Chapter 147
Chu Bei: "...."

Still trying to scare him?

"What do you mean?" There was a smile on his lips.

Mu Wan was dissatisfied when she heard this tone, she poked his finger straight at his chest, narrowed her eyes, and said with a smile, "You are too unreasonable, remember that I am the master and you are a slave, you are so bold and blind Are you a servant of the Lord? Need me to teach you how to do it?!"

"Listen well, call me Lord, Young Master, do you understand?"

Seeing her pompous posture, Chu Bei almost failed, his face turned dark.

Damn girl!Also called Grandpa!

Is she a grandfather!

Seeing that his face was still swollen and black, Mu Wan poked him hard again, "Did you hear that, hurry up and call me Lord!"

The man took a deep breath and kept smiling, "My lord...can we go now?"

After getting a satisfactory response, Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and twitched softly. If you don't teach him a lesson, you won't know the heights of heaven and earth. If you tell me to peep at me changing clothes, you will close your eyes next time.


"Also, I gave you money to let you be my personal bodyguard. You honestly neglected your duties and disappeared. I will fine you three months' salary!" Mu Wan glanced at his displeased handsome face, and plucked her hair The ribbon on the top flicked back handsomely, raised his eyebrows, "Any comments? You are allowed to speak!"

" lord, as long as you're happy, you don't have to give your salary."

"That won't work, I don't want others to say that I take advantage of you."


"Also, you and I are in the relationship of a monarch and a minister. You are not allowed to enter my bedroom without my permission in the future, understand?"


Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, "But am I not your bodyguard?"

Mu Wan stopped and stared at him coldly, "There is a difference between men and women. You are still my brother-in-law. You don't know how to avoid suspicion? Your brother is in the palace with many eyes and ears. If he finds out, I can't protect you! So you Be conscious!"


"Or, do you want to be my concubine Chu Ai?" Mu Wan's eyes flashed slyly, and she rubbed her chin and looked wantonly at his face.


Chu Yan was speechless. He didn't know what to say, so he simply didn't answer and let her guess.

Silence is the default?

Thinking of this, Mu Wan's ears suddenly became hot, and she hurriedly avoided looking at him, and did not dare to mention this matter again.


Speechless all the way.

The two walked side by side on the few trails, they copied the trails, away from the bustling streets of the city.

Those bustling sounds could be heard from far away, and Mu Wan felt itchy in her heart. She had been here for so long, and she didn't even have a chance to go shopping.

"Wait a minute, I'll go shopping." She looked at Chu Yan, with a glint of expectation in her eyes, and couldn't help breaking the quiet air.

"It's too late. There will be a curfew after Xu time, and there is nothing to buy when we go." Chu Yan looked at her sideways.

Mu Wan suddenly felt bored.

"There will be a Lantern Festival in a few days, it will be very lively, and I will take you out for shopping at that time."

Seeing her like this, he held her hand unconsciously, his eyes soft and smiling.


Although Mu Wan was happy, she focused more on his big hand holding her hand.

The generous and warm hand has a stinging callus, but it makes people reluctant to break free.

Realizing something, it wasn't just that Mu Wan blushed and her heart beat faster.

Chu Bei himself was not much better, but the more he was like this, the more reluctant he was to let go, and instead he held on tighter.

Mu Wan frowned in pain, "Let go..."

Did this person listen to what he just said?
Keep your distance and avoid suspicion!

Chu Bei stopped, and the two faced each other. He gently held her hand, a trace of tension flashed in his cold eyes, "I didn't mean to..."

Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at him, her brows and eyes, which looked like ink and blue, had changed, but she still had a good-looking face. His handsomeness was in his bones, so no matter how he covered it up, he still exuded an attractive charm.

(End of this chapter)

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