The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 132 It's okay to be tanned...

Chapter 132 It's okay to be tanned...

Dexi quickly ran away without a trace.

Xia Houjin, Situ Mo, and Xiao Ci stepped in together.

In the past few days, they dare not go home, because they suddenly threw their elder brothers and younger brothers into the barracks, and their grandmothers and mothers caught them and questioned them.

Forget about Chu Yan, he was already in the barracks, and so were Xiao Heng and Xia Houxuan. They all had good reasons to go to the barracks sooner or later in the future.

But Situ Lan is different. He comes from a literary family and has a century-old scholarly family. In the future, he will follow the path of literary career, and he is also good at reading. Not surprisingly, he will be the next number one scholar in three years, but he will also be thrown into the military camp.

In the past few days, Situ Mo was almost driven mad by his grandmother, mother, and younger brother, asking each one why he was so cruel?
Situ Lan is only 14 years old, with thin skin and tender flesh, so she can withstand the hardships of the military camp.

These three days have been arguing to go home.

The prime minister's wife and the old lady were also very distressed and blamed him every time they saw him.

Situ Mo was under a lot of pressure.

And here, judging by Chu Bei's expression, it seemed that things were not going well at all.

Approaching the Empress as Chu Bei, she was so angry that she almost ran back with her nose crooked just this once.

Situ Mo didn't know what to say, so he coughed lightly, "My second brother can't stay in the barracks any longer, and he's been arguing to go back to the house these two days, my mother and the others are worried all day long, I want him to go back government."

Chu Bei glanced over with cold eyes, "Think you don't need to learn martial arts well? Don't forget that with your martial arts, you almost lost your innocence. Your second brother has thin skin and tender flesh, carved in powder and jade. Don't be kidnapped into the palace by that woman that day, the consequences..."

He didn't mention it.

Situ Mo's expression had changed, he choked his throat, and said embarrassingly, "Didn't the emperor lose all his martial arts?"

"She didn't give up on recovering her martial arts." Chu Bei said coldly, "Besides, don't forget that the royal family still has a eldest princess who has not yet chosen a consort!!"

The women in the Jun family are all virtuous, don't you know?
Chu Bei glanced coldly, sat down and took a sip of tea from the teacup, and his anger eased a bit.

Eldest Princess, what that woman did was no different from Jun Muwan's, and even worsened. Under the connivance of the Queen Mother, the male pets in the backyard almost caught up with the empress's harem.

This time, even Xia Houjin and Xiao Ci began to change their expressions, "I heard that the queen mother is planning to choose a son-in-law for the eldest princess, and it was rumored that my mother and the others have entered the palace a few days ago..."

Just plan to choose one of their families?

First of all, the men in their family are indeed outstanding, their status, talent, appearance, everything is top-notch.

Back then, the Queen Mother had taken a fancy to Situ Mo, the number one scholar.

If the first emperor hadn't acted first, I'm afraid he would have been poisoned by that woman, the eldest princess.

Thinking of this, Situ Mo's face turned as dark as black toner, and he was chilling.

"The eldest princess likes men who are white, tender, gentle, gentle as jade, and handsome. All the men in your Situ family have this style. It's better to be careful."

Situ Mo glanced at the hidden guard, gritted his teeth, and said, "Go back and tell my mother, let Xiaolan stay in the barracks!"

Dark Guard: "..."

At this time, the prime minister's mansion.

The prime minister's wife, Lou Shi, and the old lady were waiting for his reply in Chenxiangyuan.

He waited and waited, but he didn't wait for Situ Mo to come back.

On the contrary, a hidden guard came back and said the words roughly and transparently.

Lou's complexion changed immediately, and she secretly wiped away tears, "I see, then you go and tell Lan'er, let him bear with it, and get more exposure to the sun... It doesn't matter if you get tanned."

"Ma'am, don't worry too much. The eldest son said that he will find a way to make you and the old lady not worry." The dark guard said a few words of comfort and went to the barracks to spread the message.

Both Lou and the old lady nodded with uncomfortable faces.

She finally gave birth to two sons, one entered the palace and became the empress concubine Shu, if Situ Lan became the eldest son-in-law again, she would go crazy.

The old lady looked at her, "A few days ago, the queen mother sent you into the palace, but did you say this?"

Lou shook her head, "I didn't mention it... I just chatted normally and didn't say anything. The daughter-in-law really didn't think about it, but Mo'er paid attention."

(End of this chapter)

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