Chapter 129 Evidence!
"It's the king who asked you, what do you mean if you don't turn around." He repeated.

Mu Wan: "...."

Why are you pretending to be stupid!
"Hmph, weren't you forced to be my queen because you belonged to me and didn't want to serve the bed? What do you mean now?" Mu Wan glanced at his paw that was eating her tofu, sneered, her eyes There is contempt.

"Who told you that this king's heart belongs to you." Chu Bei smiled like a fox, automatically ignoring the contempt and dissatisfaction in her eyes, and couldn't help pinching her puffy cheeks again, not knowing this Teasing her will make her feel better than ever.

"let go!"

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, and she was so angry that she wanted to take off his mask to see if he was her queen. The more she looked, the more she suspected that he was a fake.

Chu Bei's eyes flashed, and she pointed quickly, her hand was frozen in mid-air, unable to move.

"Who told you, the emperor hasn't answered the minister yet."

The deadly hand tugged at the corner of her mouth again, and her eyes were full of smiles.

"Your brother said so."

Chu Bei: "..."

This woman... really needs to be cleaned up.

He is greedy for money and lustful, he can tell lies without batting an eyelid, and he can betray others without hesitation.

Heh, it's exactly the same as when she was a child, her bad temper and serious illness were all exposed.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mu Wan sneered, "Why, I'm sorry to admit it? Don't think that I have lost my memory and just want to fool me. You and Miss Zhou have been engaged since childhood. She is the one you like, right? Have a private tryst behind my back, do you dare to say that you haven't?"


Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, obviously guilty, which proved that they had indeed met in private.

Mu Wan was so angry that she could run into her private meeting in the harem unhindered. The two must have hooked up long ago. This is the modern day cheating in marriage. With sufficient evidence, she can sue him and divorce him. !
However, the ancient times can also be reconciled.

"Reconciliation! For the sake of husband and wife, I will save face for you." Mu Wan's eyes were slightly cold, and her white face hummed coldly.


"This king was married by the first emperor. The emperor has no qualifications, nor can he abolish the empress. The royal family has never had any precedents for reconciliation." Chu Bei's eyes darkened, reconciliation, she didn't even think about it.

Mu Wan sneered in her heart, her eyes were cold and sharp, "You rely on your own military power, invade the government and the public, and act recklessly in the harem as my queen, meet women privately, and give me a cuckold, you treat me like a bully, don't you! !"


"Didn't your majesty say that you don't want to look back? Why are you angry when I have a private meeting with a woman?" Chu Bei's lips curved into a playful smile.


Mu Wan was furious. Seeing his smug smile, she wished to tear it apart. She couldn't let him continue to be arrogant. She took a deep breath, and said in a calm and cold tone, "Of course it's for the face of the royal family, my dignity."

The face of the royal family, the dignity of the emperor! ?


Chu Bei suddenly laughed, and grabbed her chin, "You said that this king is promiscuous in the harem, met with his niece privately, and gave you a cuckold. There must be evidence. Dare I ask the emperor, did you see it yourself? For example, your One day in the royal garden of the harem, you saw the eldest princess and concubine Liu with your own eyes. Did you see this king and other women like this with your own eyes, or did the secret guards sent by the emperor to monitor this king witness this with your own eyes? As long as you take If you get the evidence, this king will allow you to abolish the empress, if you can't come up with the words...heli, then shut up!"

This look, this tone, made Mu Wan's whole body icy cold, as if poured with a basin of cold water, even his heart was as cold as ice water.

Not for anything else, just because he knows everything about him like the back of his hand, even he knows that she sent someone to monitor Suzaku Hall, but he keeps his face. Needless to say, there are people from him in Xuanwu Hall and the Imperial Study Room.

(End of this chapter)

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