Chapter 127

She understands that the young man is full of vigor, but you can't bear it when the emperor encounters a special period?

Nanny Tan's secretly reproachful eyes made Chu Bei's face change, and he didn't know where the old nanny was thinking. Is this king that kind of person? !
He was so angry that he felt cold all over his body.

Immediately, the people in the whole hall were frightened and hurriedly knelt down, not daring to breathe.

Nanny Tan tensed her back, pretended to be calm, and said, "Your Highness, calm down, this old slave didn't mean that..."

Chu Bei's eyes were cold and fierce, and he snorted coldly, only to see Mu Wan holding Nanny Tan, rubbing his nose twice, then suddenly stood up, and lost his temper at him, "Come on, the queen is rude to me, Drag it out for me to play fifty big boards!"

This time, those palace people kowtowed desperately, shouting "The emperor calm down!"

Nanny Tan also said, "The emperor calm down, the empress certainly has something wrong, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate to blame the empress for this!"

Calm down!Calm down!
She couldn't appease her anger, if he was let go of this kind of thing, wouldn't this fox become more and more presumptuous in the future! ?

"What's wrong? You are not allowed to intercede, and whoever intercedes will be punished with him!" Mu Wan said angrily.

Nanny Tan opened her mouth slightly, but stopped talking.

And Chu Bei laughed angrily, "Where is this king being rude to the emperor? You should explain clearly, otherwise let's see who dares to move a finger of this king!!"

At this time, several guards rushed in, and the old prince Chu and Dingbei Hou also came in together. They happened to go to the imperial study to find her. When they heard that Chu Bei was in the Xuanwu Hall, they knew that the empress was not in the imperial study.

As soon as I arrived at the Xuanwu Hall, I heard the angry voice of the female emperor Longyan inside.

When the two of them frowned, they knew that the young couple had quarreled again.

In the past, they used to make big moves in the palace, and the whole palace was full of excitement from the empress and concubines.

Now... the empress has lost all her martial arts skills, so she can only call the guards.

"I have met the emperor, empress empress!"

Lord Chu and Hou Dingbei came in to salute.

Seeing them, Chu Bei's expression turned cold, he pursed his lips and said nothing.

When Mu Wan saw the old prince of Chu, she said angrily, "The old prince came just in time, the queen is disrespectful to me, what crime do you think should be done!"

The old prince Chu glanced at his son, his eyes turned black, and he couldn't help but want to beat him, "Don't kneel down yet!"

"Father, you'd better leave this matter alone!" Chu Bei's face darkened, and he made him kneel before asking why. Is this his real father?
What is this nonsense?

The old prince Chu was furious when he heard this, and he raised his fist to teach this rebellious son a lesson.

Dingbei Hou hurriedly stopped him, "The old prince calms down, the emperor calms down, at this time, first ask what's going on!"

Hearing this, the old prince Chu calmed down a bit, looked at Mu Wan, "Dare to ask the emperor, what did this rebellious son do to annoy the emperor?"


Mu Wan was so angry that she didn't think about it that much, but it made her say that she suddenly realized how embarrassing it was to say it, and it was hard to tell.

He...he...didn't utter a word for a long time, but just glared at Chu Bei angrily, blushing and full of shame and indignation.

Old Prince Chu and the others looked straight at her, and then at Chu Bei.

"The queen is talking!" Ding Beihou coughed lightly, this is not an excuse, when his father wants to beat him, he will not be able to stop him.

Chu Bei stared at the woman coldly, his lips curved into a smile, and said, "This king just kissed the emperor, and the emperor was so excited at the moment, you also want to take care of this matter?"

Everyone: "..."

Mu Wan's face was flushed, and she wished she could get into the hole.

This man is too shameless.

The old prince of Chu swept across Chu Bei with black lines all over his head. This son was too outspoken, so he had to be angry to death.

But what he said next to reprimand his son was even more shocking.

"After all, the emperor belongs to his daughter's family. He is thin-skinned. We will wait until evening to do this."

Everyone: "..."

"Since the emperor has nothing to do, I will wait for you to leave."

After speaking, the old prince Chu came and left with his guards.

 happy weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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