Xianhong Road

Chapter 1088 Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 1088 10 Years

The long 10 years did not allow Yang Fan's cultivation to make a qualitative leap.

After the Yunsheng period, the improvement of cultivation base and realm is so slow.

As a result, 10 years have passed, and Yang Fan is still in the middle stage of Yunsheng, only reaching the peak of this realm, and there is still one step away from the late stage of Yunsheng.

The life nucleus integrated into the great samsara is as round as a bead, transparent as glass, almost colorless and invisible.

In the life core space, that small green seedling has grown to the height of half a person, and stretches out delicate branches, glowing green, as if it is pregnant with something.

The original sapling has lost its tenderness and looks like it is thriving. There is no doubt that it has the potential to grow into a towering tree.

At this moment, this seemingly insignificant "Yunsheng Seedling" embodies the soul power, magic power, and vitality of Yang Fan's life.

Not only that, but its predecessor is the vortex of reincarnation, even at this moment, it still retains the artistic conception of great reincarnation.

This Yunsheng seedling is a bridge for Yang Fan to communicate with the great reincarnation, allowing his senses to extend and travel infinitely in the great reincarnation, almost reaching the point of penetrating time and space.

The Yunsheng period not only allows Yang Fan to control life and death, but also uses this Yun to grow seedlings, penetrate time and space, and affect cause and effect and reincarnation.

For 10 years, Yang Fan has not only been practicing, but also comprehending the deduction of the next realm of Xianhong Jue.

What kind of road will Xianhong Jue go after the round fruit period and Yunsheng period.

The direction and thinking of the deduction, a clear outline and path emerged in Yang Fan's mind.

A picture that has been scrutinized and evolved thousands of times in my mind is clearly presented:
In the middle of the life nucleus space, the little Yunsheng seedlings grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the Yunsheng seedlings grew vigorously and gradually became a big tree that can shelter from wind and rain.

Countless green leaves also grew on the branches of the big tree, and each green leaf had a green luster, and the tiny veins contained some kind of mystery.

During this period, the vitality and greenness in the life core space also showed a thriving state, and the breadth of the small world itself expanded rapidly, and even had a tendency to extend infinitely.

Then, this vigorous tree became a towering tree.

In reincarnation again and again, the leaves and flowers wither in the desolation, seeming to deduce the course of one life after another.

Until the end, on the towering tree, fruit after fruit condensed.

There are tens of thousands of these fruits, and the mystery and power contained in each one is far more than tens of thousands of times that of the "reincarnation fruit" at the fruition stage.

Afterwards, those thousands of fruits, after they matured, fell to the earth and sprinkled all over the world, every corner...

The evolution of the realm became more and more blurred, and in the end even Yang Fan couldn't control and predict it.

But Yang Fan has a feeling that the evolution of the realm, the farther to the back, the more the sky is latitude, and the improvement of strength and supernatural power is even more terrifying.

He even doubted whether the latter realm could really be achieved.

"If there is no mistake in the deduction of the realm, then on the tree of life, the life and magic power condensed by each leaf will exceed that of the fairy. It is even more impossible to estimate how terrifying the countless fruits that are born on the towering tree will have. .”

Yang Fan's face was full of palpitations, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

When the Yunsheng seedlings become towering trees, even the Great Reincarnation seems to have come to an end.

As for the changes after the towering tree, Yang Fan had a guess, but he didn't dare to imagine it at all.

"Can I really reach that level?"

When Yang Fan deduced, he was extremely rigorous.

The details of each realm have to be deliberated thousands of times.

A mistake in detail will cause the realm to be deduced and take a completely different path.

10 years period.

Yang Fan tried to take Ni Lingxue and Nixianxue.

However, what the divine blood increases is the aptitude and bloodline ability of the body.

However, at Yang Fan's level, he has already surpassed the shackles of noumenal qualifications.

The spiritual roots, qualifications, bloodlines, etc. of the main body are of little help to his deduction.

Unless Yang Fan takes the most powerful "Ni Shen Shen Tian Xue".

However, when faced with this blood, Yang Fan faintly sensed many uncontrollable factors.

Therefore, he has not yet taken the Nishen Blood.

Another reason is that if Ni Shen's blood is given to others, it is far better than Yang Fan.

Yang Fan is considering this candidate.

Among them, Hu Fei and Shi Qianhan were considered by Yang Fan.

He focused more on his clone, Shi Qianhan.

The avatar Shi Qianhan is, in essence, walking a bloody road of evolution and mutation in the Demon Abyss space.

However, with Yang Fan's cultivation level at the moment, he could only barely sense the existence of Shi Qianhan, but couldn't get a specific connection, nor could he map it in Xianhong's space.

this day.

Yang Fan was suddenly inspired and woke up from the retreat.

"Master, you are out."

Ye Tian sat in the room and opened his eyes.

In 10 years, Ye Cai was able to rise from the fourth level of the Golden Immortal to the peak of the fifth level of the Golden Immortal.

It can be seen from this that it is also extremely difficult to improve the level of the Golden Immortal, and to improve the realm of cultivation.

But Yang Fan understood that Ye Tian, ​​who was at the peak of the fifth level of the Golden Immortal, was almost invincible under the Immortal Monarch.

Go to the city lord's mansion for a while.

The eldest brother, the second brother, including the parents, have all grown in cultivation.

It turned out that over the years, Yang Fan had secretly diluted the blood of Ni Ling, and used a secret method to integrate the life essence of the life core space into several bottles of elixir for his relatives to take.

The effect of the diluted and refined Reverse Spirit Blood is even better than before.

The difference is that the effect of this medicine will be absorbed slowly, not as violent as Nilingxue.

This level of absorption and improvement allows relatives to transform and evolve, and become more stable, at least they will not become any aliens.

Furthermore, after incorporating the essence of life, this elixir can also greatly increase the lifespan.

For example, the lifespan of a true immortal person is only tens of millions of years, but after taking this elixir, the lifespan will be doubled several times.

The lifespan of Daluo Jinxian ranges from [-] million years to hundreds of millions of years. After taking this elixir, the increase in lifespan is also considerable.

These 10 years.

My father cultivated from the fifth level of the Golden Immortal to the sixth level of the Golden Immortal.

The mother, eldest brother, and second brother were also promoted to the middle golden fairy.

Yang Fan nodded secretly. If one day, everyone in the family can step into the level of immortal monarch, then there will be no one among the Xingtian ground forces that can pose a threat to Linyuan City.

as predicted.

Only a few years after Yang Fan left customs, Princess Yu Mengqing of the Tianxiang Dynasty secretly came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Regarding the arrival of the Tianxiang Dynasty, only a limited number of people in the City Lord's Mansion knew the secret.

"You are lucky. It is said that the 'Yunxiao Palace' will recruit immortal guards and servants in 3 years."

Yu Mengqing said with a smile.

"Tell me." Yang Fan suppressed the surprise in his heart and said in a leisurely manner.

"Immortal guards have higher requirements: their lifespan should not exceed a million years, and their cultivation should reach the first level of a golden immortal. The requirements for servants are not high: they must be above the third level of a true immortal, but the number of places is also limited."

"The little girl knows the deputy chief who recruits servants in the inner palace of 'Cloud Palace'."

There was a little pride in Yu Mengqing's words.

Yang Fan asked for some more details.

Yu Mengqing said: "The deputy manager has a very high status in the inner palace. Even if I knew him before, it would be very difficult to get through this relationship."

After all, she used to be just a servant girl. In front of the deputy manager, she had a low status and limited right to speak.

"In terms of management, you don't have to worry."

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

"Even if it's dotting, you have to control it to a certain degree. If there are too few dots, the deputy chief will not pay attention to them. If there are too many, it will arouse suspicion. After all, if someone with unknown intentions is allowed to enter the palace, the deputy chief will also have to bear a lot of burden." Big risk."

Things are far more troublesome than imagined.

Yang Fan frowned slightly, and looked at Yu Mengqing's eyes: "In the past 10 years, although you have stepped into the realm of the fairy king with one foot, there is still a layer of paper between you."

Yu Mengqing's bright eyes dimmed: "Breakthroughs in the realm cannot be achieved by methods and external forces."

"It's a fact that it can't be broken through by means, but who said that external force can't achieve it?"

Yang Fan stood proudly with his hands behind his back, and smiled lightly.

"Master Yang, can you help me?"

Surprise flickered in Yu Mengqing's eyes, and he said hastily: "If I can reach the level of Xianjun and improve my status, I can return to my master's side, and my status and weight in front of the deputy manager will be different. Then this matter, at least Seventy percent sure."

"Seventy percent sure? Okay, deal."

Yang Fan said without hesitation.

Seeing Yang Fan's expression and words, Yu Mengqing couldn't believe it.

But the facts proved that Yang Fan did not deceive him.

Yu Mengqing stayed in the City Lord's Mansion secretly for 100 years.

A hundred years later, the light and darkness of the space changed, and a strange fluctuation surged, making all the existences who had reached the level of golden immortals in the City Lord's Mansion terrified.

"Xianjun... I didn't expect that I really did it."

Yu Mengqing's voice trembled slightly.

Of course, the process of breaking through the realm is also somewhat thrilling.

Yang Fan first gave him a "Ni Ling Pill".

The Niling Pill was diluted and refined with Niling's blood.

The effect of a Niling Pill is not as good as a drop of Niling Blood.

But the effect of a bottle of Niling Pill is several times greater than that of a drop of Niling Blood.

However, diluting and refining a bottle of Niling Pill only consumes a drop of Niling blood.

Therefore, a Niling Pill is insignificant to Yang Fan.

This is just a boost.

The key point is that Yang Fan used the power of Yun Yun to control life and death, allowing Yu Mengqing's soul to experience a process comparable to the cycle of life and death.

That near-death experience transformed Yu Mengqing's state of mind.

Finally, under Yang Fan's secret guidance, Yu Mengqing stepped into the Xianjun level.

The whole process seems simple, but in fact, internal factors, external factors, assistance, etc., are very difficult and complicated.

Because Yu Mengqing stepped into the level of Xianjun with one foot, the process was extremely smooth.

After stepping into the realm of Xianjun, Yu Mengqing returned to the Tianxiang Dynasty to consolidate his realm, and then helped Yang Fan as promised.

3 years.

Yang Fan is still practicing and deducing.

The realm of Yunsheng's mid-term peak is extremely difficult to move forward.

Yang Fan's heart is like still water.

Time and life have lost their meaning to him.

No matter how many billions of years passed, his firm mind could not be shaken.

However, on this day, Yang Fan suddenly woke up from the retreat.

Not because of inspiration.

What woke him up was the change from Xianhong's space.

In the living place of Xianhong space, the puppy let out a low growl, as if in a demonstration.

What a change, it can actually startle the puppy! !

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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