Chapter 157 Cooperation
"The slave understands, the slave understands, the slave now prepares!"

Dexi ran out immediately, and came back with soy milk and milk after a while.

Mu Wan: "...."

It seems that her original purpose was not this! !
"Drink! Don't you want to drink? No money, tell me what you want to eat in the future." Chu Bei put all the milk and soy milk in front of her and smiled.

for free!
Well, that's what she wanted.

Mu Wan's eyes lit up, and she looked up at him, "The empress is serious? From now on, I don't need to spend money on whatever I want to eat, and I don't need to write any IOUs either!"


Mu Wan opened her eyes wide and remained silent for a long time.

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt a little gentle, "Why, the emperor doesn't believe it? Then from today on, this king will have meals with the emperor, three meals a day, so you believe it!"

Mu Wan: "...."

"The emperor despises this king for taking your meal, and I will let you come back from now on."


Mu Wan looked at his smiling eyebrows, with fox-like sly eyes, somehow felt that she was being calculated, and suspected that he was a fake, so she decided to probe, "Could it be that the queen is drinking?"

"This king smells of alcohol?"

"The 350 million taels of gold, can I not return it?"


"Interest must be waived!"

"what do you say"

Chu Bei smiled.


Mu Wan blinked her eyes twice, breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Bai Gu and slapped the wind twice, it was the real Chu Fox, it couldn't be faked, thinking about it, it would be impossible for someone to fake him, if it wasn't a fake, then his The reason for doing it, what is it?

Could it be that he really changed his mind or something...?
Mu Wan couldn't be sure, and didn't dare to believe it casually. What if he was just playing some tricks and tricks?
After all, she is not the original owner now, she has already escaped his control.

There were too many doubts and scruples, relatively contradictory, and his actions were too dreamy, which made Mu Wan feel more and more irritable as he thought about it.

Chu Bei looked at her anxiously, and the corners of his lips did not feel light, "Your Majesty, you don't have to guess. This king did this because he wanted to understand something. The things that the emperor dreamed in his dreams are all pretty good. Do you think so?" Opening a shop to do business, since the third brother and the others have been invited, I can’t object anymore, can I also let the king join in? Money is nothing more than a lot, and it’s a fool not to earn money, isn’t it!?”

Hearing this, Mu Wan's eyes lit up, "Oh...! I understand."

Hearing what he said, Mu Wan was completely relieved. She looked at him with a smirk and a smirk. Her sad face became joyful. As if the two were in the same boat, she quickly put her hand on his shoulder and smiled. Said, "I understand! The queen accepted my proposal before, and plans to cooperate with me, right?"

No wonder Chaoshang will help her today. This is to show his kindness first, to be soft, and to find a way for himself. After all, they just quarreled and had a lot of unpleasant things a few days ago. He went to her directly because of his embarrassment. To find a reason.

While thinking about it, Mu Wan nodded frequently, becoming more and more sure of her guess.

This old fox is really smart and cunning.

Anyway, how could she refuse such a powerful helper who came to her door by herself!

"Well, but... the matter of giving the marriage will be avoided, and I don't want others to make decisions about my king's affairs."

Mu Wan smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say, as long as the queen is willing to cooperate with me, I promise I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

(End of this chapter)

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