Chapter 148 Defense
He held her hand, and rubbed her fingertips lightly. Mu Wan felt an electric shock coming from her body, which made her very uncomfortable. She hurriedly withdrew her hand, "You...what are you doing."

Chu Bei stared slightly, and his throat rolled, "Didn't you want me to teach you Qinggong...then give me your hand, and I will teach you right now."

Mu Wan was ashamed, her mind was full of filth, and after a long time, it turned out that this was the case, she was thinking wrongly, seeing what she was thinking, Mu Wan felt a little ashamed.

Under the moonlight, her ears were flushed, exuding a soft light, and she handed over her hand with some embarrassment, "Okay then."

Chu Yan held her hand and looked back at her, "I'll take you for a walk first..."

As he said that, he pulled people to perform lightness kung fu, leaped into the air and landed on the tile roof.

Although she had been warned in advance, Mu Wan was still quite frightened by such a sudden jump and rapid fall, and even suspected that she was about to suffer from acrophobia.

Then, Chu Yan put his long arms around her shoulders, and then led her to jump continuously from the roof.

After landing, Mu Wan leaned against a locust tree to rest. There was an alley nearby and the farmyard opposite.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to learn light work like this, so why don't you learn it. If you want to leave the palace in the future, I can take you over the wall at any time." Chu Yan looked at her and smiled.

Mu Wan raised her small face and said in disbelief, "Who said that hard work pays off, I won't be afraid if I practice a few more times."

If you learn it, it's your own. If you rely too much on him, if he is not by your side in the future, she will not even be able to escape when she encounters an assassin.

Otherwise, it would be useless to stick to the horse stance for two hours every day. After finally getting used to it, my legs would no longer shake, and my martial arts moves would be perfect.

It's just what the internal force is like, she hasn't grasped the feeling yet.

"Inner strength pays attention to the mental method, and it is not achieved overnight. In addition to the Zhama step, you have to practice meditation and learn how to luck the Dantian, so that you can learn light work." Chu Yan stretched out his hand to pull her up, and looked at the moonlight, "Go Come on, take this matter slowly, go to the princess mansion first."

Mu Wan nodded and stood up following his hand, patted the dust off her body, and said casually, "Speaking of which, why did I lose all my martial arts? Fei Lian said that I was poisoned by some kind of ecstasy incense. You know this kind of poison ?"

Chuhuhu and the others don't seem to know about Mihunxiang. She has to find out who is secretly molesting her.

Although Prince Qi and the others are the most suspected, they still need evidence.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed, and he said, "Go back and ask Miracle Doctor Fu."

"Don't ask him, so as not to startle the snake, I have already sent someone to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon."

"You sent someone to investigate? Who do you suspect?" Chu Yan frowned slightly.

Mu Wan looked at him, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know whether he was trustworthy or not. After all, she was Chu Huli's younger brother. Even though they were all on her side, she still didn't dare to trust anyone easily.

From all kinds of assassination, poisoning, Mihunxiang slipped into the water and almost died, and then to the assassination a few days ago, someone poisoned and plotted in the palace from time to time, it was almost impossible to guard against.

It can be said that she lives in panic every day, always worried that someone will kill her.

So if she was not careful, her life would be lost. She suspected that Zhou Ruolan and Ling Wang were in collusion, so she asked the blood shadow guard to secretly monitor and investigate this time.

Zhou Ruolan broke into the Suzaku Palace to have a tryst with Chu Bei, which is really suspicious.

So it's hard to guarantee that Chu Fox and the others are not in the same group.

"I'll tell you when I have evidence." Mu Wan secretly sighed, avoiding his gaze, turned and walked forward.

Chu Yan was a few steps behind, looking at her figure, her expression was a bit complicated, she didn't believe herself... She was on guard against him, it seemed that she had really changed, she was so thoughtful, cautious, definitely not the gentleman she used to be Mu Wan.

After amnesia, can a person really change so much by himself?
(End of this chapter)

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