy stones
10000 top-grade immortal stones = 1 top-grade immortal stone.

The higher the quality of the immortal stone currency in the upper realm, the greater the value gap.

1000 billion Immortal Stones, calculated, is 100 top-grade Immortal Stones, which doesn't seem to be much.

But looking at the entire Yuzhou, there may not be a few top-grade fairy stones.

Therefore, 1000 billion fairy stones is a huge amount that cannot be easily borne by the entire Tianxiang Dynasty.

"There can be fewer fairy stones."

Yang Fan softened his tone: "But if this is the case, a non-aggression treaty must be signed between the Tianxiang Dynasty and the two major alliances of Linyuan City and Zhouwu City."

"It's really superfluous to do this. As long as Mr. Yang is still in Yuzhou for a day, the Tianxiang Dynasty will never invade."

The national teacher smiled wryly.

"Since that's the case, you can discount it a little bit more. The national teacher made a promise in the name of the Tianxiang Dynasty that he will not have any attempts against our two major alliances in the future."

Yang Fan understands that for a large country to be forced to sign a treaty with a small force will indeed damage the country's prestige.

The national teacher thought for a while, and said: "I can promise you."

He is the patriarch of the Tianxiang Dynasty, and his authority and reputation are better than those of today's Tianxiang Dynasty.

Even his verbal agreement is more effective than a general treaty.

After all, the so-called treaty can also be torn.

"Then change the 1000 billion fairy stones to one billion fairy stones, but Yang has an additional condition."

Yang Fan smiled brightly, and glanced at Yu Mengqing, the current princess, the saint of secrets.

"One billion fairy stones?"

The national teacher secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

One billion fairy stones, although it is an astronomical figure, is still within the tolerance of the Tianxiang Dynasty.

However, there are additional conditions...

The national teacher noticed Yang Fan's eyes and glanced at the princess.

Could it be that the third son of the City Lord's Mansion has taken a fancy to the most noble princess of the Tianxiang Dynasty?
Including Yang Lin, Guoshi, Yang Qi and others, they all thought so at first.

Princess Yu Mengqing had a hint of helplessness on her face, of course he understood what Yang Fan's additional conditions were.

"Okay, we can talk in private."

Yu Mengqing looked at Yang Fan with slightly complicated eyes.

In this way, a negotiation is over.

On that day, the national teacher returned to the Tianxiang Dynasty alone.

Princess Yu Mengqing naturally couldn't leave immediately before the dynasty sent the immortal stone.

night time.

Yang Fan and Yu Mengqing faced each other.

The former had clear eyes, Gu Jing Wubo's expression: "You should understand my request."

"I will try my best to send you to Yunxiao Palace, but this kind of opportunity does not come all the time, it only depends on the opportunity."

Yu Mengqing replied, deeply aware of the difficulty of this matter.

Although she is Zeng Jinyunxiao Palace's maid, and is favored and valued by her master, and has certain contacts, it is almost impossible to send Yang Fan to Yunxiao Palace immediately.

Yang Fan had a vague plan in mind.

If you go to see Yuxi, you can't be aboveboard unless you have absolute strength.

However, if one infiltrated Yunxiao Palace with a suitable identity, it would be undetectable.

However, this plan requires Yu Mengqing's help.

For this additional condition, Yu Mengqing knew that it was difficult to refuse.

The price difference between 1000 billion immortal stones and one billion immortal stones is not so easy to make up.

Two months later, the national teacher of the Tianxiang Dynasty came forward again and brought Yu Mengqing back to the Dynasty.

At family dinner.

Yang Lin, the city lord, naturally smiled: "Qi'er, you have really made a great contribution this time. Not only did you solve the crisis in Linyuan City, but you also got a billion immortal stones for this city."

One billion immortal stones is enough to buy the entire City Lord's Mansion, which is more than enough.

It's just that Nan Gongyue said with some disappointment: "I thought Qi'er had a chance to marry that Dynasty Princess..."

Yang Lin also expressed deep regret, what an honor it would be if Linyuan City could marry the princess of the dynasty?

Given the circumstances at the time, it was not entirely hopeless.

puff! !

Yang Fan almost spit out the food in his mouth.

Yang Dong jokingly said: "In my opinion, it's the third younger brother who doesn't like the princess."

He could see that the third brother had no desire for that Princess Yu Mengqing.

How could the family of the City Lord's Mansion know that Yang Fan really didn't like Princess Yu Mengqing, but the master whom the princess had served before.

——The brightest night star in the starry world.

After the war was over, Yang Fan finally felt relieved.

"Finally, I can practice with peace of mind."

While Yang Fan was cultivating, he was also waiting for news from Yu Mengqing.

Once given the chance, Yu Mengqing would try to get Yang Fan to sneak into Yunxiao Palace with a certain identity.

Yunxiao Palace belongs to one of the four dominant forces above Luo Tian.

It can be said that standing at the peak of the heavens is also at the peak of the seven realms.

Faced with this ancient force, Yang Fan also had to be cautious, and at the same time he had new expectations.

Yang Fan didn't know that when the matter subsided.

The national teacher secretly talks with the king of Tianxiang and the saint of Tianji.

"Master, is it really necessary for us to make such a big concession to Linyuan City?"

King Tianxiang was very puzzled.

He was secretly dissatisfied when he took out a bargaining chip of one billion immortal stones before, but he never dared to disobey the wishes of the national teacher.

"Let Mengqing answer this question."

The national teacher was expressionless.

Yu Mengqing sighed quietly: "Not only is it necessary, but it must be done. This person...he is really scary, and I am afraid that he has the potential to become a giant in the heavens in the future."

When it comes to the third son in Linyuan City, she feels powerless.

"Starting from today, the old man will start to retreat, ranging from 10 years to millions of years."

The national teacher said slowly.


King Tianxiang and Yu Mengqing were both shocked.

"The battle with Yang Qi that day gave me a lot of experience. Maybe I can use this opportunity to be promoted to the eighth gold fairyland."

The national teacher said calmly.

Eightfold Golden Wonderland! !

Both Yu Mengqing and Brother Huang's eyes lit up.

Of course they understand that after reaching the Golden Immortal Realm, especially the Immortal Monarch level, each step represents a huge leap.

If the national teacher hopes to step into the eight-fold golden fairyland, there is no guarantee that Yuzhou can be unified, but it is not difficult to traverse the territory of "three dynasties, nine kingdoms, and one hundred and eight cities".

"Before the retreat, the old man left a warning that no one should violate, otherwise the old man will not guarantee that he will continue to protect the dynasty in the future."

The teacher's words were indifferent.

"National teacher please general."

Monarch Tianxiang looked solemn and respectful.

Yu Mengqing said: "Listen carefully."

"As long as that Yang Qi is still in the world, no matter whether I leave the customs or not, I will never provoke Linyuan City."

After the national teacher said this sentence, his figure disappeared out of thin air without leaving a trace.

Monarch Tianxiang remained silent for a long time, as if he was comprehending these words.

"Brother Huang, we must abide by this warning."

Yu Mengqing firmly believed.

"Then Yang Qi, what kind of character is he..."

The King of Tianxiang sighed slowly.

However, fate is destined, he has no intersection with Yang Fan, let alone the chance to meet the latter.

Until a long time later, the monarch only heard the legend about "that person".


After the departure of Princess Tianxiang, Yang Fan's life has become more comfortable, most of the time is spent on cultivation and wandering.

Unknowingly, he traveled all over Yuzhou.

However, in his eyes, the vast Yuzhou is just a drop in the ocean of the entire continent.

This continent is called "Sky Continent" and is under the control of "Sky Palace".

The years are long, and nearly 10 years have passed by in a flash.

10 years, compared to the history of the heavens, is completely insignificant.

Compared with Yang Fan's life course, it is extremely long.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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