Chapter 130 Cooperation!

Mu Wan's palms were sweating coldly, her indifferent little face became paler and paler, and her heart was like a roller coaster, with many guesses constantly flashing.

Did he already know the last trump card in her hand, the Blood Shadow Guard! ?
But it's impossible, Fei Lian said that only the emperors of the Blood Shadow Guard knew of its existence in all dynasties.

The first emperor couldn't even tell him this! ?

Didn't that cheat her?
Mu Wan closed her eyes, really unable to speak, but he didn't say anything about the Blood Shadow Guard, and he was a bit lucky in his heart, hoping he didn't know about it.

"Does the emperor have evidence?"

Immediately afterwards, the man's cool and watery voice sounded again.

Mu Wan's small face paled a little. Seeing the enlarged mask approaching, the twinkling starry eyes under the mask made him angry, not to mention how proud he was.

"So what if you don't, you have a marriage contract with Zhou Ruolan, it's a fact that you like her and you hate me, if that's the case, why force yourself? Could it be that the King of Chu is reluctant to give up this right?"


Chu Bei frowned slightly, looked at her angry eyes, felt a little complicated, and said with a light smile, "Are you sure you want me to reconcile with me? Have you ever thought about how secure your throne can be without this king?" Why did the late emperor insist on choosing me to enter the palace? You have never thought about why? You can live up to now by yourself? And let me tell you, the military power in my hand was taken by me by myself, not by the late emperor. , what the late emperor gave is in the hands of others, so why not give it to you if you want the military power in my hands, but do you have the ability to hold it tight?"


It's over, this guy seems to be really angry!
I was also angry just now.

She completely forgot, now she still has to rely on him to deal with Prince Qi and the Queen Mother, and she has to hold his thigh tightly.

Chu Bei's words woke her up.

Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at the man, only to see that his eyes were full of displeasure, she swallowed, do you want to coax her a little bit?

But she can't hold back her face either!

Seeing her pouting sample, Chu Bei knew that she had begun to reflect in her heart, and she felt better. In a blink of an eye, the low-pressure atmosphere changed, and her voice did not feel soft, "That woman broke into the Suzaku Palace without authorization that day. As you lord..."

At this time, Mu Wan's eyes flashed, and she immediately said, "Queen, you don't need to explain anymore, I already know it, and I also understand that the reason why you entered the palace as empress was forced by the late emperor, and I also want to understand, I won't force you, It doesn't matter if you don't want to leave the harem, we can have a cooperative relationship. After I have consolidated the imperial power and eradicated dissidents, I will give you the military power and the power and status of the Chu family. Two years, give me two years, and then I will return it. You are completely free, and if you become your God of War, King Chu, I will give you a marriage to fulfill you and your beloved girl, what does the queen think of this condition?"

Mu Wan sat motionless on his lap, just a flash of inspiration made her think of this best-of-both-worlds solution.

Rather than offending him, it is better to win him over.

Anyway, she also needs Chu Bei and the others to deal with the Queen Mother and Prince Qi's party. If he agrees, we will be on the same boat in the future. She wants to open a shop and do business, so there is no need to hide it from him.

Maybe they can be recruited to buy shares, big money owners, one counts as one.

And she also understood that if Chu Bei didn't nod, Lu Fei and the others wouldn't dare to agree to help her.

But she said a lot, but Chu Bei didn't respond.

He just lowered his eyes and listened to her calmly, then he raised his long eyelashes, and a pair of eyes that looked like a blue ink painting glanced over coolly, his red lips twitched, and he said with a half-smile, "If this king doesn't agree."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for Doudou-()

(End of this chapter)

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