Chapter 131

If you don't agree to pull it down, what else can you do?
Mu Wan said that in her heart, but she said with a smile, "Then what does the queen want? Feel free to discuss any conditions. By the way, how long does the queen plan to hold me like this?"


"Does your majesty want to recover lightness kung fu? Do you want to open a shop to earn money to pay off debts?" Chu Bei looked at him, his charming phoenix eyes gleamed, and his slender jade-like hands stroked her blue hair, and the curve of his lips smiled Very good looking, deliberately ignore her last question by the way.

"Yes I do…"

Mu Wan pouted secretly.

In her dreams, she wanted to recover her martial arts and beat him to the ground, and in her dreams, she wanted to smash him to death with silver!
The man chuckled, and then clasped her head without warning. The faces of each other were only three fingers away. The sudden movement and the warm breath sprayed on her face made Mu Wan's eyes widen suddenly, staring at him. Beautiful eyes, seductive lips, drooling nervously, "Queen...why...what do you want?"

Wouldn't he want to belittle her again?
Thinking of the domineering and strong kiss just now, her lips are still hot up to now... Mu Wan's heart began to beat, her snow-white cheeks were as red as peach blossoms, her eyes subconsciously avoided, if she continued like this, she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself Yes, what kind of crazy move... don't blame her when the time comes.

If he wanted to blame it, he would blame himself, he had to tease her desperately...

Mu Wan felt a little restless in her heart, and the next moment——!
Chu Bei's smile became brighter and more charming, and he approached slowly, "Then please please me well, first of all, I have to call Brother Bei to listen to me like before, if I am happy, I will naturally promise you anything!"


To please him?like before?
Mu Wan's mind turned 180 degrees, then froze, and when she figured it out, her eyes darkened, she knew that he was uneasy and kind, because he didn't want her to be in charge of the government, seize the imperial power, and wanted her to be a puppet emperor, let him manipulate, tease her!

"Don't even think about it!" Mu Wan gritted her teeth.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, he frowned, put his slender fingers on her slender neck, exerted three points of strength, and said in a cold and sharp voice, "Then you are not afraid of death?"

"Scholars can't be killed, you can't be humiliated, you can kill me if you have the ability! I said no, eat, return, head, grass, you should give up this heart, pleasing you is worse than pleasing a pig!!"


Chu Bei was really angry at these words, his eyes were terribly dark, "Okay, Jun Muwan, you don't know what's good and what's wrong, so don't cry for me when the time comes!"

I didn't expect this woman to be so ignorant.

He unlocked her acupoints, threw her away, and walked away from the Xuanwu Hall with his robe thrown off.


Mu Wan fell to the ground and cursed angrily, "You, dead fox, stinky fox, black fox who has been perverted for thousands of years, just wait for me!"

The King of Chu left with a dark face, but Nanny Tan didn't dare to move forward, only to see a blue and white porcelain fly out from inside and hit the King of Chu's feet. He looked at it, his face full of anger.

Nanny Tan and the others were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and did not dare to say anything. They only dared to come in with brown sugar and ginger tea when they left.

"Your Majesty...what's the matter, this is..." Nanny Tan was taken aback, and hurried over to help her up.

How did the king of Chu throw the emperor to the ground? Didn't he mean to cultivate feelings?

This this!well!

Seeing the angry look on Mu Wan's face, he knew that freezing three feet was not a day's cold!


Chu Bei went all the way back to the Vermilion Bird Hall with a dark face, when Dexi followed him in, "I have seen the prince, lunch is ready, the prince...will you still have dinner with the emperor?"

Dexi also bit the bullet and came in to report.

The stuff made a big table, it would be a waste if you didn't eat it, not to mention that he told the imperial dining room and sent it to the Xuanwu Hall.

"Withdrawn, I will eat it myself!"

"Yes, the servant will do it immediately."

Dexi raised his head and took a quick look, his legs trembled in fright, he didn't dare to say more, he immediately got out and stopped Yushan to come back.

He ran out of the Vermilion Bird Hall, and met Situ Mo at the door.

"I have seen you, my masters!"

Xia Houjin looked at him, "Brother is upset? The emperor provoked you?"

Dexi looked embarrassed, took a look inside, and said, "My lord, this slave has something else to do, so don't ask the slave..."

Go in and ask the lord if you don't mind, you have to embarrass him, alas...

Xia Houjin suddenly felt bored, so she waved her hand to tell him to get out!

(End of this chapter)

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