Xianhong Road

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089
Yang Fan was startled by the low growl of the puppy in the place of birth.

In the mind, the mind merged into the Xianhong space.

The area of ​​the living place has become wider, more than ten times larger than when it first entered the Yunsheng stage.

At this moment, the puppy was squatting in front of the warehouse turned into an ancient building, staring at the red-black dead land in the distant direction, and roaring.

Yang Fan stared at the wish, and in the red-black death zone, a black dot slowly moved towards him.

"Is there any tyrannical existence that can walk in the dead zone?"

Yang Fan was also frightened by the slowly moving black dot.

According to Xiaogou once said, this immortal space is vast and boundless, and there are other natives in it.

Could it be that the slowly oppressed black spots are other creatures in Xianhong's space?
Yang Fan's heart froze, and his face became serious.

Swish! !

He moved around and appeared on the edge of the living place, and the outside world was a red-black dead zone.

That black spot is approaching little by little, the black air in the dead zone is billowing, covering the sky and avoiding the earth, but it cannot get close to the black spot.

"The strength of the comer must far surpass me."

Yang Fan muttered to himself, with a trace of worry in his eyes, he looked at the puppy beside him.

"Master, don't worry, I am the strongest beast in the Xianhong space, and no one can violate the realm of the Xianhong ring."

The puppy's voice reassured Yang Fan a lot.

Finally, after waiting for a long time, the black spot in his vision gradually became clear.

It was a mysterious man exuding a faint chaotic gray light, his appearance was not very clear.

He is tall and tall, about thirty, wearing a large royal robe, exuding golden light, wearing a crown, a cloud of seven colors in the sky, and red flames under his feet.

The golden brilliance, colorful clouds, and red flames were intertwined with the chaotic gray light covering his body, forming a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

Just looking at this person from a distance, Yang Fan's soul was terrified, and various inspirations occurred in the great samsara.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Yang Fan stood at the living place, clasped his fists and saluted.

The chaotic gray light on the mysterious man's body shrank a few times, revealing a pair of unpretentious eyes.

There was nothing unusual about these eyes, but Yang Fan felt a huge oppression.

The mysterious man looked at the living place curiously and puzzledly, looking at Yang Fan and the puppy.

Especially when he saw the puppy, his face turned serious, he became more cautious, and further restrained his breath.

"I am 'Heavenly Ancient', born in the primordial chaos, traveling in the space of Immortals, and traveling to this place."

The mysterious man's voice was vast and grand, floating in boundless space, as if it came from that ancient prehistoric world.

Born in the primordial chaos?

Yang Fan pondered this sentence carefully.

Chaos is a primitive state in which the world has not yet been formed.

And this person was born with chaos.

Doesn't that mean that he is older than the world.

Because the world of heaven and earth is a scene that only appeared after the creation of chaos.

"I'm Yang Fan, I've met my seniors."

Yang Fan didn't dare to neglect, and quickly saluted.

"Xianhong's space is boundless and vast. Only the true creators can ascend to this world from the material space."

The mysterious man paused slowly and looked at Yang Fan with a strange expression.

"Dare to ask seniors, have you met other creatures in the Xianhong space?"

Yang Fan welcomed the mysterious man to his Xianhongju.

The place of birth is the territory controlled by Yang Fan. When the other party enters this place, it is regarded as entering his domain. Even if there is any conflict, Yang Fan has the advantage in terms of geographical advantages.

"Very rarely..."

There was a trace of loneliness in Tiangu's eyes.

"In a few 'jieyuan' time, I only met five people, including you."

"Boundary Yuan?"

Yang Fan heard this term for the first time.

"The so-called boundary element refers to all the time spent in an ordinary world from birth to destruction."

Tiangu explained with a blank face.

"In other words... the lifespan of a world."

Yang Fan couldn't help but gasped.

How long is the lifespan of a world, he simply cannot estimate.

billions of years?Or billions of years?

The time of one element will only be longer than imagined.

Tiangu survived at least a few realms, but only met a few creatures in Xianhong's space.

It can be seen from this that the space of Xianhong is so vast, and the creatures in it are so rare.

Then, Yang Fan started talking with Tian Gu.

Strangely, Tiangu didn't ask about Yang Fan's origin and name.

Yang Fan asked many questions, and Tiangu was able to answer them.

For example, Yang Fan asked Tian Gu, where is your body.

After all, apart from the territory opened up by Xianhong Jue, the creatures in other regions are just reflections from the Great Thousand World.

"My main body comes from the Great Thousand World after the chaos was opened up. Seeing your potential attainments, we will meet in the future."

After talking for a long time, Tiangu said goodbye.

Great world?

Yang Fan found this title to be very general. The Great Thousand World includes all space worlds, including the Seven Realms.

The little dog watched this person leave, his eyes flickering, and he murmured: "It seems that this guy is not hostile to you. But the owner is really lucky. It took only 10,000+ years to meet him in the Xianhong space. The natives, the probability is really low."

After all, it lay down in front of the warehouse again and fell asleep. The previous scene of confronting and roaring with the mysterious man no longer existed.

Yang Fan deeply understood that the other party was born in chaos, so he didn't know how many levels he was stronger than himself.

If the person is really hostile and he doesn't have a puppy, he has no power to resist.

"It turns out that the world is so big."

Yang Fan sighed lightly.

Perhaps the space of the seven realms he is in is just the tip of the iceberg of the Great Thousand World.

This was his first encounter with the natives in Xianhong's space, but luckily he didn't find any conflicts.

For Yang Fan, the encounter with the natives of Xianhong Space was just a small episode.

It withdrew its mind and continued to comprehend and deduce.

Presumably there is a puppy, who claims to be the strongest beast in the Immortal Dimension, so no one should be able to invade the living place.

Since bidding farewell to Yu Mengqing, Yang Fan has practiced another [-] to [-], and finally entered the late stage of Yunsheng.

After entering the later stage, the seedling in the life core space has grown into a small tree, and began to produce small branches.

The entire small world has also expanded by more than a thousand times.

Yang Fan's small world is also mapped to Xianhong's space, and that piece of green land, which is not pure, expands and spreads as a result.

"I don't know when it will take until real life can be produced in my small world."

When Yang Fan's mind merged into Yunsheng Xiaoshu, he felt a ray of life fluctuation, and he couldn't help but feel anticipation in his heart.

"I master reincarnation, can I create a life in my own small world?"

This idea became stronger in Yang Fan's mind.

He believes that if creatures can be produced, the small world can be made stronger.

After all, the power of Yang Fan's two lives comes from this.

There is a feeling in his heart, this is not impossible, and it is not necessarily true that it will be realized in the next realm.

The creation of life may be an inevitable effect of Xianhong's deduction process.

Yang Fan, who reached the later stage of Yunsheng, began to deduce the next realm with all his strength.

Seeing that the time limit of 3 years is coming soon.

Yang Fan withdrew from the retreat.

Every detail of the realm deduction picture once again appeared in his mind.

After repeated scrutiny, the next realm of the Yunsheng period has already taken shape in Yang Fan's mind.

Yunsheng is just the birth of a life, the beginning of a life.

When life grows to a certain level, reproduction and inheritance will appear.

There must be a process in the growth, reproduction, inheritance, and final death of life.

"Then the next stage of the Yunsheng period should be... the Derivative period."

In my mind, the outline of the realm became clearer, so clear that I could see every detail.

Yang Fan even "saw" the miracle of the birth of life.

Less than half a year after leaving the customs, Yu Mengqing came from Tianxiang Dynasty.

"How are things going?"

Yang Fan asked.

"I've already contacted the deputy director, and I can make an exception and recommend you."

Yu Mengqing said with a smile.

"You did a good job."

Yang Fan was very satisfied, and it was not in vain to expend his efforts to help this girl advance to the realm of immortal monarch.

"However, servants or immortal guards who enter the palace will be strictly interrogated. It is difficult to hide the cultivation level, state, age, and personality from the examiner."

Yu Mengqing frowned slightly, a little worried.

"Hehe, this shouldn't bother me."

Yang Fan said confidently.

"Naturally, Mengqing would not doubt the third son's supernatural powers. It's just that the 'Cloud Palace' is one of the four dominant forces in the star world, and there are many Nine Heavens Profound Immortals, that is, the legendary Immortal Emperor level figure. If that's the case... ..."

Yu Mengqing's worry lies here.

Whether or not the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal will appear at that time, not only is she uncertain, but even the deputy manager dare not guarantee it.

Yang Fan pondered for a moment, and then said: "It is said that the Xuanxian realm is divided into three realms, and each realm is equivalent to a big realm. Even if there are many immortal emperors in Yunxiao Palace, this small matter of screening immortal soldiers and servants, Even if an immortal emperor is sent, it will not be of the highest level."

Yu Mengqing nodded, agreeing with Yang Fan's point of view.

The probability of Xuanxian appearing is very small, let alone a higher level Immortal Emperor.

"However, even if you are a first-level Xuanxian, you are still an emperor-level figure, and you can make all disguises and illusions in your mind, without hiding."

Yu Mengqing had a look of deep awe on his face.

Immortal Emperor.

Looking at the entire Seven Realms, that is also the most powerful person standing at the top.

The will of the Immortal Emperor cannot be violated.

Facing the existence below Xuan Xian, the Immortal Emperor can dominate everything with just one thought, with unlimited mana, infinite supernatural power, and infinite power! !
"If it's just a first-level Xuanxian, I should be able to handle it with confidence."

Yang Fan thought about it.

This is the inspiration I got in the great samsara.

Although he is very confident, his tone is not very absolute.

"If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with it."

Yu Mengqing replied, but her heart was filled with horror.

Could it be that the third son was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, and he was so confident that he pretended to be in front of the Immortal Emperor.

The next day, Yang Fan bid farewell to his relatives in the City Lord's Mansion.

As for what to do, Yu Mengqing helped cover and said: "Uncle and aunt, don't worry, the 'Yunxiao Palace' above Luotian is recruiting people, I will take the third son to try."

Sky Palace?
The city lords Yang Lin and Nan Gongyue couldn't help being respectful.

"If Qi'er really has the opportunity to enter the 'Cloud Palace', it would be a good way out. Little Yuzhou can't tolerate him, a dragon who dives into the abyss after all."

Yang Lin said proudly.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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