Chapter 165 Pay Tribute Every Year
Everyone looked at this scene, almost dumbfounded, unable to believe it.

The slender poisonous needle, which was almost as long as the middle finger, was slowly sucked out by the stone in her hand.

At the end, Mu Wan frowned, feeling a little pained, her face paled, and the black jade stones and poisonous needles fell on the carpet one after another.

Xiao Lizi hurriedly picked up the Xuanyu stone, this is a treasure, it cannot be broken.

Chu Bei was holding her hand tightly, seeing the poisonous needle being taken out, his eyes were gloomy, and he said to Fu Sidao, "Stop the bleeding quickly."

Fu Si hurriedly stepped forward to clean the wound, apply medicine, detoxify, stop the bleeding, bandage, etc. After completing a series of actions, he stood aside and looked at his master, not knowing what to say... He obviously winked at him....

Without confidence, the Empress and Chu Bei would never bet with him.

Now it's all right, not only will new apprentices be recruited, but Zhou Ruolan will also be expelled from the school.

What is this called?
Not worth the candle!

Well, one or two, why are they so obsessed with provoking this couple?

Apart from being surprised, the old valley owner was panicked, and it seemed that he was really tricked by them.

"Haha, it seems that there are so many treasures in the palace, there are no surprises there!"

Who knew that such an inconspicuous stone could exert such a miraculous effect.

No wonder the emperor and empress are so confident!

The old man actually lost to the two little dolls, alas!

Chu Bei and the others all looked at him, the old Guzhu's face was ugly, with a deflated and unconvinced look.

"The tradition of Yaowang Valley is to keep promises and be willing to admit defeat. The old man just accepts her as a disciple... But... can it be fine if you are expelled from the teacher's school?" Asking for help in a soft voice shows how much she loves Zhou Ruolan.

He has no children in his life, Fu Si and Zhou Ruolan are like his children, so it is inevitable that they have overprotected their shortcomings.

Everyone: "..."

Chu Bei's eyes were cold, he didn't speak, he just looked at Mu Wan, and everything was up to her.

She is happy, it doesn't matter what.

Mu Wan looked at the old Guzhu and smiled, "Since this is the case, it's okay to be a teacher. My country is busy with affairs, and I don't have time to study medicine."

"You don't want to worship this old man as your teacher?"

As soon as the words came out, the old valley owner was unhappy. Others were struggling to be his apprentice, but she didn't get the chance. Isn't this disgusting him?
I just despise him!

Mu Wan's eyes flashed slightly, and she smiled, "That's not the case. As the saying goes, there are two tigers in one mountain. I and Miss Zhou have always been at odds. If my teacher came from the same school, I would still be her junior sister. Wouldn't I be overwhelmed by her? Besides, in the future, we two If we start fighting, with the attitude of the old valley owner, I will definitely help her, why should I ask for trouble!"

The old valley owner: "...."

This is forcing him to drive Lan'er out of the school... The little girl is really cruel.

The old valley owner was in a dilemma for a while, on the one hand, he was willing to gamble and admit defeat, on the other hand, he was a disciple who had been hurt since childhood.

"If the old valley owner doesn't want to make things difficult, how about these..."

Mu Wan glanced at him, something flashed in her eyes, she smiled lightly, and said her plan.

After she finished speaking, the old valley owner and Fu Siyi, old and young, stared at her with wide eyes, "You mean to change the bet, so that we, Yaowanggu, pay tribute to the imperial court every year?"

What a joke!
When did the Valley of the Medicine Kings fall to the point of paying tribute to the imperial court?
According to what she said, paying tribute every year, plus cultivating talents for the palace, letting the disciples of Yaowanggu enter the palace as imperial physicians, in this way, wouldn't their Yaowanggu become the possession of her kingdom?
No, absolutely not, it's too bad.

Not to mention those expensive plasters and medicinal materials, but the cultivation of imperial physicians is the Achilles heel of Medicine King Valley.

Yaowanggu's medical skills are said to be unparalleled in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to spread them to the outside world.

The Medicine King Valley has been established for hundreds of years, and the owners of several generations of the valley are all genius doctors, and there are never more than three direct disciples.

Other divisions are counted separately, and it is impossible for their main line to change the rules.

But the empress called for Gu Zhu to personally train an imperial doctor for her.

The old valley owner turned livid with anger, "No, the old man disagrees."

(End of this chapter)

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