The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 145 Xiao Aifei is still refreshing

Chapter 145 Xiao Aifei is still refreshing

This sentence made the queen mother dare not have any complaints.

If you continue to do this, the official position will not be guaranteed, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Queen Mother and the others immediately shut their mouths.

"Immediately carry out the order!" Chu Bei said, but his eyes were on Mu Wan's excited eyes, and his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. What does this woman want to do? ?

Then, Concubine Xu did not come up in one breath, and passed out.

She said such a long list, it was a waste of saliva, which did not make people listen to her opinion at all.

Facing Chu Bei, even the Queen Mother and Prince Qi tolerated three points.

In his eyes, she was just a vexatious woman, a little concubine, and if she cried again, she would be thrown out immediately.

Royal face? !

That's for their Jun family, his surname is Chu, don't care what royal face you have.

Mu Wan licked her lips and was stunned for a while. She said so much and did so much, why not just say, "dismiss and investigate"!
Sure enough, everything goes well with power and power.

This is the benefit of having military power and invading the government and the opposition.

No wonder everyone wanted it, and now she wanted it too.

Being an emperor is not as arbitrary as he is.

The emperor's words and deeds are watched by all civil and military officials, and everyone in the world is watching. If he is careless or wrong, he will be stigmatized as a tyrant, faint king, incompetent, useless, etc.

Mu Wan was depressed for a long time, and Chu Bei's words made the Queen Mother and the others all leave the Xuanwu Hall.

Before King Xiao and the others left, he and Xiao Ci stepped forward to thank her, "I thank the emperor for saving Xuan'er."

Mu Wan sat down and took a sip of tea, and said with a smile, "There's no need to thank you, I like to be more honest, how about offsetting the 8 taels I owe to Concubine De?"

Xiao Ci and Xiao Wang: "...."

Xiao Ci is angry, can he say no?

In front of his father, if he doesn't agree, not only his father, but also his mother and concubine will criticize him one by one!
Then, Xiao Ci could only cancel the 8 taels of IOU in front of the big guys.

Mu Wan looked at the shattered IOU with indescribable joy.

She patted Xiao Ci's shoulder with a smile, "It's still Xiao Aifei who is refreshing."

Xiao Ci's face was a little ugly, and he wished he could chop off her flailing paw.

He stepped aside indiscriminately, "This is what it should be. If the emperor still needs money, he can ask his ministers to borrow it."

For the sake of her saving Xuan'er, he didn't mind lending an extra tens of thousands of taels to fill her hole. To him, 8 taels is just a small amount of money, so why not give it to her!
Mu Wan squinted at Chu Bei, who was on the other side, and said with a light smile, "Let's talk about it later..."

Xiao Ci snorted lightly and didn't answer any more.

With Xiao Wang here, he did not dare to be presumptuous.

Now that she has saved Princess Xuan, I'm afraid Prince Xiao's mansion will be grateful to her. In the past, King Xiao was in charge of him not to be disrespectful to the Empress. I'm afraid even Princess Xiao and the others will help her in the future.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ci felt depressed.

King Xiao glanced at his own son, and indeed he was full of warnings, then looked at Mu Wan, and said, "The minister will leave first!"

"King Xiao, please stay a step, that... About the matter of Zhen leaving the palace..." Mu Wan scratched her face and smiled at him, meaning that they should all understand.

"Don't worry, your majesty, the minister has issued a seal order, and will never reveal a word." Xiao Wang replied.

"Well, it's hard work for King Xiao, please go back! County Xuan is mainly in a bad mood, so you can go to the palace to accompany chess to relieve boredom."

She also needs friends, Miss Zhou is definitely not a good friend, and Xiao Xuan'er is rarely mentioned in the book, but since she is Xiao Wang's precious daughter, she should be a good one.

King Xiao nodded repeatedly before leaving Xuanwu Hall.

But Situ Mo and the others felt complicated when they heard this.

The Empress probably doesn't know about Situ Mo and Xiao Xuan'er yet.

If he found out, he would let her enter the palace and make friends with her. I'm afraid he would be so angry that he wanted to kill them!

They didn't dare to think about the consequences...

Mu Wan didn't know what they were thinking, she turned her head and smiled, "Aifei is still leaving? Why don't you stay and have dinner with me?"

The eyes of a few people flickered, how could they be in the mood to eat with her, so go back and think about countermeasures!
(End of this chapter)

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