Xianhong Road

Chapter 1112 Indelible last wish

Chapter 1112 Indelible last wish

"If you can put the sub-artifact of Immortal Emperor Blue Ice into the Xingyuan Furnace, it will definitely increase the ability of the entire Star Castle to a higher level."

After listening to Master Tianjiang's proposal, Yang Fan was very moved.

He pondered for a moment, then said with a smile, "Why not?"

At this stage, the reincarnation disk is the most suitable natal magic weapon, and many other fairy weapons, fairy treasures and even sub-sacred weapons cannot really fit and exert their own ability attributes.

——Unless there is something as powerful as the Peerless Excalibur, which can form a fatal temptation for him.

"Emperor Yang Xian is really willing?"

Master Tianjiang felt unbelievable and was surprised. His proposal was just a joke.

No one has more right to say than him, the master of refining, how rare the artifacts are.

Behind any sub-artifact in the Seven Realms Space, it represents the crystallization of countless painstaking efforts and wisdom of one or even several master craftsmen, and the refining efficiency is not high, and this is not counting the long process of collecting materials.

As for sub-artifacts, even ordinary immortal emperors only own one or two at most, and most of them are cherished by all means, and they are rarely used.

Master Tianjiang did not expect that Yang Fan would be willing to take out a sub-artifact as a smelting furnace material and put it into the Xingyuan Furnace.

"If you can make the 'Reincarnation Star Fortress' stronger and stronger, Yang is still willing to pay for artifacts one by one. After all, this Star Fortress will be our home in the future."

Yang Fan said with a smile, his attitude was very decisive.

With a thought, a crystal ice sword overflowing with cold air and shining with magnificent brilliance appeared in front of the two of them.

The power of the sub-artifact contained an extreme chill and coercion that pierced the soul, making everyone in the audience feel as if they were trapped in an ice cellar, their whole bodies were icy cold, and they almost lost the strength to move.

"Hehe, as expected of a sub-sacred weapon, it actually comes with the power of the domain. This cold-attribute attack sub-sacred weapon is probably beyond the control of a fairy-level person."

Yang Fan said slightly approvingly.

After all, he handed over this masterless artifact to Master Tianjiang.

Heavenly Craftsman stretched out his hand to lightly stroke the snow-white and exquisite texture of the Ice Crystal Excalibur, and praised: "This is a sub-divine artifact that has been passed down for a long time. I don't know if it is the masterpiece of the master who used to refine it. It's a pity, a pity..."

It is a pity that such a stunning masterpiece has to be put into the "Star Source Furnace" as a raw material.

If this divine sword falls into the hands of a suitable immortal emperor, it will be able to exert extremely terrifying power.

Yang Fan smiled calmly, as if abandoning a sub-artifact was not important to him.

This kind of behavior made Master Tianjiang frown slightly: This is a sub-sacred weapon, the peak skill of a master of the Seven Realms, and it is treated like this by this person.

But then he thought, the person in front of him is favored by Wushuang Divine Sword, and he is qualified to give up a sub-divine weapon.

After all, the Peerless Excalibur is a true artifact, the No. [-] artifact on the Seven Realms Divine Weapon list.

And as far as he knows, the Peerless Excalibur is not an ordinary divine weapon...

Master Tianjiang put away the Ice Crystal Excalibur, and then went down to discuss with Deng Shiyao how to smelt this sub-artifact.

The Xingyuan Furnace itself is also a sub-artifact. If you want the reincarnation star castle to smelt and absorb the material and power of this sub-artifact, it will not be possible to do it in a while.

After dealing with Immortal Emperor Lan Bing, Yang Fan left Xianhong Space and began to pay attention to Yunxiao Palace.

As the head of the Ninth Immortal Guard, he often has affairs to deal with, and he even has to personally come forward for some important matters.

He has been waiting for news from Yu Mengqing.

In addition to deducing realms and collecting materials on weekdays, Yang Fan often misses this matter.

Ninth Princess, is it the Yuxi that I am looking for?

In other words, what happened to Yuxi, who once came to the mortal realm, after returning to the upper realm?
During the long wait, 1 years passed in a blink of an eye.

Yang Fan's only friend in Yunxiao Palace turned out to be that Immortal Emperor Yuyun.

The Immortal Emperor has a long and infinite life and time, breaking through the realm cannot be achieved by time.

In his spare time, Xiandi is more boring than anyone else.

Immortal Emperor Yuyun's keen eyes noticed the changes in Yang Fan.

"You haven't practiced your body refining technique anymore?"

Immortal Emperor Yuyun said in a seemingly casual manner.

Changed to a new body, Yang Fan's new body is condensed with a green leaf of life. Although it is exactly the same as Yang Qi's body, the difference is the traces of body training.

Naturally, it is impossible for a new body to immediately possess a body training skill of over 10 years.

"You don't need to practice anymore. Physical training doesn't mean much to me."

Yang Fan said leisurely, as if he didn't regard the person in front of him as the real immortal emperor, his immediate boss.

In fact, the supernatural power contained in a green leaf of life has surpassed the level of a fairy, and its vitality is more majestic and powerful than the previous physical body.

Since this physical body is derived from the green leaf of life, it is one with the tree of life in the life core space, and the two have their own hidden connection.

As long as the tree of Yunsheng is not destroyed, Yang Fan's physical body can be called an indestructible body, and his recovery power is more terrifying than before, and he can achieve immortality.

Backed by the vast sea of ​​life force, Yang Fan no longer has to worry about his physical body being easily destroyed.

"I hope that you, an 'unusual number', will not cause harm to Yunxiao Palace... Otherwise, this emperor will be very embarrassed."

Immortal Emperor Yuyun didn't ask about this any more, but just reminded him with a little deep meaning.

Yang Fan understood that what Immortal Emperor Yuyun said meant that he paid more attention to his friendship with him and regarded himself as a true friend.

Even though he found something strange about Yang Fan, Immortal Emperor Yuyun turned a blind eye.

Finally on this day, the person Yang Fan was waiting for appeared.

After more than ten thousand years, Yu Mengqing appeared and met Yang Fan secretly.

"According to the exact news, the emperor will leave Yunxiao Palace in a hundred years and go to the distant 'demon world'. It is said that he will compete with his old opponent."

Yu Mengqing brought a gratifying news.

"This is really a good opportunity."

Yang Fan couldn't help saying.

The supernatural power and strength of the Great Emperor are hard to estimate.

As long as he is still in Yunxiao Palace and living in the inner palace, it will be difficult for Yang Fan to meet Yuxi in private.

"Hmph, don't be too happy, Princess Jiu didn't agree to meet you."

Yu Mengqing said something coldly.

Yang Fan was startled, and suddenly remembered that the Ninth Princess didn't know him at all.

The only doubt is that she couldn't put it down when she first saw the Qixiang Jade Soul Flute.

"Hehe, I will trouble you on this matter. Let me present the princess with a sheet of music, maybe she will like it. Then you will take care of this matter."

Yang Fan took out an exquisite sheet music and handed it to Yu Mengqing carefully.

When Yun Yuxi was in the lower realm, she loved instrumental music. She once composed music and gave Yang Fan a few copies.

"Okay, I can only try my best, but I'm afraid there is little chance of success."

Yu Mengqing didn't stay long and left in a hurry.

As a result, within half a year, Yu Mengqing ran over again, and said in amazement: "The princess loves this score very much, and regards it as a treasure."

"This is really strange. Princess Nine has such a high vision. Why can she love everything you give her so much?"

Yu Mengqing was amazed.

"I don't know about the date, can you handle it?"

Yang Fan asked.

"...Although the princess is very curious and interested in you, she will not come out easily and meet you alone. This is the result of my insinuations."

Yu Mengqing said with a happy face.

After all, the princess did not refuse. This matter is completely hopeful, which has already surprised her.

Yang Fan frowned slightly, a little disappointed.

This farewell, Yang Fan gave Yu Mengqing another piece of music, which was also left by Yu Xi.

Only one month later, Yu Mengqing came back.

"Yang Qi, you are almost successful, the princess is a little tempted, and wants to come out to see you..."

Yu Mengqing said congratulations with a smile, she looked at Yang Fan with admiration at this moment.

Looking at the star world, there are so many suitors of the nine princesses. Those who can make the princess come forward to meet him. Looking at the heaven, it seems that only the perfect "Floating Forest Immortal Emperor" can do it.

"Success soon? So, Princess Nine hasn't planned to come out yet?"

Yang Fan is not satisfied with this progress.

"My God, you are still not satisfied? The princess wants to see you very much, and she has her own reserve. Besides, with her status and status, her every move is watched by everyone, and it is very difficult to meet you alone. If this matter If you don’t handle it well, it may even bring you death.”

Yu Mengqing said inconceivably that he was very dissatisfied with Yang Fan's dissatisfaction.

After all, the "record" she has achieved at this moment is already brilliant. The rookies and talents in the heavens have spent tens of thousands of years, which is not as good as Yang Fan's current progress in just a few years.

"You tell Princess Nine that if she refuses to meet, after a hundred years, Yang will personally go over and retrieve what belongs to me."

Yang Fan said aggressively.

"Yang Qi, how can this be done? Do you want to destroy the image you have built up in the princess' heart?"

Yu Mengqing said angrily.

"Please add one more sentence, the score and the jade flute are all left by the woman Yang once loved."

Yang Fan's tone seemed unquestionable.

Yu Mengqing felt an inexplicable oppression and his heart trembled.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the beginning, and had lost control of her soul and life.

After a long time.

Yu Mengqing took a deep breath and said bitterly: "This is your own wish, then I will convey it truthfully..."

Yang Fan smiled without saying a word.

This time, Yu Mengqing left very angrily, and sneered secretly in his heart: "Looking at the Seven Realms, there is no man who dares to pursue the Ninth Princess with such a strong method. Just wait and cry, hum."

Watching her leave, Yang Fan closed his eyes and took a long breath: "I don't have enough time and patience. If I can't succeed, I have to sneak into the inner palace."

At the moment when his cultivation was about to enter the "derivation period", he suddenly felt a certain inspiration.

Back then in the mortal world, the agreement with Wushuang was deep in my heart and could not be erased.

In the depths of the soul, a voice has frequently emerged recently:
"Today you and I stand on top of the human world. In the last battle in this world, either you will die or you will die... Before this battle, I hope to reach a final agreement with you."

"If I am the one who loses... I hope you can inherit my supreme sword will and long-cherished wish - to return to the upper realm!!!"


"Following my wish, kill back to the upper realm... Blood stains the heavens and breaks the iron rules."

At the heart seal of the soul, the sword will faintly trembled, as if there were signs of awakening.

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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