Chapter 178 Changes
He poured a glass of wine, glanced at Chu Bei, smiled and said, "So, don't hurt each other, good brothers should have the same blessings and share the same difficulties, maybe I can help you..."

Judging from the empress' current attitude, whether Chu Bei can successfully consummate the marriage with her is a problem.

He can't do it, so force her.

The other party is the empress.

He has a strong personality, if he is in a hurry, he might die with them.

Moreover, if she knew that Chu Bei approached her just to achieve his goal, give birth to the future prince and gain freedom.

At that time, is it possible for the Empress to cooperate with him well? !I'm afraid I will hate them even more.

Thinking of this, Chu Bei became even more irritable.

Seems like that's all wrong.

Several people get together and talk about unpleasant topics.

The entire Suzaku Palace seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud.

The low-pressure atmosphere in the hall is very depressing.

Fu Si looked at their frowning faces, felt a little bit sorry, and said, "These are all assumptions, maybe it's not that serious. I think the current empress is much better than before. At least she cares about the people and is kind-hearted. The king's responsibility is not for an unreasonable person, if you talk to her well, maybe you can reconcile."

Regardless of her leg injury, Mu Wan would rather lose her leg and insist on climbing Longfeng Mountain to pray for rain. No matter what her purpose was, Fu Si changed her mind a lot.

Although I was still a little angry in Yushufang today, looking at her is not as annoying as before.

When it came to praying for rain, Chu Bei asked, "If she really climbs the mountain on foot, will her legs really be ruined?"

Fu Si put down his wine glass with a serious expression, "That's right, the poisonous needle is shot with extremely strong internal force and penetrates deep into the bones and muscles. It's a blessing to be able to force out the remaining toxin. If she insists on climbing at this juncture, she will definitely With a crippled leg, it is almost impossible to recover martial arts."

"Is there no way?"



the next day.

Civil and military officials, concubines in the harem.

A mighty group of people.

First, a sacrificial altar was set up in the palace, and a ceremony was held.

Then the emperor and empress took all the civil and military officials to climb Longfeng Mountain at the same time.

The journey from the imperial city to the foot of Longfeng Mountain is by horse-drawn carriage.

At the foot of the mountain, Mu Wan was required to walk up to the top of the mountain step by step to show his piety.

The Empress is a carriage.

In the carriage, Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei and said, "Queen, why are you still wearing a mask on such a grand and solemn occasion as offering sacrifices to heaven? Take off the mask."

Chu Bei smiled and said, "There is no rule that people are not allowed to wear a mask on the sacrificial occasion. I have asked the Ministry of Rites and said that it is not in the way."


Mu Wan was so angry that she didn't force him to take off the mask, but lifted the curtain of the car to see Chu Yan outside.


He is here?

Wearing armor, no mask, riding a horse, he exudes a majestic general style.

Facing Mu Wan's gaze, he didn't change his face, and stared straight ahead, much colder than before.

Is it to avoid suspicion? !

Mu Wan took a look, then looked back at the man sitting in the carriage, feeling weird in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

It's possible one of them is disguised.

However, now she can't go to check immediately.

"What is the emperor looking at?"

Chu Bei's cold voice sounded faintly.

Mu Wan withdrew her eyes and raised her eyebrows to look at him, with a hint of teasing in her tone, "I was looking at the Chu guard, and when I saw his face, I was thinking, what does the queen look like, I lost my memory, and I don't remember how long the queen is. What does it look like, I don't know, what a charming face is under this mask!"

"The emperor wants to see?"

"Will you show me?"

"If the emperor wants to see it, he can come and take off this king's mask."

Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, staring at the purple gold mask on his face, she clenched her fists and reached out to remove it politely.

However, at this moment, the carriage suddenly shook and jolted, which caused her to lose her center of gravity and suddenly fell into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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