Chapter 156

Chu Bei frowned slightly, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty's words are really funny. I haven't received a salary for several months. Not only did I not get a share of the salary from the treasury, but I also paid it back!"


Mu Wan's hands froze, the treasury was empty, and the queen's dowry supplemented the treasury. This was her seven inches, her deathbed.

Seeing her gloomy face, Chu Bei smiled, looking at her with surprise in his eyes, what kind of meal is this so strange?

I saw Mu Wan holding a white and fat bun, cutting it in half with a delicate knife, and then spreading some sauce on it, as well as lettuce, frying and grilling the slightly cooked thin slices of meat, and finally eating it like this .

He had never seen the plate in front of her, as well as the strange tableware and eating method. Although it felt strange, it looked very elegant and pleasing to the eye.

"What's this way of eating?" Chu Bei couldn't help asking, watching her series of elegant movements.

Mu Wan: "...."

Seeing his surprised gaze, there is no cold gaze like before.

Mu Wan took the unbitten bun and handed it to him, "This is called Western food, my homemade hamburger, if you don't mind it, I'll give you a taste."

"Western food? How to eat in Xiqi Kingdom?" Chu Bei took her homemade hamburger and asked curiously.

"No, the special way of eating in my dream."

"Hot pot too?"


Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, then made another one, watched him eat while eating, and said with a smile, "Is it delicious?"

I have to admit that a good-looking person can do anything that is pleasing to the eye, just watching him eat, even simple tea and light meals feel extraordinarily delicious.

"not bad!"


What a tricky mouth!
Mu Wan pursed her lips, picked up a bowl of soup, looked down, and paused, "If you eat it with milk or soy milk, the taste will be even better."

"If you want to eat, just ask the imperial dining room to make it."

"But it's not a drought recently, the harvest is bad, and there are few soybeans for tribute. The queen mother likes to drink tofu and eats it every day. I can only drink it once a week. If I go out of the palace to buy it, it will cost a lot of money. As for milk, Those cows had to be bought from Beiming Kingdom, and the Royal Farm didn't raise many of them, and the price was not cheap, in fact, I prefer goat milk, but the imperial dining room said they don't have any." Mu Wan glanced at him and said.

Chu Bei: "...."

After listening for a long time, he finally understood that this woman was talking about him taking money from her in disguise.

She is the empress, the king of the world, what can she eat?
These were all she ordered, and the Imperial Dining Room did not dare not to do so.

She is so smart that she can't understand the reason, but she just got angry with him, and her temper is stubborn.

Chu Bei glanced at her, smiled, and then said sharply, "Come here!"

After hearing this, Mu Wan shuddered all over. What is this for?
"The slaves kowtow to the emperor, kowtow to the prince!"

Afterwards, Dexi ran into and knelt on the ground in a hurry, a little frightened, "I don't know what orders the master has!"

"The emperor wants to drink soy milk, wants to drink milk, does the Imperial Dining Room know about this?"

Dexi's complexion changed, and he quickly kowtowed, "Go back to the lord, this slave deserves to die...The slave doesn't know about this."

Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei's gloomy and displeased eyes, licked her lips, and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, what the queen is making such a fuss about, I didn't let anyone tell Dexi about it, so don't blame him."

Dexi wiped off his cold sweat, but he didn't know whether he was scared or moved, anyway, he looked at Mu Wan with tears streaming down his face, "Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

He glanced at Mu Wan, and then said in a soft voice, "In the future, we must understand who is the master of this palace, and prepare immediately what the emperor wants to eat, and respect the emperor in everything, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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