Chapter 143
There was a smile in Mu Wan's eyes, her small face was indifferent and hummed softly, she was afraid that if she looked at her face twice more, she would want to give her a slap in the face, "Just one word, I don't agree with the marriage, if Princess Xuan is not willing , no one can force her!"

The Queen Mother and Prince Qi were so angry that they looked at Mu Wan for a long time, unable to speak a word.

The Empress's behavior style is becoming more and more like that of the late emperor, with a domineering personality, vigorous and resolute, and her uncompromising imperial demeanor, which cannot be disobeyed.

After a long time, the Queen Mother gritted her teeth and said, "What did King Xiao say?"

She didn't believe that Prince Xiao's mansion would stand by and watch her daughter's reputation ruined. Even if Xiao Xuan'er was the princess, so what, her reputation was tainted, no matter how noble she was, no man would marry her. Even if she did, she would definitely suffer from her husband. dislike.

Can Concubine Xiao bear to watch her daughter live an unhappy life for the rest of her life?
They decided that Prince Xiao's mansion couldn't bear it, and pinched Xiao Xuan'er's innocence to force them to marry their daughter.

It is tantamount to forcing Xiao Wangfu to stand in the camp of Prince Qi.

If they disagree, the news that Xiao Xuan'er is the Spirit King's person will spread all over the world tomorrow. Who will dare to marry her in the future!

The eyes of the Empress Dowager and Prince Qi both flashed with ruthlessness.

King Xiao glanced at Mu Wan, then glanced at the Queen Mother and the others coldly, and said coldly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Xuan'er is not willing, and this king will never let anyone force her."

There was a flash of coldness in the eyes of the queen mother and the others, and they made up their minds to do so and ruin Xiao Xuan'er.

"Okay, let's close this matter. From now on, no one is allowed to discuss this matter arbitrarily and slander Princess Xuan's reputation. If someone breaks their mouths, I will never forgive them lightly!" Those who looked at the vicious eyes were terrified, Mu Wan frowned slightly, and said after thinking about it.

The cold and sharp voice resounded loudly and lingeringly in the hall.

Hitting the hearts of the Empress Dowager and Prince Qi was like a knife stabbing their hearts hard.

The faces of the two were as cold as frost, and they looked at Mu Wan with gloomy eyes, clenched fists, and the veins on the back of their hands twitching violently, revealing their cruelty.

She has even thought of this point, her thoughts are so meticulous and terrifying, and it will only become more and more difficult to deal with in the future.

Mu Wan didn't give them too many chances to talk and said, "Let's go away, I'm busy with state affairs, and there are still a lot of papers that haven't been reviewed yet. Let Concubine Xu take good care of Brother Eight, and don't keep asking me for such annoying things!"

As soon as the words were finished, a woman in palace attire begged to see him outside the door.

The little eunuch came in and reported, "Report to the emperor, Concubine Xu please see me!"

Say people, and she's here.

Mu Wan looked at the Queen Mother, "Since she's here, let her wait in Yong'an Palace, I still have something to do."

The queen mother just got up and sat down again, "Everyone is here, the emperor should see her. Concubine Xu has never been in good health, and she loves her son very much. The first emperor never criticized her, so the Ai family can't say much about her."

Concubine Xu is not in good health, she loves her son dearly, and still uses the late emperor to oppress her? !


This is to tell her that if the punishment of King Ling does something good or bad, which aggravates Concubine Xu's condition, it will be her fault at that time.

Mu Wan's expression was slightly cold, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Let her in."

After the little eunuch went out, Grand Concubine Xu walked in with the help of a maid. She was wearing a woolen cloak on a hot day, her face was sickly pale.

"No gift, sit down!"

Concubine Xu wanted to salute, but Mu Wan excused her from saluting.

But Concubine Xu stood still. She was a few years younger than the Empress Dowager, but she seemed to be a few years younger than the Empress Dowager, but she had a very good appearance. Very pampered.

"I beg your Majesty to spare King Ling. King Ling has suffered internal injuries and cannot be punished anymore." Concubine Xu stood crying in the hall and almost knelt down, but she began to faint before kneeling, and finally she leaned on the maid's body and said weakly .

Mu Wan looked at her, frowned slightly and signaled the maid to help her to sit down, "The concubine should take good care of her body, the eighth brother just suffered a little injury, it's not a serious problem, you don't have to worry too much, I'll fight Punishing him was also for his own good. The Eighth Prince molested Princess Xuan and forced people to jump into the river to commit suicide. He behaved badly, so he should be taught a lesson. The emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. The concubine should go back and think about how to discipline her son. "

(End of this chapter)

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