Chapter 124
Sitting on the imperial concubine's couch, Mu Wan couldn't even figure out what song Chuhu sang, what he wanted to do, and how he planned to trick her...

At this moment, Nanny Tan came in with the bitter medicine, and Mu Wan frowned when she smelled it, "I...I'm fine, take this medicine."

"Your Majesty, this is not medicine. It's a soup prescribed by Imperial Physician Fu to nourish the body. It tastes a bit unpleasant, but it won't do any harm if you drink it." Nanny Tan knew that she didn't like medicine, so she prepared her speech and prepared it. A large plate of candied fruit relieved her taste.

But Mu Wan pinched her nose and refused to drink, "Take it away, take it away, I'm in good health, I don't need to replenish my body."

Really, she is not a child, and you still want to trick her into taking medicine?

"Don't drink it, your stomach will hurt." Nanny Tan persuaded patiently.

"Then you can make brown sugar ginger tea for me. This medicine is too bitter for me to drink." Mu Wan touched her stomach, and it did hurt for a while from time to time, and it was a bit uncomfortable to swell.

But recently, she has been drinking bitter medicine, which made her vomit, and Mu Wan put on a bitter face, and refused to drink it even if she was beaten to death.

Nanny Tan looked troubled and didn't know what to do for a while, she asked curiously, "The brown sugar ginger tea was prescribed by that imperial physician?"

She has never heard that drinking brown sugar ginger tea can relieve pain.

If there is a prescription, it is not impossible.

"Brown sugar ginger tea is a good thing for women. It nourishes blood and warms the palace. It has many benefits. Have you never drank it?" Mu Wan's eyes showed surprise.

Nanny Tan shook her head, "This old slave never drank."

Biyue and the others also shook their heads and had never heard of this kind of tea.

Mu Wan: "...."

Then, a voice came.

"I have seen the lord!"

I saw Chu Bei stepping in.

Seeing him, Mu Wan's face changed slightly, and she remembered the day when she was brutally bottled with medicine.

She quickly covered her mouth and stared at him, don't come over, I won't drink if I say no!
Chu Bei: "...."

When Tan Momo saw him, she showed a smile, "My lord, you are here, the emperor is afraid of suffering and doesn't want to drink medicine, and this old slave doesn't know what to do, please help me coax the emperor."

After saying that, he left the soup and medicine, with a smile in his eyes, which led Biyue and the others to leave quickly.


Mu Wan wanted to cry, but she still thought that with Nanny Tan around, the fox Chu didn't dare to be presumptuous, but Nanny could run faster than her.

Looking up, Chu Bei was wearing a purple-gold mask and a purple princely attire. He walked towards her with medicine in his hand. He smiled and said, "The emperor is disobedient again. He is not feeling well. How can he not drink medicine?" Okay, should I drink it myself, or should I ask the king to feed you?"

"Queen... I'm not sick, but my aunt is here, and I'll be fine in a few days. Then I won't bother you to deal with the government affairs. Put down the medicine, and I'll drink it myself..." Mu Wan Looked at him and smiled.


Chu Bei was a little puzzled. The Ning clan had been expelled from the capital long ago. When did her aunt come?Why didn't he receive the message!

Mu Wan: "..."

"It's the monthly letter..."

There is still a generation gap with the ancients, and there is no way to communicate.

Mu Wan stood up quietly, planning to take the opportunity to slip away.

With a flash of light in Chu Bei's eyes, he immediately caught her, lifted her back collar with his long arms and threw it back on the imperial concubine's couch, his phoenix eyes narrowed, "Where does the emperor want to go?"

Mu Wan slammed on the soft pillow, rubbed her head and looked at him, a little scared, covered her mouth and shrank in the corner, looked out of the window several times, wondering where Chu Yan died, and didn't come to rescue her at this time ! !
But she seemed to be thinking too much, Chuhuhu is his own brother, his elbows can turn outwards!
Chu Bei's eyes drooped slightly, and he knew in his heart that she wanted to ask "Chu Yan" for help.

But he was right in front of her!

What a fool!
Chu Bei looked at her, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his tone was subconsciously soft, "Did you forget the pain in your stomach that hurt you to death last night? If you don't take the medicine, you will still feel so uncomfortable next time. Be obedient and drink the medicine quickly." gone."


Mu Wan opened her eyes wide, gritted her teeth, and shook her head. A strange feeling crossed her mind. Is this guy really coaxing her? !
 Good morning!Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for Doudou!


(End of this chapter)

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