The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 173 She rejected him again.

Chapter 173 She rejected him again.

The queen mother thought for a while, and said unwillingly, "What kind of punishment is this? It's only natural for a concubine to serve the emperor."

Mu Wan recovered from the shock, looked at the queen mother and nodded sharply, "The queen mother is right, this is not a punishment, the queen is not strict, hurt the eldest princess and Nanliang princess, fined her salary for three years, okay , this matter is over, the queen mother, let's go to Yonghe Palace to visit Huangjie."

Mu Wan was so frightened that after finishing speaking, she couldn't help but drag the Queen Mother and run away, she doesn't need him to serve her...

Chu Bei was so abnormal today that she had a creepy feeling that all the plans she had planned before had come to nothing.

However, she doesn't care about him, she will definitely leave the palace on the Lantern Festival...


Mu Wan's attitude indicated that she rejected the queen, and the queen mother was happy to see it succeed, and it could be said that it was in her arms, so she was helped to leave the Suzaku Palace smoothly.

Chu Bei watched them leave without anyone stopping him, but he felt a little unhappy, and the woman rejected him again.


Mu Wan followed the Queen Mother and left the Queen of Suzaku Palace, "Queen Mother, I asked Imperial Physician Fu to check on Sister Huang's injury. I still have state affairs to attend to, and my legs and feet are inconvenient, so I will visit Sister Huang another day."

The Queen Mother smiled gently, "State affairs are the most important thing, please come back, Your Majesty."

The Queen Mother was quite satisfied with her performance today, and felt that she could still fool Mu Wan back.


In this way, the Empress Dowager took the people back to the Yonghe Palace.

Mu Wan also followed back to the imperial study.

Outside the imperial study room, two guards knelt there, "Your subordinate is guilty, I beg the emperor to punish you!"

Seeing them, Mu Wan pursed her lips and said, "Get up, this is none of your business."

She understood that they were all threatened by Chu Bei.

With the harem in power, they also have hardships that they cannot tell, so there is no need to embarrass them.

After hearing this, the guard breathed a sigh of relief, got up, and went back to continue to stand guard.


At this time, Zhou Mansion, Qingzhi Garden.

A delicate teacup was thrown to the ground in anger, and it was broken into pieces.

"Get out...! Get out of here!"

Accompanied by the sound of throwing things, there was also the woman's hysterical, extremely angry roar.

In a blink of an eye, the room was in a mess.

The two little girls knelt on the debris-strewn floor, shivering.

Close to the magpie, also knelt and dared not make a sound.

The girl was still wearing a little eunuch uniform, she didn't know what happened, the girl went quietly into the palace with the owner of the valley, and she came back like this.

But the owner of the valley did not come back...

Magpie looked at Miss Zhou with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Her beautiful face was covered with a layer of frost, her eyes were gloomy and fierce, she wished to kill to vent her anger.

If he stepped forward to provoke him at this moment, his life would definitely be lost.

Outside Qingzhiyuan, those maids and women who didn't know, only thought that the eldest girl was in a bad mood because she was punished and grounded, and she was losing her temper.

The women looked at the attic, shook their heads and sighed, they didn't expect the eldest girl to lose her temper when she usually looks at such a gentle person, it would be so terrifying.

You really can't look at people on the surface, the women in this backyard are all the same, alas!

Girls and women dare not approach the attic.

The two little girls in the room also ran out in fright.

Only the magpie, stay.

However, after a while, the magpie also came out, closed the door, and guarded the door.

Inside the house, Ling Wang jumped in from the window.

Looking at the angry woman, his peach eyes narrowed slightly with a hint of a smile, "Lan'er, how are you?"

"Get lost!" Zhou Ruolan glared at him angrily.

"For you, this king sacrificed a chess piece that had been lurking in the palace for many years. This king has hard work without credit, right? Are you treating me like this?!"

However, Ling Wang stepped forward with a smile, not afraid of the woman's murderous eyes.


He lowered his figure like this, and rushed to comfort her, but he didn't get anything in return, and he was insulted several times.

King Ling felt a little unhappy, but he still didn't leave.

It was the first time for him to be so patient with a woman, which made him feel incredible.

Probably the number one beauty in the capital, it's really not easy to win.

But it doesn't matter, take your time, this king has time, and one day, he will make her succumb to him.

 Good morning, today I want to say something, I want to say that it is not easy for the author of Xiaopu Street, can you not give a bad review (`)σ, because it will lower the score, it is fatal????.

(End of this chapter)

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