The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 121 Cutting off the gown to judge righteousness! ?

Chapter 121 Cutting off the gown to judge righteousness! ?
Chu Bei raised his long eyelashes, his eyes that looked like Danqing ink paintings glanced over coldly, raised his red lips, and said with a half-smile, "You send the 10 taels to Xuanwu Hall yourself. If the emperor accepts it, I will The king can barely spare her."

Fu Si had a headache, "Can't you treat me as a brother for once?"

"If you marry Miss Zhou, I can let the past go." Chu Bei chuckled while holding the teacup.

As soon as these words came out, Fu Si's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth, "I will never help Lan'er in the future, let alone force you to accept Lan'er, okay!!"

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows and glanced at Fu Si's gloomy face, his lips curved into a smile, "Well, since you promised, you must do it, Yaowanggu's most important promise, I believe in you, so I will help you Just once."

Get cheap and sell well!
Fu Si was so angry that his fists creaked, wishing he could crush him to death.

Xia Houjin and the others grabbed him and said with a smile, "Don't make big brother angry, or you will feel uncomfortable."

Fu Si clutched his chest, really, he was about to die of anger, a bunch of bad friends...

"Brother Fu, what do you want to do?"

The corner of Fu Si's mouth twitched, and he grabbed his sleeve robe, wanting to cut justice with them! !

However, the quality of the brocade robe was very good, it couldn't be torn off after two times of tearing, and it was pulled by Xia Houjin and Xiao Ci, so he didn't have the strength to tear it off.

Situ Mo didn't know what he wanted to do, he thought he wanted to tear off the brocade clothes and break free from Xia Houjin and the others, so he walked over and said, "I'll help you, I'll help you!"

We are all good brothers and we can't favor one.

He went over and grabbed the brocade robes on both sides casually.


In an instant, Fu Si's arms were bare, and his torn brocade robe was flying in the air.

Xia Houjin and Xiao Ci were also shaken away by an extremely powerful internal force, and they fell on the chairs behind.

Fu Si stood on the main hall with his arms bare, the wind was turbulent, and he watched the brocade clothes flutter and fall.

With an innocent face, Situ Mo picked up two halves of brocade robes and gave them to him, "Brother Fu Si..."

The corners of Fu Si's mouth were twitching, staring at Situ Mo, his figure flickered, tearing...

The entire Qingfeng Hall was filled with the sound of brocade robes being torn.

Not long after, the brocade robes on their bodies were torn off, revealing two bare arms, and the brocade robes fluttered down on the red carpet.

Good brothers who have agreed to share blessings and difficulties together.

You can't treat one more favorably than another, so Chu Bei was not spared either.

His martial arts are so strong that the four of them teamed up to tear off his brocade robe.

Seeing Chu Bei's livid face, Fu Si felt much better.

Humming a ditty, Your Excellency, I ran to the side hall to change clothes and prepare to sleep.


At this time, Mu Wan had just taken the medicine, so her stomach didn't feel so uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, you all step back."

It's not easy for anyone to toss around at night.


Nanny Tan and the others bowed and nodded.

After going out, Mother Tan instructed the two maids and two eunuchs who were on guard at night, "Take care carefully. If the emperor makes any mistakes, be careful not to lose your head!"

There was a sharp voice, and the palace servants all tensed up, knelt down and kowtowed, "Your servant, remember, I will serve the emperor well!"

Just as the king of Chu was furious, each of them knew in their hearts that if the emperor made any mistake, the king of Chu would not spare them.

Mother Tan was even more suspicious, wondering which song the King of Chu was singing?
The master ascended the throne as the emperor, and he became the empress. Everyone saw that the king of Chu didn't like the empress, and he was even less willing to be the empress.

But today... I don't know.

Nanny Tan sighed, and Xiao Lizi and Biyue followed her the day after tomorrow, thinking that it was lucky that Nanny came back, otherwise they would have been scared to death about what happened today.

Before the emperor had a high fever, the King of Chu was very angry and wanted to kill Xiao Li... Thinking of the cold look in the eyes of the King of Chu, Xiao Li couldn't help but tremble all over.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for Doudou!


(End of this chapter)

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