Chapter 122 Sealing Fee

Biyue bit her slightly pale lips, looked at Nanny Tan and said, "Mommy, the emperor has lost his memory and doesn't know the empress and the empress, the empress pretended to be the third son of Chu and approached the emperor, do you want to tell her about it?"

After the empress woke up, she and Xiao Lizi spent the longest time with her. They were all in touch with Mu Wan's temper. If they concealed this matter and did not report it, Longyan would be furious and their heads would fall. !
She is afraid...

Xiao Lizi also nodded sharply, "Nurse, the emperor has changed a lot since he woke up, we...we..."

Although he was afraid of the King of Chu, he was also afraid of the Empress now.

After all, the Empress is their master, and failing to report her knowledge is a crime of deceiving the emperor. Last time, Mu Wan beat him up.

Nanny Tan's heart was also in a mess, and she was in a dilemma, one side was the powerful queen, the other side was their loyal emperor.

The three of them were so worried that they couldn't sleep. Except for them, the others were all sent by Suzaku Hall. If Mu Wan blamed them, they would only blame them.

"Go to bed first, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Nanny Tan said after thinking about it.

But at this moment, several figures suddenly jumped down, like ghosts, and quickly tapped their dumb points.

In a blink of an eye, they were taken captive to the Suzaku Hall.

The King of Chu stared at them condescendingly, his eyes as cold as water.

The dark guard opened their acupoints.

The three hurriedly kowtowed anxiously, "Kowtow to... the prince."

"Nurse Tan please get up."

But unexpectedly, the king of Chu did not kill them, but treated them with more courtesy, gave them a seat, and rewarded them with 1000 taels.

But the more this happened, the more frightened Tan Momo and the others became, their hands and feet were cold.

"Thank you, my lord, I don't know why my lord is looking for servants and maidservants..." Tan Momo asked calmly.

She thought, the king of Chu would definitely not kill people to silence him.

At most admonish them.

After all, she was still the emperor's nanny, a senior old man in the palace, she would look at the Buddha's face as well as the monk's face, and killing them would arouse the suspicion of the empress.

But even so, she was still afraid of Chu Bei.

The empress had no choice but to kill him, even if he really wanted to kill him, no one could do anything to him.

Nanny Tan cheered up and didn't dare to relax.

Chu Bei smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mammy, I won't kill people to silence you."

Hearing that, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"The king came here to ask the three of you for help." Chu Bei's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. The three of them were all from Mu Wan's side. If they really killed her, she would definitely be angry. Will not do it again.

"I don't know what this old servant can do to help the lord..." Tan Momo and the others still asked anxiously.

"I don't like this king's reward?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Seeing them obediently accepting the bank notes, a smile appeared on Chu Bei's face.

"This king hopes that you will keep your mouth shut."

Three people: "..."

So the 1000 taels of silver is the hush money?

"I know what you are worried about. I will take care of everything. You don't have to worry about the crime of deceiving the king." Chu Bei looked at the sharp eyes of the three and said with a light smile.

Xiao Lizi and Bi Yue were too scared to speak out.

Tan Momo was a little embarrassed, and said earnestly, "Why did the prince do this? If the emperor finds out, Longyan will definitely be furious, and I'm afraid the prince will be even more annoyed at that time."

It's normal for husband and wife to fight, but she couldn't figure out why the king of Chu would hide his identity to deceive the emperor.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he coughed lightly, "Nurse, don't you want the relationship between the king and the emperor to get better?"

Tan Momo's eyes lit up, she looked up at the tall man, and said in great surprise, "My lord means that you have finally figured it out and want to consummate the marriage with the emperor."

Chu Bei: "...."

(End of this chapter)

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