Chapter 126 No Money!

"Where is this king shameless? Three or four million taels of gold, the emperor just wants to deny it when he says he has no money. Is this king's money so easy to borrow? You can't let this king suffer!" The fox-like sly laughter, somewhat Scoundrel, still a bit cold.

Mu Wan's body trembled unknowingly, "Zhen, I didn't say I wouldn't pay it back, it's just that I can't afford so much money now..."

This is clearly intimidation, the meat compensation is fake, but forcing her to pay back the money is real...!
Chu Bei squinted his eyes, leaned close to her ear, and said with a deep and cold smile, "But I heard that the emperor could take out 1 taels of gold in silver tickets at will, I don't remember that you have so many private houses. Where did the money come from? Honestly!"

Mu Wan's back tightened, she didn't dare to move, she gritted her teeth and said, "That's Chu Yan's filial piety to me!"

Chu Bei: "...."

"Why did he give you money..."

"He is disrespectful to me and wants to spend money to eliminate disasters."


Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, "How much did the third brother give you?"

"Just 1 taels."

Mu Wan turned her face away and didn't want to see him, so she said angrily.


The man's phoenix eyes narrowed unconsciously.

Mu Wan rolled her eyes around, then turned her face to look directly at him and said, "My Ninety-Five Supreme, how can I lie? If you have money, I will definitely pay you back. The 1 taels given by Chu Yan will be paid to Fu Si's consultation fee." Now, so I have no money now, even if you kill me and let me pay with my flesh, I have no money!"

Two words means no money!I won’t pay you back even if I have money, hum!
Chu Bei secretly raised his forehead, his head was full of black lines, if he didn't know the truth, he would have really deceived her.

Look, this woman who treats death like home, who doesn't even bat an eyelid when lying, this woman... so flattered!

Mu Wan's mouth was stiff, knowing that he just wanted to scare her, and it was definitely impossible to pay her back, she still had an aunt.

Chu Bei looked at her pouting slightly, confident and confident, and his heart was filled with anger, his starry eyes flashed, he had to teach her a lesson today.



Mu Wan was breathing heavily, so she knew she was very angry, and she didn't know where the strength came from, so she slapped her hard.

It was her hands that hurt.

She held her wrist, tears from the pain.

The slap with all his strength landed on Chu Bei's mask. He was innocuous, but the pain made her gasp.

"Get out of here!"

Mu Wan was so angry that she punched him in the chest again.

Unable to defend himself, Chu Bei was pushed off the imperial concubine's couch, almost sitting on the ground.

Fortunately, he came back to his senses at this time.

Otherwise, it would really damage his majestic image of the god of war.

He stood aside and rolled his Adam's apple, looked at the woman, and unconsciously raised his hand to touch his lips, there was her breath on it, soft and fragrant... Last time was just an accident, this time....

Mu Wan was angry in her heart, and her hands hurt. The shame and indignation at this moment was indescribable. She was so angry that she couldn't speak. She could only stare at him with eyes full of resentment. If eyes could kill, he was already dead. millions of times.

Nanny Tan has been guarding outside. Hearing Mu Wan's angry voice, her brows and eyes twitched in fright, and she rushed in in a panic.


When I came in, I saw Mu Wan sitting there crying, while the King of Chu was standing there in a daze, a little at a loss.

Everyone's eyes turned back and forth on the two of them.

Looking at Mu Wan's slightly red and swollen lips, the dyed rouge has also been eaten, and her bun is a little messy, but her clothes are intact.

Tan Momo's heart beat faster and faster, as if it jumped out of her throat, she hurried over to comfort her, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, how do you feel?"

"Mom...he bullied me." Mu Wan was really angry, but when she saw Tan Momo, she was more aggrieved. She pointed at Chu Bei angrily, wishing to be dragged out and chopped.

Really, he is a bully and a hooligan!Dogs, bite people!
Tan Momo's old face turned hot, and she looked at Mu Wan crying and crying with red eyes, her heart was so distressed, she poked Chu Bei with her eyes, and said in a bad tone, "The emperor is not feeling well, how can the prince bully her."

(End of this chapter)

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