Chapter 125 Is he serious?
When Chu Bei sat down, Mu Wan shrank in, wishing she could grow a tortoise shell and shrink back.

"Don't force me...I said I don't want to drink..."

After a stalemate for a while, Mu Wan's eyes were slightly red, and those sultry peach blossom tears were swirling, biting her lips tightly, and crying.

Chu Bei's heart softened after seeing it, and he put down the soup, "I asked someone to make brown sugar ginger tea for you...don't cry."

As soon as he said that, a court lady took away the soup medicine, and when the smell of medicine disappeared, Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, stood up straight, and said, "I didn't cry!"


There were no tears in her sly eyes.

How dare this woman lie to him! !
Chu Bei's face changed slightly, he loosened his clenched fist, stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, "Really, that must have been an illusion just now, the emperor's food has been pretty good recently, I heard it's roast chicken again It's hot pot again, so I want to ask, where does the emperor get his money from?"

Mu Wan's heart skipped a beat for a moment, this guy is here to collect debts, her sparkling eyes turned watery, she stared at the purple gold mask on his face regardless of the pain in her cheeks, and said, "Zhen... Anyway, he is the emperor, and he has 2000 taels a month, so a few roast chickens are still affordable!"

He actually knew about the hot pot. Could it be that Chu Yan betrayed her?
Let's just say he's unreliable, sure enough...

Mu Wan was secretly angry, wishing she could confront Chu Yan right now.

"Oh? 2000 taels! Well, speaking of which, why didn't the emperor return the money to the king? Didn't you agree to pay back 3000 taels a month? What's the meaning of the emperor not returning the money to the king?" At this time , Chu Bei's eyes flashed with a smile, and he gently pinched her little face, which felt good!
"Why is the queen being so stingy? After all, if you are a husband and wife, can't you take it easy?"

"Then the last time this king ate your royal meal, why didn't the emperor be more generous?"

Mu Wan: "...."

"When will the emperor pay back the money? 3000 taels per month, you didn't pay it back on time last month, right?"

Chu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he laughed very happily. He raised his long arms and simply hugged her and sat down on his lap. He continued to pinch her cheek and started his death-defying pattern, collecting debts.

"I forgot to tell the emperor that the 300 million taels of gold are subject to interest. After calculating, the emperor already owes me 350 million taels of gold, which will be 400 million taels of gold in two months. If this continues, when will you be able to pay it off? "

Mu Wan was so angry that she vomited blood, her face was livid, she didn't notice that she was sitting on his lap, her posture was very ambiguous, she just stared at him full of resentment, this hateful man!

She shook off his hand angrily, and said angrily, "400 million taels of gold! Why don't you grab it?! I don't have any money, and I don't plan to pay it back. What can you do to me!!"

Mu Wan was so angry that she wished she could strangle him immediately.

She won't pay back the money, what, what, what! ! !
How dare you count interest on her, damn man, damn Chuhu! !

"It's a matter of course to repay debts. It's the principles of life that a three-year-old child understands. It doesn't matter if the emperor doesn't understand. If you don't have money, you don't have to pay it back. Then take it..." Chu Bei sneered, and his eyes flashed like ink and blue paintings Wiping away the coldness, the warm breath approached her ear, "Flesh!"

Mu Wan's heart skipped a beat, and in the next moment, she felt dizzy. In a moment, she fell on the imperial concubine's couch, the man was condescending, his purple-gold mask was enlarged, and his seductive eyes were fixed on her.

Meat compensation...

Only then did she realize how dangerous this man was at this moment.

She is at the mercy of others.

"Let me go, you are are shameless!"

Mu Wan's face was flushed, she was extremely angry, she lost her usual calmness, her face was a little pale, and there was a trace of panic and fear in her eyes.

Today's fox Chu is so strange, she doesn't know what he wants to do. he serious?

(End of this chapter)

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