Chapter 177
At this time, Situ Mo, Xiao Ci, Fu Si, and Xia Houjin came to the Vermillion Bird Hall together.

Hearing what he said about the situation, I suddenly felt creepy, my spine was cold, and I was very afraid of the day when the empress knew the truth.

They are helping the evildoers, and doing so is a crime of deceiving the emperor. At that time, the empress will have the full confidence to punish them.

In the past, because the empress was greedy for male sex, she didn't dare to do anything to them, and she was reluctant to punish them at that time.

But now, as they got along, they understood Mu Wan's temperament.

After amnesia, although her nature hasn't changed much, except for being greedy for money, everything else has not changed.

But her lust for masculinity is fundamentally different from the previous empresses.

Although greedy, but never deep.

She is not stupid, she is very clear-headed, smart and wise, she will take state affairs very seriously, she is said to be greedy for beauty, but she has never favored any male favorite, she is said to be greedy for money, but she has never lost her mind by money...

Such a woman is like a wolf in sheep's clothing...

Thinking of Xia Houjin's throat rolling, looking at them, "Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Ci said solemnly between his brows, "Of course I will continue to hide it."

"I think the confession is lenient. It is safer for the empress to surrender herself." Situ Mo coughed lightly.

Chu Bei blacked out, squeezed out two words between his teeth, "No way..."

At least not now, the empress is angry and in a bad mood, even if she wants to surrender, she has to wait until she is in a good mood.


Situ Mo and the others looked at the mighty God of War King Chu with a guilty conscience and a frightened look, and they opened their eyes wide involuntarily. The King Chu, who is fearless and fearless, will have a day of fear? !

They suddenly looked forward to that day.

He is the one who is most angry with the empress.

They are at best implicated.

Not to mention Fu Si, there was nothing wrong with him at all.

He just waited to see the good show.

Fu Si sat there secretly laughing.

That smile is dazzling.

Chu Bei and the others immediately became upset and started hurting each other.

"If the emperor is angry, I will beat her up at most. She will be fine when her anger subsides, unlike someone who worked for ten years for nothing."

"It's not that time yet, maybe the emperor won't be angry."

"Even if you are angry, you can vent it on us. It's not such a big loss. It's better than giving ten years of youth in vain."

"Yes, yes..."

Fu Si looked at the four of them with an ugly expression on his face, "Huh, it's only ten years, at most, in ten years, I will be a good man again, and he can live in the prosperity of the world, be free, and do whatever he wants, unlike some people who have to treat him for the rest of his life." In this palace wall, it is even more pathetic to be reduced to the emperor's favorite concubine for a lifetime!"

As soon as these words came out, the knife was returned to them with several swishes.

Fu Xiao stabbed them directly with the knife.

Chu Bei didn't feel anything, he had already decided to stay in the harem.

But the three of Situ Mo are different, they don't want to be trapped here for the rest of their lives!

Xia Houjin's face darkened for a while, and her eyes lit up again when she looked at Chu Bei, "We have an agreement with the late emperor, as long as the emperor gives birth to the future prince, he will give us back our freedom, don't you think so, big brother!"

Situ Mo and Xiao Ci looked at Chu together.

Chu Bei: "...."

Fu Si smiled, "If the Emperor hates you, she will have children with you? Now she refuses to set foot in the harem, let alone stay in the Suzaku Hall. What hope do you have?"

Another knife...

Four people: "..."

Chu Bei's face was even more ugly, he did it so obviously, he lowered his posture and invited her to stay in the Suzaku Palace, thinking of the woman's attitude, he was annoyed.

Seeing their gloomy and ugly faces, Fu Si was in a good mood. After being tricked by the empress, he was not that bad in comparison now.

(End of this chapter)

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