Chapter 161 protect the short
Mu Wan was depressed, with a majestic smile on her lips, "Yes, I am the emperor of the kingdom, this... is my queen, King Chu, does the owner of the valley know the queen?"

Chu Bei and Fu Er are brothers in love, and they are also Lan Er's fiancé. They often visit Yaowang Valley, how could he not know each other.

This kid owed Lan'er, and he hasn't settled the debt with him yet.

The old Guzhu narrowed his eyes, and stared at Mu Wan with sharp eyes, "Well, of course I saw it, the little baby breathed a sigh of relief, your father is still polite when he sees this old man, why are you so impolite, dear old man I don’t even see you greet me? Do you still want this old man to save your life?”

This self-sufficient and arrogant tone made people feel very uncomfortable. At the beginning, the first emperor tolerated it because Concubine Ning had to ask him, and for the sake of his beloved, he had to bow his head.

But Mu Wan is different, she doesn't have to ask him.

What is he so proud of?
Mu Wan's expression was a little cold, her eyes flickered darkly, and she was determined to make the old man feel embarrassed.

Fu Si stood on the side and silently supported his forehead, and winked at her vigorously. His master has such a temper, if he wants to save his life, he should bear more...

Mu Wan turned a blind eye and said with a light smile, "I also want to meet the old valley owner in person, but I was unlucky and was plotted against, and I got poisoned needles on my leg, so it's not convenient to go out of the palace, I hope the old valley owner will forgive me. "

The old valley owner raised his brows slightly, looked at the empress again, and thought to himself, the little baby is interesting, with calm and wise eyebrows, calm and calm, just like her father, but a little more eccentric.

However, he doesn't like this woman.

"Hmph, the old man is not here to save you, but to see when you will die." The old valley owner snorted dissatisfiedly with one hand on his back.

"Old Valley Master..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Chu Bei and the others changed slightly. They knew that he was starting to protect his shortcomings. It must be because Fu Si was assassinated and almost killed him that he was angered by the fact that the old valley owner could come all the way to the capital. old man.

When I arrived in the capital, I heard that the little apprentice was being bullied by the empress everywhere, and I had been thinking about how to avenge the apprentice to relieve my anger.

This will make it difficult for him to save people!
Chu Bei and the others looked at Fu Si, hoping that they could only place their hopes on him.

Fu Si looked at the old Guzhu, "Master, it wasn't the emperor's fault that I was assassinated, but junior sister... it was because of her many faults first."

Zhou Ruolan conspired to assassinate the empress, this matter is too big, since Jun Muwan is here, he can't say it clearly.

Mu Wan blinked, and looked at the bullying old man in front of the main hall. She really didn't expect this old man to be so ignorant, and only knew how to blindly protect and indulge his disciples. No wonder Zhou Ruolan developed the kind of ruthless, lawless, arrogant, Insufferable stinking nature.

The relationship is similar to that of the original owner, being spoiled by others.

But it is different in essence, the first emperor did not blindly favor and indulge her.

Although the original owner was a bit spoiled, she was pure in nature!

Otherwise, Lu Fei and the others would not be able to become friends with her.

But the parenting style of the old valley owner is not acceptable.

Zhou Ruolan was about to kill someone, and he still connived, this is too unreasonable!
However, such people do exist in this world.

The old Gu master glanced at Fu Si coldly, "You also said that your junior sister was bullied, and I didn't see you helping her. Is there a senior brother like you?"

Fu Si: "..."

Seeing that Master Master was angry, Fu Si stood aside and listened to the training, and didn't speak, letting him speak directly.

But the old valley owner didn't say much, he just looked at Mu Wan, feeling displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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