The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 172 Queen, Are You Convicted?

Chapter 172 Queen, Are You Convicted?
The Empress Dowager's expression was ugly, and she argued, "The Eldest Princess brought Princess Nanliang into the palace. Naturally, she has to come to the Suzaku Palace to pay her respects to the Empress. It's better for you to let your subordinates beat people indiscriminately. The two princesses are covered with injuries. That's the best evidence."

Chu Bei looked at the Queen Mother coldly, "I have said this since I entered the palace, anyone who is not summoned is not allowed to enter the harem privately, let alone step into the Suzaku Palace. The Ninth Princess of Nanliang doesn't know about it, and the eldest princess doesn't know about it either?"

The Empress Dowager's face turned blue, and she had nothing to say. This is indeed true. He gave the order on the first day he lived in the harem, and before the empress's wedding, the late emperor also said that the king of Chu entered the palace as the queen, and everything in the harem was available. He calls the shots.

She, the queen mother, has no right to control him at all.

The empress dowager was so angry that her lips trembled, she couldn't suppress Chu Bei's cold and domineering air.

I could only turn my head to look at Mu Wan, and cried, "Emperor, the Ai family can't control you, the God of War Queen, your sister was seriously injured in the Zhuque Palace, and the imperial doctor said that her ribs were all broken. Three ups and two downs, Aijia is no longer alive."

Mu Wan: "...."

The empress dowager actually played this woman's trick of crying, making trouble, and hanging herself, Mu Wan was a little bit dumbfounded.

"The empress dowager knows that the empress is domineering and difficult to control, so she should take good care of her sister. Why didn't you learn a lesson when Brother Eighth Prince happened!"

The empress dowager choked, her expression worried, "Then the emperor doesn't care about your sister's death, does he?"

Mu Wan was depressed, "That's not what I meant..."

Yesterday, Concubine Xu fainted out of anger and was carried out of the palace.

When King Ling was seriously injured, he was also hit by a board, and he was lying on the bed with only half his life left.

Since everyone knows that they can't beat Chu Huhu, why do they have to provoke him?
You see, since she knew that the little goblins in the harem were difficult to deal with, she wisely hid away and dared not set foot in their territory.

It's ridiculous that Mu Wan wants to run away now, but the queen mother begged her to make the decision, and the eldest princess and the others are all to blame, which is annoying. Why should she make the decision for her?

However, as an empress, she cannot be said to be "fearful of internal affairs".

Although the eldest princess and the others are annoying, Chu Huhu is also annoying, and his arrogance cannot continue to grow.

Mu Wan glanced at the Queen Mother, thinking that she should take this opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"Queen, you are guilty!"

Looking at Chu Bei, her eyes suddenly became sharper.

But who knows that people don't play cards according to the routine, Chu Bei smiled and said, "I know my crime, so I decided to make up for my mistakes and serve the emperor well. The emperor will stay in the Zhuque Palace tonight. As for the eldest princess and her daughter-in-law breaking into the harem, this king Don't pursue it with her."

Everyone: "..."

Not only everyone, but Mu Wan and the Queen Mother were also dumbfounded, looking at Chu Bei with almost simultaneous expressions.

"The emperor was assassinated today, his legs and feet are inconvenient, and he is entrusted to others to serve him. The king is not at ease. Doesn't the queen mother always say that the concubine should regard the emperor as the sky and serve the emperor well? The queen mother thinks this result is not satisfied?" Chu Bei looked at the queen mother coldly. sneer.

The Empress Dowager's eyes flickered. Of course, she was absolutely dissatisfied. These words were said by her, but they were just to make things difficult for them, and even more so to instigate the wrath of the concubines.

These concubines were all arrogant and refused to be humiliated by the empress from the very beginning.

The more she said this, the more angry Chu Bei and the others became, and the dignity of being a man did not allow it.

That's why the concubine fights with the empress every day, making the whole harem restless every day.

Now he suddenly said that he was willing to serve the Empress...

The queen mother looked at Mu Wan with gloomy eyes, which meant that the emperor had already subdued these male concubines.

Then they spent so much effort to sow discord between the emperor and empress, how can they make them reconcile!
But she always said this before, so there is no reason to object to it.

And if she insists on pursuing it, the eldest princess will inevitably be punished.

(End of this chapter)

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