Chapter 106 Gentle and Virtuous
Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at Chu Bei, and squeezed a smile, "What's wrong with the queen today, if you need help from me, just tell me, you are suddenly so gentle and virtuous, I feel very uncomfortable."

Chu Bei: "...."

Is this king really that bad in her mind?
Chu Bei was a little bit stuck, and wanted to get some goodwill, but he didn't like it.

Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, and Xiao Ci looked weird and didn't know what to say.

They looked at Chu Bei, frowned slightly, and felt that he had changed more and more. They agreed that they would never be emotional with the empress, but they didn't expect him to be the first to be emotional.

But this is a good thing for them. If Chu Bei really likes the empress, the two have a good relationship, and the prince is born early, they don't have to worry about the empress asking them to sleep with them. Maybe they can shake hands with the empress and make peace. Palace, the day of restoring the status of freedom is just around the corner.

Sisters serving one husband together will eventually become enemies, fighting each other for favor, not to mention brothers serving one wife together.

That scene is really unimaginable and unacceptable. I don't want my brothers to turn against each other because of a woman.

For the four of them, to fulfill the covenant with the late emperor, only Chu Bei is the most suitable...

So after much deliberation, Chu Bei intends to show his favor to the Empress, but Xia Houjin and the others didn't say anything, and even willingly acted as their god assist, trying to find a way to make the two fall in love.

It was rare for the three of them to hit it off, and now seeing the attitude of the empress, their brows were tightened, Chu Bei had done too much in the past, so it might be a bit difficult to try to establish a good impression at this moment.


Chu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up into a smile, like the spring breeze in March, with a hint of chill, "This king wants to reward you. I heard that the emperor slipped out of the palace again and was assassinated..."


At this moment, Mu Wan suddenly yelled. She stared at Chu Bei, sweating profusely, behaving strangely, and her voice was so loud that Lu Fei and the others were startled. Looking at her, and then at Chu Bei, she always felt that she and Chu Bei There was something strange between the two, Lu Fei frowned and said, "Boss, what's wrong with you? We didn't hear what big brother said just now."

Chu Bei rested his chopsticks, smiled, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Mu Wan, but said nothing.

And Mu Wan blinked her eyes, quickly dodged, then picked up the piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, stuffed it in her mouth, and said with a smile, "Haha, I'm so happy, I didn't expect the queen and a few concubines to accompany me for dinner today. The queen is so gentle and virtuous, I'm just too excited, it's okay, it's okay, everyone continue to eat...don't worry about me."

The four people from Chubei: "..."

She didn't want Xiaoqi and the others to know that she was Bai Shier?
Oh, good guy!
It means that she still wants to sneak out of the palace to drink flower wine next time?
Mu Wan didn't dare to look them in the eyes, she still wanted to leave the palace under the identity of Bai Twelve, it's not good to be known by too many people, but they wronged her, she didn't intend to hide it from Lu Xiaoqi and the others.

I just don't want Lu Fei and the others to know about her assassination and Chu Yan's poisoning. It's too difficult to get it back.

Coupled with Lu Xiaoqi's temper, if she knew that she was almost killed when she was assassinated, she would definitely not be able to sit still and seek revenge from those people.

And he and Ling Wang have always been at odds, fighting against each other and fighting.

Presumably the first one will go to question him.

Even if it was really the killer sent by the King of Ling, what Chu Yan said was reasonable. You can't startle the enemy. If you can't beat the enemy, you should find a way to avoid them first, and then deal with them after you can beat them.

But Lu Fei was still too young to hold his breath, and he was afraid that he would suffer a loss if he acted impulsively.

Chu Bei glanced at Lu Fei, as if he suddenly understood her thoughts.

Looking at Mu Wan, Situ Mo's eyes became more inquiring. Unexpectedly, she would consider this question...


Afterwards, there were small plum dishes. Mu Wan was half in a good mood, and rested her chopsticks after eating two mouthfuls, and didn't want to stay with Chu Bei any longer.

When the emperor rests his chopsticks, other people will naturally stop eating. This is the rule in the palace.

Even Chu Bei and the others had to abide by it, so as not to be caught... Another messy mess.

After the meal, Mu Wan's plan was to sit down with Lu Xiaoqi and the others to catch up and talk about the past, and talk about opening a shop.

But when Chu Bei came, the plan was messed up, and he told Lu Fei and the others to go back if they had nothing to do.

Lu Xiaoqi was full of displeasure, but Mu Wan didn't keep him, so he was a little sad.

Lou Yu pulled him, looked at Chu Bei, and secretly said, "The emperor is inconvenient today, let's leave the palace first and come back another day."

(End of this chapter)

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