Chapter 119 The prince calms down!
Fu Si was almost escorted to Xuanwu Hall by the hidden guards. Although he had heard the situation from the hidden guards, he still couldn't figure out how the Empress was poisoned.

When they were eating the hot pot, he checked all the food, and there was no poison. Could it be the thousand-year-old ginseng?It doesn't make sense, the Zhou family would not do such a stupid thing, and they didn't know that the emperor would eat thousand-year-old ginseng soup, right?

Didn't Chu Bei also eat together? He's fine.

Fu Si couldn't figure it out all the way.

When he saw Jun Muwan looking sick and dying, Fu Si frowned, and stretched out his hand to feel her pulse. Immediately, piles of black lines fell down on his forehead, "It's not's just a letter from the moon."

This woman is really big-hearted. For the first time, she dared to eat and drink sunflower water. She ate spicy and stimulating food, and she was blamed if it didn't hurt to death!
After listening to him, Chu Bei also had thick black lines all over his head, and he glanced at Nanny Tan with cold eyes, and said in an extremely cold voice, "Damn it, why do you serve the emperor!"

After Mu Wan lost her mother since she was a child, the late emperor brought her up, but as the king, the late emperor had a lot of government affairs to deal with, not every detail, plus the late emperor raised her as a boy, with a carefree personality, I'm afraid he didn't even know what sunflower water was. .

She is under 16 years old...

"My lord, calm down, this servant deserves to die!" Nanny Tan knelt down, and all the maids and eunuchs in the room knelt down and kowtowed in fear, not even daring to beg for mercy when faced with the angry face of the King of Chu.

Fu Si gave her a few needles and took an analgesic pill. It didn't take long for Mu Wan to wake up.

"'Still out!"

All she heard was the sound of thunder and fury.

Everyone in the room immediately shut up and exited the emperor's palace without daring to breathe.

Chu Bei turned around and put on a gentle expression, "How do you feel? Does it still hurt?"

Mu Wan shook her head and nodded again, the pain was so painful just now, it will be bursts of pain.

Her lips turned pale, and she said, "Did I get poisoned by something?"

Chu Bei: "..."

Fu Si: "..."

"Your Majesty, the Yuexin has come." Fu Si Fu said.

Mu Wan: "...."

monthly letter?Auntie? !
Damn, I'm here as my aunt, and I almost forgot about it.

In her previous life, she would not have a stomachache when she came to be an aunt.

Why is it so painful now?

Mu Wan's face was flushed, looking at the two embarrassed men, she really didn't want to live anymore.


Get into bed, I don't want to see people anymore.

Fu Si prescribed the medicine, and then issued an IOU.

"Seeing a doctor late at night, 1 taels of gold!"

Mu Wan: "."

He did it on purpose!
Want to avenge his little junior sister?

Mu Wan's face darkened, and she was so angry that she wished to smash him to death with a silver ticket. When she got up, she shouted ten million taels of gold into his face, "Here you are!"

Fu Si frowned slightly, where did she get so much money?

Glancing at the bank note, his eyes dimmed slightly, and he glanced coldly at Chu Beijun's face before he left the Xuanwu Hall.

After returning to Qingfeng Palace, Situ Mo told him that they had an appointment with the first emperor, and there was always one of them who would stand up to fulfill the agreement, and it was none other than Chubei.

The empress of the palace, who else could she have if it wasn't him.

Now Chu Bei can slowly accept the Empress, which is a good thing, so they all decided to help Chu Bei win favor in front of the Empress.

And Fu Si wanted to betroth Miss Zhou to Chu Bei, so he could only give up his heart completely.

"Chu Bei doesn't like your junior sister at all, isn't it embarrassing brother if you force it to him?" Xiao Ci pulled him to sit down and persuaded him.

Fu Sihei said with a sullen face, "Then what should Lan'er do? She only has Chu Bei in her heart. If it were you, would you bear to watch Princess Xuan weep?"

Xiao Ci's and Situ Mo's expressions changed at the same time, and they really have no right to say anything if this matter didn't come to him.

Xia Houjin said, "Don't you like Miss Zhou? It's fine if you marry her. Brothers and sisters are right. You are still childhood sweethearts, and you know everything... There is no better choice than you."

Fu Si's eyes darkened, his face became more and more ugly, and he yelled at him, "Who do you think I am! We are just brothers and sisters!"

 Blue skinny!mushroom!My stomach hurts and I took a leave of absence for a day (-﹏-)
(End of this chapter)

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