The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 181 A Rainy Night Full of Killing

Chapter 181 A Rainy Night Full of Killing
Prince Qi's eyes were gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of destiny, I don't believe it, and the next plan will still be carried out. This king wants her to come and go, and die without a place to die."

Ling Wangjun nodded with a gloomy murderous look on his face, then turned around and quickly disappeared into the heavy rain.

On rainy days, the mountain road is even more difficult to walk, and there are landslides everywhere.

I can't even see the road.

Mu Wan looked at the dark steps and didn't dare to take a step.

If you step on this foot, if you step on it empty, it is no joke to fall.

"Come up, I'll carry you."

Mu Wan raised her eyes and saw a figure squatting in front of her.

"You are Chu Yan?"

She climbed onto his back and felt a warmth, so she asked.

"Who do you think I am?" The man asked with a half-smile.


This is Chu Fox's voice.

"It turned out to be the queen, where is the guard Chu, where did he go!?"

"The emperor cares about him?"

"No ..."

Mu Wan pulled her lips depressed, she was just thinking that Chu Yan suddenly disappeared at this time, which was very suspicious.

"Don't think too much, he went to deal with the assassin."

"There are assassins?"


The person on the back tensed up, obviously a little scared.

Chu Bei smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, with this king here, you won't die."


A group of people arrived at the foot of the mountain one after another.

After Mu got into the carriage at night, he immediately returned to the imperial city as a whole team.

At this time, in the valley, a thrilling scene of killing was taking place.

Rain in the dark night, swords and swords.

The water was shining and blood was splashing.

Extremely dangerous and extremely cruel.

When Chu Yan and the others arrived, all the assassins had their throats sealed with a sword, and only one or two escaped with serious injuries, and they didn't care about chasing them.

Because several palace guards were injured, including King Ling who was seriously injured.

The guards were to protect King Ling from going down the mountain, but they encountered assassins and dark guards fighting on the way.

Several guards were only slightly injured, but King Ling had a leg cut off...

His whole body was drenched in blood, and with the rain, it seemed that the mountain was covered with blood. His injuries were so serious that King Ling had already passed out, and the most urgent thing to do was to carry him down the mountain first.

When Mu got into the carriage at night, he quickly put on his cloak, thinking about changing into a dry set of clothes, but a man with no eyesight also ran up.

Chu Beibei pretended to protect her safety, but Mu Wan was also afraid in her heart, so she couldn't speak out to drive him down.

"come on!"

His inner strength was unfathomable, and the wet clothes on his body were dried with inner strength within two strokes.

It's not convenient to change clothes at this time, Mu Wan thought for a moment, then moved over, Chu Bei stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, a warm breath condensed from the palm of his hand, and helped her dry the drenched clothes He did it, but he didn't intend to let her go.

"let go!"

Mu Wan frowned slightly, secretly annoyed.

Seeing that she didn't like it, Chu Bei silently let her go.

Mu Wan glared at him coldly, sat down on the opposite side, and was fully armed to guard him.

Chu Bei: "...."

At this time, they were already walking, and someone came to report, "Report to the emperor, the assassins were basically beheaded, two of them escaped, and King Ling was seriously injured."

Sitting in the carriage, Mu Wan picked up the teacup and said coldly, "How's the injury?"

"A leg was broken..." the guard said truthfully.

"Well, then let someone escort him back to the city first!"

Mu Wan's eyes flashed, showing a trace of coldness, her red lips slightly raised, she was quite satisfied with the result.

Chu Bei looked at her, "Did the emperor secretly cut off his leg?"

Mu Wan paused for a moment, drinking the tea calmly, raised her cold eyes to fall on him, and said with a smile, "What did the queen say, how can I have this ability?"

The power factor in the court is in his hands, and the entire palace is also in his hands, even if she wants to do this, she has no one to use.

Common sense says so, but Chu Bei doesn't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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