The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 174 The word Aiqing is the thorn in his heart

Chapter 174 The word Aiqing is the thorn in his heart
The woman looked at him, and violently overturned the only table left, and then leaked her internal force, crushed it with one foot, crushed it, and vented frantically, wishing that it was Mu Wan's head that she was stepping on.


In the imperial study room, Mu Wan was seriously reviewing the memorial when suddenly there was a "Ha Qiu".

Xiao Lizi worried, "Your Majesty, have you caught a cold? Do you want to announce the imperial physician?"

Mu Wan gave up, "No need, I'm fine."

She pursed her lips and sneered in her heart, Zhou Ruolan pretended to be a little eunuch and sneaked into the palace, Chu Bei could hear what she said clearly, he would be scolding her behind her back.

Looking at her sitting posture, Xiao Lizi twitched his eyebrows, "It's better to let the imperial doctor take a look. It's important for the emperor to take care of the dragon's body."

Mu Wan said, "Go and make me a rocking chair, this chair can't lie down, it's uncomfortable."

As he spoke, he handed the drawn drawings to him.

Little Lizi: "...."

What the emperor thinks all day, as a slave, he really can't figure it out!
After following the master for so long, he didn't even learn one-third of the master, and suddenly missed the master so much.

Xiao Lizi felt a little frustrated, and walked out of the imperial study with the blueprint in melancholy.

At this moment, Mu Wan put down her pen and looked up at the hot sun outside the window.

Her calf is still a bit awkward, and she will pray for rain tomorrow, but the people behind this have spent some thought, and even let someone hurt her leg, so they think they can stop her from praying for rain?

Usually the emperor can't go, so he has to find someone to replace him. I'm afraid only Prince Qi is the most suitable in the court, hmph...

Mu Wan's eyes were cold, "Come here, pass on to Imperial Physician Fu."


Fu Si, dressed in blue and with black hair, stepped in, "I have seen the emperor."

Mu Wan turned around and looked at him with a smile, "Fu Aiqing, please."

Hearing the word Aiqing, Fu Si's expression turned ugly.

Before that, he was not a real imperial physician in the palace, but a private doctor invited by Chu Bei.

Room and board are at the VIP level.

This time, he was cheated by his master and became the empress' imperial physician.

Although I didn't report to the hospital to join the job.

But the news that he is the imperial physician beside the Empress has spread throughout the palace, and it cannot be changed. The word Aiqing feels like a thorn in his heart.

ten years.

He will be enslaved by this woman for ten years.

Before, she thought that the empress would not settle accounts with him, but now, she is the first one she seeks out, and he is so ruthless.

Thinking of it, Fu Si was so angry that he vomited blood.

"The emperor is looking for his minister, what's wrong with his body?" He lowered his eyes and asked.

"Well, it's fine, but tomorrow I'm going out of the palace to pray for rain at Longfeng Mountain. My leg is injured. Is there any way to make it heal faster?" Mu Wan looked at him and said.

"Back to the emperor, the poison in your body has been cleared, and it is only a matter of time before the calf injury heals, there is no way to make it better quickly, the emperor had better not climb Longfeng Mountain." Fu Si truthfully said.

Mu Wan frowned and said, "What will happen?"

Fu Siwei paused, "It will be crippled. Your leg has been injured for a hundred days. If you don't take a good rest, the emperor may not be able to practice martial arts for the rest of your life."

Judging from her tone, does she want to climb Longfeng Mountain despite her leg injury...?
Mu Wan's eyes flickered, Fu Si was not joking...but tomorrow's trip is very important to her.

She looked at her legs with dark eyes, "I see, you step back."


After Fu Si left, a figure flashed in the imperial study.

The Blood Shadow Guard knelt there, and reported, "My lord, my subordinates have found out that the assassination was carefully arranged by King Ling. Chance."

(End of this chapter)

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