Chapter 162 I Can Heal Itself
Mu Wan watched Fu Si being reprimanded and didn't dare to fart. At first, her desire to learn art from a teacher suddenly cooled down.

"Since the old valley owner is unwilling, please go back."

The old valley master's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled, "Are you sure? If the old man hadn't taken action on your injury, it would have been hopeless. Do you want to lie down for the rest of your life?"

Mu Wan narrowed her brows and eyes, and exhaled like blue, "I don't need to bother the old Guzhu with this little injury, I can heal it myself!"

Everyone: "..."

The old Gu master and Fu Si were both surprised, "Do you know medical skills?"

"don't know!"

Chu Bei frowned slightly, "Don't mess around!"

Mu Wan looked at him, pouted slightly, "I didn't mess around, I was the one who saved Princess Xuan last time."

Although she doesn't know any medical skills, she knows a lot of basic self-help knowledge.

The most important thing about her current injury is that the poisonous needle cannot be pulled out, as long as it is pulled out, any other imperial doctor can heal it.

"I'm a female empress, a majestic Ninth Five-Year Supreme, why do I have to save this old man who doesn't know right from wrong?" Mu Wan looked at the old Guzhu and hummed softly.

The old valley owner: "...."

Damn girl, actually said that he doesn't know right from wrong?

"Tell me, I don't know right from wrong!!" The old valley owner was so angry that his face was ashen. If he couldn't tell, he would kill the damn girl. No one had ever dared to be so arrogant in front of him. He was so angry light.

The four major kingdoms, the numerous small kingdoms, the emperor, the grandson and nobleman, can't they beg him and curry favor with him?

Is it her father, the first emperor of the monarchy, the famous and powerful Emperor Jiajing, who is a corporal who visits the thatched cottage three times and goes to the Valley of Medicine Kings to beg him in person?

In the end he ignored him.

When it comes to this stinky girl, she is so rude and arrogant, well...he wants to see how arrogant she is!
Mu Wan looked at his angry look, but smiled and said, "The state officials are only allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps. Your good apprentice has fooled me several times, and even wanted to murder me, committing a serious crime of killing the nine clans. I am no more than a small boy." A small punishment, as a warning, the old owner deliberately ignores her evil deeds because he loves his apprentice, and wants to come to the palace to seek justice for her, so what is wrong with this kind of behavior, regardless of right and wrong?"

Hearing these words, the hearts of those present trembled. Who would have thought that she would know all of this?
The face of the old valley owner changed slightly, and he still smiled unconvinced, "What evidence do you have? If you don't have evidence, you will slander Lan'er. Besides, you preempted her fiancé first. Lan'er felt wronged and couldn't get angry for a while. Let me teach you a lesson. , it’s not right for you to seize love first, and you are an empress, and you are still Lan’er’s friend, so you can’t take it anymore? After all, it’s just your royal family who bullies others, and the old man loves her lover to seek justice for her, why not OK?"

Mu Wan's brows were cold, her eyes glanced at Fu Si lightly, and she sneered, "Evidence? If you want evidence, why don't you go back and ask your good disciple Fu Miracle Physician!"

Fu Si: "...."

"Although I am not capable, I still have eyes to see. In this capital, who is a human and who is a ghost, I know very well in my heart. Don't think that you can destroy the evidence of what you have done, and think that it can be fooled. , Sparse but not missing, right, Concubine Shu."

Situ Mo's expression froze slightly, and he said with a smile, "What the emperor said is very true."

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and the sound of a needle dropping could be heard.

The old valley owner looked at his big apprentice, and frowned slightly, "What's going on?"

Fu Si sighed secretly.

If he didn't say anything, the old valley owner knew in his heart that Lan'er might really have committed the crime of killing the king.

The evidence was probably destroyed by Fu Er, in order to keep Lan Er and Zhou Mansion.

The people present were also silent, it was true, but the empress couldn't produce evidence, and she was so angry that she punished Zhou Ruolan many times.

But that was Zhou Ruolan's own death to provoke her first.

How can he, as a master, not understand what kind of heart his good apprentice has.

Thinking of this, he stopped talking about the Empress bullying Zhou Ruolan.

But one size counts. If you want him to save her, it depends on his mood. Now that he is in a bad mood, he won't save her, hum!
(End of this chapter)

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