Chapter 123 Shyness
As soon as these words came out, Xiao Lizi, Bi Yue, and even the hidden guard were dumbfounded.

They all looked at Chu Bei together.

is that true?

Chasing Shadow shouted in shock, "My lord..."

The prince has decided to consummate the marriage with the emperor...Have you given birth to a prince yet?

Chu Bei's face darkened, and he stared at him sharply.

Chasing Shadow hurriedly shrunk his neck in fright, yes, the master is shy.

He didn't dare to talk anymore, but he couldn't keep Nanny Tan happy. She laughed so hard that the wrinkles on her face almost disappeared, her smile was as bright as a chrysanthemum, "Don't worry, my lord, this old servant will keep his mouth shut."

Now she finally figured it out. It turned out that the king of Chu wanted to cultivate a relationship with the emperor. It was almost because the relationship between the two was too rigid before. The emperor and empress were married, and the bridal chamber was full of festive nights. The king of Chu almost strangled the emperor to death.

Just because of this matter, it is impossible for Mu Wan to consummate the marriage with him, and she will not forgive him easily.

Who told him that he loved to die in the past, and wiped out the emperor's only affection for him.

After Mu Wan was seriously ill, he lost his memory when he woke up, and no one could remember it. This was his chance. He wanted to take this opportunity to reconcile with the emperor, so he pretended to be the third son of Chu and approached the emperor.

Let's just say that the two are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, it is impossible for the queen to have no feelings for the emperor.

The more Tan Momo thought about it, the more excited she became, "Since the lord has figured it out, after the emperor's letter has been approved last month, this old servant will arrange for you..."

"My king has his own arrangements for this matter. You don't have to worry about it, you just need to keep your identity secret." Chu Bei clenched his fists, his ears were slightly red, and he said with a handsome face.

Nanny Tan: "...."

This child is probably shy!
Ha ha…

Tan Momo was so happy that she even forgot her fear, and said with a quick smile, "Old slave knows, this old slave will help the prince with a few good words in front of the emperor, so that the emperor will not be angry anymore, prince, don't worry, this old slave knows How to do."

Chu Bei heaved a sigh of relief, this was what he wanted to hear the most, and that was what he meant.

He nodded in satisfaction, and said in a cold voice, "It's just good that Mammy understands."

Nanny Tan happily accepted the hush money, and then went back with Xiao Lizi and the others.

Because they were captured secretly by the hidden guards, naturally the dark guards sent them back secretly, so as not to alarm others.

At this time, Mu Wan didn't know it at all, she had already fallen asleep and entered a dream.

the next day.

She was dressed and ready to go to court in the morning.

But Dexi from the Suzaku Palace came early, "I kowtow to the emperor, the emperor is safe!"

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, looking at the eunuch, she felt strange, why was she so respectful today? !

"Is the Queen looking for something for me?"

"Report to the emperor, the empress learned that the emperor is unwell, so she sent a servant to tell the emperor that the empress will go to court for you this morning." Dexi said.

Mu Wan opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief, "Why does the queen suddenly care about me so much?"

The weasel wished the chicken a new year, uneasy and kind, she didn't believe that the fox Chu would be so kind to help her.

Dexi paused, smiled and said, "I don't know, the empress said, I want to have lunch with the emperor, I will prepare it now, I'm sorry I will leave first!"

Dexi ran so fast, he had a guilty conscience.

The more Mu Wan thought about it, the more suspicious she became.

But if he wants to work himself, let him do it.

Anyway, he also got a salary, and it was more than her.

Then, Mu Wan didn't care about this matter, she didn't go to the imperial study, and she didn't read the booklets. Once she took off her dragon robe and kicked off her boots, she lay down on the dragon bed to catch up on the cage.

When Chu Bei came back from court, she was still sleeping.

Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, no one woke her up, so she went to the imperial study and approved the rest of the memorial.


After sleeping until she woke up naturally, Mu Wan felt more comfortable than ever. It would be great if it was like this every day!

Knowing that Chu Bei had also reviewed all the memorials for her, this industrious fox suddenly felt that the cunning fox had changed, which made people feel uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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