Chapter 176 Panic...

"The imperial doctor said that the emperor is not suitable for long-distance walking now. How can the emperor walk up to Longfeng Mountain? I ask the emperor to think twice. The trip to Longfeng can be done by the empress instead. You don't need to take this risk." Chu Yan's eyes darkened, Looking at Mu Wan, she wondered if she was crazy. Her leg was injured and she still wanted to climb a mountain. Could it be that she wanted to become a cripple? !

Looking at his unchanging expression, Mu Wan frowned slightly, but he didn't feel guilty?Could it be that she was thinking too much?
"I've already thought about it, needless to say, it's imperative to climb Longfeng Mountain tomorrow. I have already sent someone to inform the queen to go together, and you have to protect me personally."

Tomorrow's trip will inevitably be dangerous. Not only does she want to avenge the assassination, but she also wants to see what the Chu brothers are up to.

If Chu Yan and Chu Bei show up at the same time tomorrow, it will prove her guess is wrong, if one of them is absent... Huh, then they are dead! !

Mu Wan's face was sometimes angry and sometimes stern.

Chu Yan and Anwei looked at it, their heads were covered with cold sweat, and their hearts were faintly uneasy.

Mu Wan secretly suppressed the turbulent displeasure, looked at Chu Yan coldly, with indifference and alienation in his eyes, "Also, when Fei Lian will come back, I want him to accompany him tomorrow."

"Yes..." Chu Yan replied.

It was the first time that she really felt the indifference in her bones.

For some reason he was suddenly afraid of the day when she would know the truth...

Sitting in front of the desk, Mu Wan raised her eyes and pursed her lips lightly, "Well, it's okay, you all step back."

Chu Yan was still carrying the food box, "Then this roast chicken..."

"I told you not to eat it, take it away."

She didn't want to talk to him until her conjecture was confirmed.

As long as she thought that this guy might be Chu Bei pretending to be, she would be so angry that her heart and lungs hurt, and she wished to strangle him immediately.

But she has to bear it for now, and wait until tomorrow to find the evidence, to see how he continues to make it up for her.

Chu Yan: "..."

The dark guard carried the food box and followed him out of the imperial study.

Coming out of the imperial study, the master has been absent-minded.

Zhuiying also understood in his heart that the master was afraid that the emperor would know the truth, so he should just strangle him to death.

Thinking about it, it's very possible. The look in the emperor's eyes just now is enough to show that she has already suspected the master, and she still wants to prove it tomorrow and catch him.

And now neither "Chu Yan" nor Chu Bei can find an excuse to postpone tomorrow's trip to Longfeng Mountain, otherwise...

The dark guard's whole body tightened, his Adam's apple rolled suddenly, looking at Chu Bei, he could only pray in his heart that his master would pass this test.

Just at this juncture, the emperor began to become suspicious.

Thinking about it carefully, if the emperor hadn't doubted the identity of the master from the very beginning, with the emperor's intelligence, the master might have revealed his secrets long ago.

But because of this, Mu Wan would be very angry.


They all walked to the entrance of Suzaku Palace, Chu Bei was still in agitation and distress, Zhui Ying silently reminded him, and Chu Bei returned to look at him.

He squeezed the space between his brows, feeling a real headache, "Go to the barracks, let the third son disguise himself as me tomorrow, and accompany the emperor to Longfeng Mountain together."

The dark guard nodded, hesitated for a while and said, "Then do you want to explain the situation?"

He was afraid that the third son would reveal his secrets and the emperor would find out that he was disguised. At that time, the master would definitely die even worse, and in the end, the third son might suffer together.

And the old prince still doesn't know anything, if the emperor complains to her and takes out his anger on the old prince, I'm afraid the master will be beaten up at that time, and the fried bamboo shoots will definitely not escape.

"Talk about it, remember to tell him alone..." Chu Bei's eyes dodged, his voice fluttered.

On the side of the old prince, he doesn't worry about beating him at most. He has thick skin and thick flesh, and he has been beaten by his father since he was a child, but the emperor's side... If beating him can make Mu Wan calm down, it doesn't matter if you give her ten beatings .

Chu Bei rolled his Adam's apple, looking at the bright stars in the night sky, but his mood was gloomy...uncomfortable...!
Everything about this matter must be kept a secret, and she must not know.

After Zhuiying got the order, he rushed to the barracks immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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