Chapter 107
Shen Qing and Gu Qingze also nodded, and quietly showed him the token. The boss asked Xiao Lizi to slip it to them secretly. With the token, they can enter the palace anytime they want, and the emperor doesn't need to summon him specially.

Lu Fei looked at the token and immediately smiled, winked at Mu Wan, and smiled secretly, the boss is smart!

Mu Wan gave him a mischievous wink, be good, be obedient, go back first, the boss will go play with you guys after dealing with the old foxes!
Understood, Mu Wan's painstaking efforts, Lu Fei and the others looked at Chu Bei and the others, and they were in a better mood than ever. The boss disliked them, which means that they have more status in the boss's mind now, haha!

I didn't know how envious they were of Chu Bei's concubines, the boss loved them very much. leave it to them.

Now the salted fish has finally turned around, and the feng shui has turned.


Lu Fei took the token and left the palace contentedly.

Mu Wan secretly waved his hands. These small movements fell into Chu Bei's eyes.

Standing forward, condescending, said coldly, "'The emperor wants to accept a concubine again?"

Mu Wan froze, her face flushed slightly, and she covered her lips and said, "Why is the queen so angry? When did I say that I want to accept a concubine? Even if I want to accept a concubine, don't you have to agree to it?"

He is the biggest in the harem, and the last emperor's edict clearly stated that if she wants to marry a concubine, she must obtain his permission, including the draft in the three-year general election. If he does not agree, the draft will not be allowed.

In this matter, the first emperor was really partial, and made Mu Wan jealous for a long time. If he changed his identity with Chu Bei, he would definitely not be treated so well.

After asking the old prince of Chu, they found out that those conditions were the conditions that the late emperor had to compromise in order to let Chu Bei be her queen. At the beginning, Chu Bei was unmoved by these conditions, so the late emperor retreated and gave them the second. His military power.

Not only Chu Bei, Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, Xiao Ci, they also agreed to enter the palace to become a concubine after giving them enough benefits, such as a gold medal for avoiding death, a pile of priceless dowry, promotions and so on.

Just taking salary as an example, her monthly salary for an emperor is only 2000 taels, while the queen is 2 taels, the noble concubine is 5000 taels, and the virtuous concubine, de concubine, and Shu concubine are 1 taels. Legacy.

As for those concubines who are not so powerful, there is an imperial decree to let them enter the palace, and Chu Bei has the final say on everything about their salary...

To put it bluntly, the first emperor also bullied the weak and feared the hard.


Thinking of this, Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei and sneered in her heart, didn't she hate her, why did she care about her concubine's draft?Could it be that he would be jealous if she accepts his concubine?


Seeing the smile in her eyes, Chu Bei felt a little annoyed, and snorted coldly, "The harem is full now, and the national treasury is empty. If the emperor wants to recruit a concubine, he should first find a way to fill the treasury, enough for the concubines to squander."


"Does it mean that if I fill up the national treasury, the queen will agree to accept my concubine for the draft, doesn't it?" Mu Wan rubbed her chin and smiled.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, and his voice was low, unable to hear any emotion or anger, "If you have the ability, now you should explain to me about the assassination in the palace and the poisoning of the third brother?"

Just casually said it was Mu Wan's seven inches, but if she squeezed hard, she would die.

When the basin of cold water came down, Mu Wan's face changed slightly, and her small smug smile disappeared.

She took a deep breath and said, "This time it was my negligence that caused the Third Young Master Chu to suffer. I will make up for him when I turn back."

She took the initiative to admit her mistake, her attitude was very good, her tone obviously softened a bit, and Chu Bei couldn't find a chance to make things difficult for her.

"Since the emperor knows it's wrong to sneak out of the palace, he shouldn't be out of the palace. Don't you realize how dangerous your situation is after all kinds of assassinations and poisoning these days?" Chu Bei's eyes were stern, but his tone softened. a bit.

"The queen doesn't understand my mood. I'm going to die in depression in this palace. You still don't allow me to go out of the palace to breathe? It's not safe outside the palace, but it doesn't seem so safe in this palace!" Mu Wanying Looking into his eyes, she pulled her lips and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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