Chapter 146 Deducting His Salary!
After the person left, Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and went to the bedroom to find Chu Yan.

The hidden guard came in and told her, "Go back to the emperor, the guard Chu... has to wait for a while."

The dark guard felt guilty and couldn't think of a better reason.


Mu Wan's long eyebrows frowned, it's strange, why does he have so many things, he eats for a while, and... out of respect for a while, she has to give him 2000 taels for such an aboveboard dereliction of duty? !

No, his salary will be deducted!

Mu Wan's complexion was not good, and the dark guard's scalp was numb, and he only hoped that the master would come over soon, he was afraid that the emperor would question him, and if he asked too much, he couldn't stand it anymore!
Fortunately, Mu Wan didn't ask too many questions, and only thought about how to deduct his salary.

"Let him finish his work, and come see me!" Mu Wan let him go out.

After the dark guard went out, she began to change clothes by herself.

When the belt was pulled, the dragon robe and everything else fell off.


But at this moment, Chu Yan broke in, stared at her for a long time before realizing it, his face blushed suddenly, and he hurriedly turned his back to her.

At first, Mu Wan didn't know that someone had broken in, but when she found him, she wanted to poke his eyes blind. She was so ashamed and angry, her cheeks flushed, and she quickly picked up the dragon robe on the ground to cover her chest, and squeezed out between her teeth. Two words, "Get out!"

Chu Yan didn't dare not listen, and immediately went out to wait outside the hall.

After a while, Nanny Tan and Biyue just came in, with a bird's nest cup in one hand, and freshly brewed brown sugar ginger tea in the other.

Almost hit, Chu Yan dodged to the side in time to avoid the collision.

The two panicked and knelt down: "Wang..."

"Shut up!" Chu Bei's eyes darkened, and he stopped him in a cold voice.

At this time, Mu Wan changed her clothes and called him, "Chu guards come in!"

Chu Bei glanced at the things in their hands and motioned them to go in together.

He felt embarrassed about what happened just now, and was also afraid of Mu Wan's questioning.

There were other people around, so she was too embarrassed to say anything.

Sure enough, when she saw Nanny Tan and Bi Yue, Mu Wan just glared at him, then picked up the bird's nest porridge to eat, and said, "My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, put the brown sugar ginger tea first, and drink it after I finish approving the memorial. "

He opened his eyes and said nonsense, and he was not afraid of flashing his tongue.

Tan Momo and the others looked at her in men's plainclothes, and frowned slightly, "The emperor is not feeling well, if there is anything to do, just tell his servants to do it, don't leave the palace all the time, this old slave is really worried about the emperor's safety."

"Don't worry, Mammy, there will be body guards from Chu, and nothing will happen. I want to go back to the Princess Mansion... I have to leave the palace today, so you all cover me. If anyone comes, tell me that I am in the imperial study, and no one should disturb me. "Mu Wan smiled, knowing that Nanny Tan would say that, but she had to go back to the princess mansion, which was planned, but who knew that Xiao Xuan'er jumped into the river suddenly, and had to shelve her plan to go back to the palace.

Nanny Tan choked, looking at King Chu, a little anxious, hoping that Chu Bei would stop her, but it didn't seem to work.

He said, "With me here, don't worry."

Is this the emperor and empress both slipping out of the palace?

Nanny Tan choked for a long time, she didn't know what to say, and in a blink of an eye she was gone, so she didn't have a chance to say anything.

Bi Yue looked at her, "Nurse..."

"Do as the emperor ordered, let Xiao Lizi watch the imperial study, and don't allow anyone to disturb the emperor's review of the memorial." Tan Momo said calmly.

At this time, night fell.

After climbing out of the palace wall, Mu Wan pushed the man beside her hard, "Stay away from me!"

Chu Bei: "..."

Just after crossing the river, she demolished the bridge?
"Outside, and it's night, it's very unsafe. It's better not to get too far away from me casually." Chu Bei narrowed his phoenix eyes, and stepped forward to get close to her.

Mu Wan paused, staring at him coldly, under the starlight and moonlight, his black and white pupils shone with clear and bright light, his voice was clear and sweet, with a trace of anger, "You don't know who you are? You don't know What are you doing? Believe it or not..."

As she spoke, she raised her chin and gestured with her hand on her neck. With the "click" movement, the head fell to the ground, do you understand? !

(End of this chapter)

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