The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 179 You Can Run A Monk, But You Can't Run A Temple

Chapter 179 You Can Run A Monk, But You Can't Run A Temple
"My Majesty, we have arrived at the foot of Longfeng Mountain." Chu Yan's voice came from outside the carriage.

Chu Bei supported her, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "It seems that the emperor wants to see this king's face, so there must be a next time."

Mu Wan got up and tidied up her appearance. Now is indeed not the best time, she has more important things to do, and it won't be too late to slowly reveal his true colors when she returns to the palace.

A monk can escape, but a temple cannot escape, if he really dares to play tricks on her...

Mu Wan hummed indifferently with a small face, and got off the carriage.

Chu Yan met her gaze and couldn't help avoiding it.

Mu Wan: "...."

Right now, he looks a bit like a royal guard.

The lord of the Ministry of Rites stepped forward, "Report to the emperor, Longfeng Mountain is right in front of you, and the sacrificial altar is on the top of the mountain. The emperor needs to bring everyone up the mountain together."

Mu Wan raised her eyes and looked around. The majestic peaks of the mountains, the waves and peaks of the mountains, are layered upon layers, surrounded by mountains, green mountains and green waters, surrounded by clouds and fog.

In front, there is a stepped mountain road made of bluestones, winding and not wide, with green grass, wild flowers, and trees on both sides, high and low, scattered in a well-proportioned way.

The green grass and wild flowers are either knee-high or just as high as the feet.

As for the height of the mountain, looking at it makes her eyes feel tired. If she really climbs up step by step, her leg is not injured, and it may be useless.

Everyone is looking at her.

They really want to see if this empress has the courage.

If she climbs a mountain, her legs will definitely be disabled.

If you don't make it up, the people all over the world will be watching.

If she wanted to anger the people and lose their hearts, she might as well not come to Longfeng Mountain to hold this sacrifice ceremony.

But since she came, she must want to restore the reputation of the former faint king and win the hearts of the people.

They were not afraid of her refusal to go this way.

Mu Wan's eyes were dark, and she glanced at the proud princes and ministers in the crowd who were gloating.

Sneering in disdain in my heart, I looked up at the clear sky, the situation was changing rapidly, how could it be as people wished? !

Mu Wan stood in front of the steps without moving, holding a hundred bone fan, her lips curved slightly, and she looked calm, as if she was here for an outing.

"Master Qin, the air here is good!"

Mr. Qin has black lines all over his head, he doesn't know what to say, is the emperor going to climb the mountain or not? !

"It's time for the emperor to set off, otherwise I'm afraid I'll wait until dark, the mountain road is not easy to walk, I beg you to lead the way."

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Qin Aiqing can just follow me around, let the guards lead the way."

As he spoke, several guards opened the way ahead.

This road has already been cleared, but if some assassins suddenly appear to assassinate, the empress must be protected by someone before and after.

There are layers of guards, like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Then Mu Wan raised her hand, and Xiao Lizi and Xiao Anzi supported her from left to right.

She didn't even touch the ground.

Everyone watched Qi Qi drop the black line.

Take three steps and take a break.

All the civil and military officials behind were screaming in agony, and some of them fainted from heatstroke and did not persist.

"When will the emperor go?" Someone asked.

Sitting under a shady tree, Mu Wan drank iced mung bean soup, looked at the large troops below who were in formation, and said with a chuckle, "My leg was injured, and the imperial doctor said that I can't walk long distances, so don't worry. Show your sincerity, and I will climb up step by step."

Everyone: "..."

A group of people vomit blood, so you should go by yourself!

Chu Bei and the others looked at her and held their foreheads secretly. It seemed that they all thought her too simply.

Worrying all night, it's nothing to worry about.

How could this woman disregard her own legs for the sake of the people of the world without changing her nature?
Everyone thinks too much about feelings.

But those people didn't make her feel better, and immediately started to get involved.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate, Your Majesty. You are sincere in offering sacrifices to the heavens and praying for rain. You are not walking by yourself."

"Yes, yes, the emperor and the people all over the world are watching."

"If you go on like this, you won't be able to reach the top of the mountain until it gets dark. After the auspicious time for offering sacrifices to heaven, how can you ask for rain!"

The Dragon Lord will be so angry that he will die of anger when he sees it! !

(End of this chapter)

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