Chapter 120 Food Protection...

After being yelled at by him with drool all over her face, Xia Houjin was not angry, and continued to smile and said, "It's not a real brother and sister, what are you afraid of, Miss Zhou is still the most beautiful woman in the capital, the most talented woman, so outstanding, you don't even think about it." If you want to marry, then why give it to elder brother? You are worried about her future happiness, and you are afraid that she will not be happy if she marries someone else, so you will take care of her for the rest of your life!"


Fu Si was blocked speechless, his face livid.

Xia Houjin looked at his stinky face, and curled her lips with a teacup, "You people in Yaowang Valley have always been domineering and arrogant. This son knew it a long time ago. I thought you were different from them, but I didn't expect you to have this kind of virtue. I don't even know you." What you want to do but impose on others, my elder brother has misunderstood the person."

Fu Si: "...."

When the two disagreed, their necks turned red. Situ Mo and Xiao Ci each pulled the other, "Okay, let's not say a few words. We can't force it to be emotional. We don't favor anyone in this matter. In all fairness, Fu Si...Your junior sister should not get involved, she has no chance of winning!"

Fu Si looked at Situ Mo and Xiao Ci, his cold eyebrows flickered slightly. He knew that Chu Bei was attracted to the empress, and he also knew that his junior sister had no chance of winning. He sighed slightly, "I'm worried that Lan'er will do it if she knows this What happened to extremes, you don’t know her well, Lan’er has been competitive since she was a child, arrogant and arrogant, she must get what she likes, and would rather destroy it if she can’t get it..."

Breaking off the engagement with Chu Bei hit her hard, but when she returned to the capital, she acted as if nothing had happened. It was not in her nature to make friends with Jun Muwan calmly. There was something he never dared to tell them...

At the beginning, the empress was intoxicated by the ecstasy incense, which led to a drastic change in temperament, irascibility and cruelty, and finally she fell into the water and almost died. It was all Lan Er's tricks secretly. When she returned to the capital and approached the nine princesses, she took revenge preparation.

"Is that the sachet?" Situ Mo and the others turned extremely ugly.

I remember that the empress always carried a sachet on her body, which was embroidered for her by Miss Zhou herself.

After falling into the water, the sachet disappeared. Did Fu Si secretly take it away and hide it?

Fu Si's eyes dodged, and he said weakly, "Aren't I afraid that the sachet will be discovered by Prince Qi and the others and they will take the opportunity to attack the Zhou family?"


The three of them stared at him, too angry to speak.

"Bring something!"

At this moment, Chu Bei walked in with a dark face.

Seeing him, Fu Si's face was covered with black lines, his red lips turned pale, and he had to take out the sachet.

They didn't like Jun Muwan before, so they didn't care about these things.

But I didn't expect Fu Si to protect his weaknesses so much, it won't work if it goes on like this.

Chu Bei held the sachet tightly, looked at Fu Si coldly, and said coldly, "She is likely to become your little junior sister!"

The implication is that he will help the Empress achieve her wish, and then he cannot be partial.

Fu Si's expression changed, "You... broke your promise and gained weight."

Chu Bei glanced at him coldly, ignored him, held a teacup as soon as he was a copy of the king, he broke his promise and became fat, what the hell!
Fu Si was furious, and agreed not to help the empress learn art from a teacher.

Situ Mo and the others were also silent.

Well, up to now, they are all turning against each other, and they will only support the Empress, especially Chu Bei.

Talking is useless.

In the end, he also had to help out, who told him to lose the bet to this man.

Yaowanggu puts the most emphasis on promises, and he can't break his promises.

As for Lan'er's matter... it's better to repair the book and give it to the master, he doesn't care.

Fu Si got angry and figured it out.

But Chu Bei didn't intend to let him go like this, he said, "Bring the 1 taels of gold and silver tickets!"

Fu Si's eyes darkened, and he said angrily, "King Chu, are you valuing sex over friends so soon?"

Chu Bei smiled charmingly and raised his eyebrows, "This king's woman can't be hurt by anyone. You have to protect your junior sister, and this king wants to protect this king's woman. Is there a difference?"

He just doesn't want to stop him from protecting his junior sister, but that woman provoked him that day, and if he dares to touch Jun Muwan again, then he won't be valuing sex over friends, but don't blame him for being cruel and ruthless, hum!

Started feeding so soon...

Fu Si opened his mouth, what else could he do, he knew Chu Bei's human nature, he said one thing, if Lan Er persisted in his obsession, and met Chu King Nilin, even he might not be able to keep her at that time.

So Fu Si depressedly handed over the 1 taels of silver notes that hadn't been warmed up honestly, and added another 10 taels, "For the sake of money, you should spare Lan'er for a while. In the worst case, I will No fee for the empress' consultation will be charged."

(End of this chapter)

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