Chapter 142 Marriage?

"You... are bold and presumptuous! Aijia heard that Princess Xuan wanted to jump into the river because she couldn't think about it, and King Ling just wanted to save her. How can you make fun of her? If King Xiao doesn't have evidence in front of the emperor, don't talk nonsense!" The Queen Mother frowned. Wei Yuan, his tone is quite gentle, maybe he really intends to win Xiao Wangfu over.

Then, Xiao Wang glanced coldly at the Queen Mother, and knelt down with his fists folded in front of the Empress, "Your Majesty, what I said is absolutely true, whether it is true or not, send someone to pass on the news to the shopkeeper of Shuilou, the young master of Dali Temple, and the girls of the palace. Let King Ling come out to confront him face to face, and I beg the emperor to make the decision for the little girl!"

"Then pass it on." After eating a handful of melon seeds, Mu Wan took a sip of tea, and her lazy voice sounded.


But the Queen Mother hurriedly stopped her.

Mu Wan looked at her, narrowing her eyes slightly, "Why not? The queen mother is afraid that Prince Xiao's mansion will wrong Brother Eighth Prince, so she must find witnesses to clear up his grievances."

The Empress Dowager's eyes flashed gloomyly, and then she put on a distressed expression and said, "Aijia is also thinking of Princess Xuan, no matter whether King Ling has molested her, the outside world has already spread, if things get worse, I'm afraid It will damage the reputation of Princess Xuan."

If a woman's reputation is ruined, it will ruin her whole life.

The faces of Xiao Wang and others changed, and they felt very uncomfortable.

"Then what does Empress Yimu mean?"

The Empress Dowager and Prince Qi looked at each other, and then said, "Earlier, Concubine Xu entered the palace and mentioned to Ai's family that she liked Princess Xuan very much, and wanted Ai's family to grant marriage to King Ling and Princess Xuan. Let's become two people."

As soon as these words came out, Prince Xiao Xiao Ci's face turned ashen. Concubine Xu had hinted to Concubine Xiao many times but was rejected. Prince Xiao had once rejected King Ling, and Xuan'er would not marry into Prince Ling's mansion.

Who knew, they would use despicable means to force Prince Xiao's residence to submit.

If Xuan'er ruins her innocence, she will have to marry Ling Wang, they are so vicious!
The father and son clenched their fists, their eyes full of murderous aura, wishing to crush Ling Wang and the others to ashes.

Chu Bei and the others suppressed it secretly, so they didn't explode.

He could only look at Mu Wan and see how she made up her mind.

Just as the Queen Mother said, now the whole capital knows that King Ling has molested Princess Xuan. The reputation of a woman was very important in ancient times, and Xuan'er was ruined.

King Xiao's heart was bleeding, he would rather his daughter never marry than marry a shameless person like King Ling.

Mu Wan glanced at Xiao Wang and the others, her eyes darkened, she looked at the Queen Mother coldly, for the sake of her purpose, she disregarded a little girl's life and ruined her life, this old witch is really vicious!
"Why is the queen mother so cruel? If this matter is spread to the emperor, the queen mother will force her to marry someone she doesn't like?"

The queen mother's face was gloomy, and she was speechless.

Prince Qi said, "Now we are talking about Princess Xuan and the eighth younger brother. What's the matter with the emperor mentioning the eldest princess? Her marriage is up to the queen mother to decide. How can she be allowed to mess around again?"

"Humph, what Brother Wang said sounds good. No one can care about the imperial sister when the father is gone. The queen mother and brother Wang are partial to the imperial sister. They are looking for a good son-in-law for her. All the sons of the family in the capital let her choose. I'm so happy, I'm so happy that I'm envious." Mu Wan looked at Prince Qi with a half-smile, her cold tone made her look displeased.


Prince Qi's face changed slightly, and he bowed slightly in fear and stopped talking.

The Empress Dowager's eyes flashed coldly, "What we are discussing now is how to solve the problem of Princess Xuan's reputation. The emperor should not always target your imperial sister and run on your brother. If it spread like this, it would also damage the emperor's reputation."

One's own children are human beings, and it hurts to say a few words, but other people's daughters are not human beings! ?
"I just said a few harsh words. The queen mother feels sorry for the eldest princess and the prince? It's not easy to be a parent, but you want to force someone's daughter to death. If the queen mother's actions spread, you won't be afraid of being heard by the world. people despise?"

The queen mother was so angry that her mouth was trembling, her eyes were gloomy, and she stared at Mu Wan coldly. She had sharp teeth and sharp mouth when she didn't think so!

(End of this chapter)

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