Xianhong Road

Chapter 1111 Swallowing and Killing the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1111 Swallowing and Killing the Immortal Emperor
As an immortal emperor with eternal and infinite life, how difficult is it to kill them?
However, at this moment, Immortal Emperor Lan Bing fell into a desperate situation waiting for the way of death.

The enemies he faced were weird beyond the normal level. If he took the initiative to attack, he would only die faster.

Yang Fan regretted that the effective and simplest method of converging the cause and effect of reincarnation ended in failure.

The Immortal Emperor not only controls space, but also comprehends the power of time to a certain extent.

It's hard to imagine, what kind of supreme divine power is mastered by the higher level Immortal Emperors and Great Emperors.

Let me ask, is there anything in this world that they cannot do?

Yang Fan took a deep breath, staring at the Blue Ice Immortal Emperor who was completely covered by the absolute ice armor, as if he was really thinking about how to kill him.

The easiest way is to let the puppy do it, but this is a fair battle between Yang Fan and Immortal Lan Bing, and he hopes to kill Immortal Lan Bing with his own power.

Xianhong's secret technique is also easy to deal with the very weak Blue Ice Immortal Emperor at this moment.

But this method will use the power of the Immortal Ring in this Immortal space.

What's more, the two of them are in Xianhong's space, which is no different from letting the puppy do it.

So, how to use the power at your disposal to kill the Immortal Emperor?
Since Yang Fan was reborn in reincarnation, he lacked actual combat, especially the battle with peak figures.

How to apply Xianhong Jue's existing mystical powers to actual combat is the problem he faces.

The first is the reincarnation door.

No matter how strong the Immortal Emperor is, will you be able to die without fear when you become a baby?
Perhaps this method will encounter a little resistance, but for the currently weak Immortal Emperor, it can be said to be sure.

Yang Fan even hopes to use the new profound meaning in the first stage to deprive Immortal Emperor Lan Bing of his life.

Depriving the life essence would also have little effect on the Immortal Emperor.

Standing on the clouds of the Seven Realms, their life itself is eternal and infinite.

That being the case...then I will deprive you of your soul!

A ray of cold light burst out of Yang Fan's eyes.

Between the thoughts, the core of life is fused, and the soul that fits the great cycle of reincarnation is fully unfolded and released in the world.

"What a powerful soul..."

The Blue Ice Immortal Emperor in the absolutely frozen armor trembled.

Yang Fan's soul power is no weaker than that of him at his peak.

This is the accumulation of soul power in two lifetimes.

The reason is that Yang Fan and Yang Qi are not the same person in essence.

Because after a real reincarnation, the soul is purified, returned to the essence, and re-born.

When the two life-carrying things, the soul and the body, have changed their appearance, they are already a brand new creature.

The only thing that remains the same is the soul imprint, as well as the memories of past lives that have come across reincarnations.

The enormous oppression of the soul brought an unprecedented crisis to Immortal Emperor Lan Bing.

The real crisis does not come from this kind of soul oppression, but from the strange attraction contained in the power of the soul.

Suddenly, he felt his soul was icy cold, and the call from somewhere was forcibly pulling his soul.

"Immortal Emperor, how can your soul escape my control and influence under the cover of the Great Reincarnation?"

Yang Fan's cold voice came from the level of reincarnation.

In desperation, Immortal Emperor Lanbing's soul escaped from his body little by little.

If he was at his peak, he might still have the strength to resist, but at this moment he seems weak...

"I will never let you succeed!!"

The Immortal Emperor roared, and an extremely cold flame ignited in his soul, desperately burning his life energy, and vowed to resist to the end.

Resist to the death! !
Yang Fan felt inexplicable pressure.

If the immortal emperor's soul exploded, it would have dire consequences.

With a chill in his heart, Yang Fan naturally circulated the power of Yunsheng.

In the life core space, on the tree of Yunsheng, thousands of green leaves flow together with crystal green light, and the powerful vitality that can suppress everything comes from the level of reincarnation.

At some point.

A tall tree several feet high, under the greenery, faintly floats between the sky and the earth.

The Immortal Emperor could not see the existence of the Tree of Yunsheng, but he could feel a boundless force of vitality that was as majestic as the sea in the dark.

In the middle of the Yunsheng tree, there is an invisible whirlpool of five colors.

This is only a phenomenon that can be seen in the space of life nucleus and the level of reincarnation.

And the next moment, a huge vortex appeared above the heaven and earth, and ripple-like filters swayed around it, sweeping across the entire space, directly driving back the immortal emperor's spiritual will.

Under this overwhelming and irresistible force, Immortal Emperor Lanbing's soul suddenly escaped into the huge vortex and disappeared without a trace.

In the core space.

"let me go……"

The immortal emperor's soul struggled on the tree of Yunsheng, roaring non-stop.

On the big Yunsheng tree, thousands of green leaves bloom together with green crystal light.

Strips of transparent green tentacles bound the soul of the Immortal Emperor.

The soul and consciousness of Immortal Emperor Blue Ice were submerged by the vortex of reincarnation, and became lighter and more transparent in the constant wear and tear, and finally turned into tiny particles.

After absorbing the soul of the Immortal Emperor, the tree of Yunsheng became more vigorous, its leaves became bigger and its color was more emerald green.The roots of the tree expanded, the trunk became thicker, and the life core space became more consolidated and expanded a bit.

"I really didn't expect that the soul of the Immortal Emperor would be so nourishing. It made my cultivation reach the limit of the Yunsheng period, and even entered the 'derivative period'."

Yang Fan was amazed.

Killing Immortal Emperor Lan Bing after all the hardships, the harvest is no small matter.

Except for the change of the tree of Yunsheng, all the capital of the Immortal Emperor during his lifetime, including space rings, sub-artifacts, etc., belonged to Yang Fan.

After absorbing the soul of the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor's memory particles are contained on the tree of Yunsheng.

These memory particles are difficult to read, and at best they can only capture some indelible memory fragments.

And as time goes by, these memory fragments will also turn into original particles.

Yang Fan faintly noticed that after absorbing these memory particles, the tree of Yunsheng would grow in some aspects.

"The immortal emperor's soul, profound supernatural powers, and memory inheritance will take some time to digest. This will help the growth of the tree of Yunsheng."

Yang Fan murmured to himself.

The mind returned to the Xianhong space, the broken world of mountains and rivers, turned into green land or other variegated land again, and returned to its essence.

Master Tianjiang and the others looked at the immortal emperor's soulless corpse with lingering fear.

Even though the Immortal Emperor is dead, his body is still full of irreversible divine power.

If ordinary immortals get close to the corpse of the immortal emperor, they may be oppressed to death by it, just like the corpse of the devil emperor that Yang Fan and others faced on the floating bridge.

"Beheading the Immortal Emperor figure, it seems that Yang Daoyou's cultivation base supernatural power is comparable to Xuan Xian's certification. This time you return to the heaven, don't you want to cause a bloodbath?"

Master Tianjiang looked at Yang Fan and sighed.

At this time, he completely regarded Yang Fan as a person of the first level of the Immortal Emperor.

A bloodbath?
Yang Fan remembered the agreement with Wushuang before the first battle.

He was reborn in this life, and he has one of his greatest destiny, which is to fulfill the last wish of Wushuang in his previous life.

"It will, but not now."

Yang Fan's determination without a wave of emotion made Tian Jiang's heart tremble.

"Of course, master, there is no need to worry. You will definitely not be involved in this matter. If you and your disciples want to leave, you need to make a soul blood oath and not reveal anything about this place."

Yang Fan paused, and continued: "Of course, Yang will give you a better choice."

"What choice?" Master Tianjiang.

"Master Tianjiang, as well as your disciples, can stay in the 'Reincarnation Star Fort'. When the core 'Xingyuan Furnace' is promoted to the level of an artifact, you can leave freely, and Yang will never have any embarrassment."

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

Master Tianjiang couldn't help trembling when he heard the word "artifact".

In the Seven Realms space, sub-artifacts are already the pinnacle of skill a master can achieve.

"Okay, the second option is more tempting." Master Tianjiang took a deep breath.

If it can be refined into a divine weapon, it would be worth it even if it is death for the master of the art of refining.

At the same time, he also understands that it will be a very long process for Xingyuan Furnace to be promoted to the level of artifact.

"Teacher, if the artifact is successfully refined, he will kill people to silence..."

A disciple couldn't help reminding.

Master Tianjiang smiled slightly, and looked at Yang Fan meaningfully: "I believe that those who can be favored by the Wushuang Excalibur will never deceive us."

"The Peerless Excalibur?"

All the disciples couldn't help but turn pale with exclamation.

Peerless Excalibur, isn't that the No. [-] Peerless Excalibur in the Seven Realms Supreme Rank?
This sword is naturally a well-known artifact in the Seven Realms, known as the number one attacking artifact in the universe.

Legend has it that the weapon spirit in the Wushuang Excalibur produced a certain mutation, condensed the will of the sword on its own, almost broke through the iron rules of the weapon, and no one could control it.

This divine sword is no longer an artifact, it can even control the sword body to attack independently.

When fighting for this sword back then, many immortal emperors and figures were defeated by him.

As disciples of the master craftsman, they naturally know these secrets of the Peerless Excalibur.

But at this moment, listening to what the teacher said, it is inconceivable that the person in front of him can actually receive the favor of the Wushuang Excalibur.

You must know that the tyranny and mutation of the Peerless Excalibur has caused no one in the Seven Realms to control it.

The power of the divine sword body can kill the immortal emperor. If anyone can become the new master of this sword, wouldn't it be invincible in the seven realms?

Suddenly, these people were full of awe and fear towards Yang Fan.

The Star Castle of Reincarnation was completed, and Immortal Emperor Lan Bing was beheaded. Yang Fan finally wiped out the uncontrollable crisis factors.

Next, Deng Shiyao and Master Tianjiang took Yang Fan to observe the "Reincarnation Star Castle".

Entering the star core layer of the oval palace, Deng Shiyao told Yang Fan how to control the star castle.

The entire reincarnation star castle with a radius of thousands of feet suddenly trembled, and a magnificent silver glow bloomed.

The "Tianyi Disk" around the oval palace deformed impressively, folded in an incredible way, and wrapped the oval palace, and the entire reincarnation star castle was transformed into a huge black iron ball.

"This is a defensive form. Under the Immortal Emperor, there will be no power to cause damage to it."

Deng Shiyao said with a smile.

Then, the sky wing plate changed again, the black steel armor that originally wrapped the oval palace was divided into six pieces of iron wings that were thousands of feet long.

The six iron wings are tough and flexible, like the feathers of a Kunpeng, they sweep across 10,000+ miles with a single wave.

"So fast." Yang Fan was very pleasantly surprised.

Next, the Star Fortress of Reincarnation showed its attack form again, and the sky wing disk near the oval palace was constructed into a fortress again, with black steel pipes sticking out.

Forbidden weapons such as the "Star Destroyer Cannon" were placed on the wings of the plane this day.

Defense, flight, attack, everything is available, these are the magical functions of the Tianyi plate, and it also occupies a huge proportion of the volume of the reincarnation star castle.

Master Tianjiang also suggested with a smile: "If you can put the sub-artifact of Immortal Emperor Lanbing into the Xingyuan Furnace, it will definitely increase the ability of the entire Star Castle to a higher level."

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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