Chapter 164 Bet
After listening to the order, Xiao Lizi immediately went to the imperial study.

Everyone didn't understand what she wanted to do. What's the use of finding a rock at this time?

But Chu Bei's eyes flashed, and he seemed to understand what she wanted to do. He knew the piece of black jade in the imperial study room, and it had a special magnetism, which could attract the iron around it.

And this poisonous needle is thin and long, it cannot be taken out by ordinary methods, but it is made of iron, and it can be easily sucked out with black jade.

Chu Bei glanced at Mu Wan, his eyes flickered, and then he smiled at the old valley owner, "Is the old valley owner interested in making a bet with this king?"

Fu Si's face changed slightly, and he knew that he was trying to trick his master.

When they first met, Fu Si made a bet with him, but he lost and had to go to Beijing with him.

The old Guzhu glanced at Mu Wan, "Bet this girl can heal her legs?"

Chu Bei laughed and said, "I have a way to take out the poisonous needle myself."

The old valley owner smiled, "Okay, then the old man will bet that she can't."

He thought for a while, his eyes flickered, "If you lose, the Empress will be abolished, and you will have to marry Lan'er."

As soon as these words came out, Situ Mo frowned and looked at Chu Bei and the others. I'm afraid this is not good!

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at Chu Bei, not understanding why he wanted to bet with this old guy.

She smiled and said nothing.

It depends on what Chu Bei has to say.

After being abolished or not, it didn't have much effect on her.

Maybe everyone will be happy.

"Yes, but if this king wins, the old Gu master will accept the emperor as his apprentice and expel Zhou Ruolan from his teacher." Chu Bei's deep brows and eyes were cold and sharp, and his voice was low and cold.

After the words fell, Mu Wan was stunned, she looked at Chu Bei in shock, did he do this to help her?
He knew that she wanted to learn art from a teacher?

Mu Wan's eyes were a bit complicated, she looked at the old Guzhu who was also stunned, this kind of old man who listened and believed, and didn't know what was right and wrong, to be honest, her desire to learn from a teacher was not so strong at first, but it was Angry at Fu Si's behavior, she wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson. She was not interested in studying medicine, so she had no reason to worship him as a teacher.

This time I don't even want to be a teacher.

Fu Si's face was ugly, and he turned to Chu Bei, "Brother Chu, this... just bet, why are you targeting Lan'er?"

He already knew that Chu Bei would not let Junior Sister off easily...

"You know what she did, it is enough for her to die a hundred times, this time is to give her a chance, if the old valley owner is not willing, let it go, but from now on, this king does not want to hear about the marriage contract again, This king does not owe her anything."

There is no promise, no agreement, but a marriage letter that has not yet been settled.

He didn't want anyone to hurt Mu Wan because of this.

This time, Fu Si had nothing to say, and knew in his heart that this was the last decision Chu Bei would make.

The old valley owner nodded slightly, calm and relaxed, feeling that what Chu Bei said was reasonable, and this might be Lan'er's last chance, so he agreed after thinking about it.

The bet between the two was established, and Xiao Lizi also came back with Xuan Yushi.

Seeing the almost black stone, except for smooth and round, there are no features.

With a calm face, the old valley owner walked to the chair and sat down, picked up the teacup, and said, "If that's the case, let's start, and let the old man see what you are capable of."

Chu Bei walked up to Mu Wan, looked at her, and nodded secretly to signal her to let go.

Mu Wan: "...."

It turns out that she knows the magical effect of this piece of profound jade!

Chu Bei smiled, with a calm expression. Apart from her, he was the only one who often stayed in the imperial study room. This stone was dug out when the kingdom excavated the first iron mine. It was brought back from Huzhou, and the late emperor kept it in the In the imperial study room, but I didn't know its beauty.

It was Mu Wan who accidentally touched the brocade box, the stone fell down, and accidentally discovered that it was a quick magnet.

The scene of absorbing the iron was seen by the dark guard, and then told him.

Mu Wan was depressed. If it went on like this, he would know her every move like the palm of his hand, which was terrible.

"Your Majesty..." Xiao Lizi whispered while holding the Xuan Yushi.

Mu Wan recovered, looked at him, and said, "Give it to me."

Xiao Lizi handed the thing over, and Mu Wan held it in the palm of her hand, then lifted her trousers, held the stone to suck the poisonous needle, and then slowly pulled it out...

(End of this chapter)

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