Chapter 180 Destiny
Mu Wan looked at these ministers, and said calmly and calmly, "If you have a heart, you will have a spirit. I am the Son of Heaven, and my blessings are profound. I will surely move the heavens. I will definitely ask the people all over the world for the rain today. Don't worry, don't worry, I Rest for a while, you all rest for a while, don't stand in the sun, find a shady place to escape the heat."

I heard that those ministers did not dare to move, they just knelt down and said, "I dare not wait."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, is this going to show her?

"Whatever you want, then stand up for me!"

Everyone was miserable.

At this time, Prince Qi stepped forward and said with a smile, "I implore the emperor to be considerate of the officials and cherish all the ministers. If this continues, not only the emperor will suffer, but all the ministers will also fall down one after another. I can't bear it. Who will be able to serve the court at that time?" ah!"

Mu Wan glanced at Prince Qi, he was quite good at buying people's hearts.

"Then go on."

Mu Wan got up lazily, still being supported on the road.

This speed is comparable to a snail, which is really distressing.

Those officials in the audience dared not speak out.

Before he had taken two steps, he stopped in front of him again.

Mu Wan is now under the tree, looking at the great mountains and rivers, she can't help but want to write poems and paint.

"Your Majesty, the sun is hot and the sky is clear. I'm afraid it won't rain. If this continues, everyone may suffer from heat stroke. Many ministers have already fainted."

"The ministers beg the emperor to take pity on all the officials, and beg the emperor to put state affairs first. We are not wandering around."

A group of ministers began to complain.

Mu Wan's ears are callused after listening too much, her eyes flashed coldly, and she glanced at them sharply, "If you can't hold on, let someone carry you back. I have something to say first, and I don't need to follow you this time. I understand you, but have you thought about it for me? Are you willing to force me to cripple my legs?"

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they knelt down quickly, "The emperor calms down, I... I just... think about the people of the world, think about the emperor, offering sacrifices to the sky and praying for rain is the best time for the emperor to restore people's hearts, but the emperor's performance is really... shocking." …”

"Enough! If you can't hold on, let's all go back." Mu Wan looked coldly at the ministers kneeling in front of the steps, and then ordered everyone to go down.

A few old stubborn people were very displeased when they saw the empress's attitude, so they continued to criticize.

Mu Wan didn't understand a single word of the words she said, including quotations from scriptures.

"Heaven is going to destroy my kingdom! The empress is a foolish monarch, fatuous and innocent, she offends the will of heaven, brings disasters from heaven, and harms all living beings!"

At this time, someone took the opportunity to shout.

The ministers who had already accumulated anger began to commotion and shouted angrily.

Deafening, angry voices resounded through the valley.

"The empress harms all living beings, the law of heaven does not allow it!"

It sounded like a rehearsal.

And Mu Wan stood on a high place, looking down at them condescendingly, and said coldly and angrily, "Presumptuous!"

The situation is changing rapidly!

At this moment, the empress Longyan was furious, accompanied by dark clouds, thunder and lightning, like a dragon roaring.

Then a torrential rain fell.

The whole country, the people rejoice.

Everyone looked at this scene, dumbfounded and turbulent.

After all, he is the real son, this anger makes the sky change color.

Someone seemed to see a golden dragon flying on the empress.

Those people quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"The female emperor is the son of heaven, and her blessings are profound. She is the blessing of the monarchy and the people of the monarchy!"

"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"

Looking at the timely rain, Mu Wan was speechless when she looked at the ministers whose expressions changed in an instant.

What kind of golden dragon possession, what is the right man, that is lightning, she was almost struck to death by lightning.

"Swing back to the palace!"


Things have come to this point, which is beyond everyone's expectation.

Prince Qi and the others looked at the black torrential rain, their faces were dark and cold and frightening.

"Brother Wang, what should we do next?"

The rain came so timely, it was as if God was deliberately helping Jun Muwan.

They all saw the golden dragon phantom with their own eyes.

Maybe, she was really born to be an emperor.

If they act against the sky, it is against the will of the heavens, and they will be punished by the heavens!

(End of this chapter)

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