The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 197 See if I Can Live Through Tomorrow

Chapter 197 See if I Can Live Through Tomorrow
Chu Bei smiled and said, "These are all matters within the courtier's job. Your Majesty, don't be shy. Come on, take off your clothes first, and then take a hot bath. I will rub your back and massage you."

Mu Wan couldn't help shivering, "You don't need to serve here, you go out!"

"Your Majesty... I just want to wait for you to take a bath..." Chu Bei had a hurt expression on his face.

Thinking of how he acted coquettishly with her when he was pretending to be Chu Yan, Mu Wan stared at Chu Bei with disgust.

Sometimes this guy looks like a cunning fox, sometimes like a ferocious wolf, but now it seems to be transformed into a clingy little milk dog.

Not knowing that was his real face, Mu Wan was a little helpless, so she snatched the clothes from his hand angrily, and said, "Go out, or I won't even think about you anymore."

"Okay, I'm going out."

Chu Bei immediately turned his head obediently and went out, waiting outside.

Mu Wan: "...."

He went up to the roof, looked at a few people coldly, and said "Get out"!
Situ Mo and Fu Si hurriedly ran away with Xia Houjin on their shoulders.

Smart people understand that it is better not to provoke the living Hades at this time.

They went back to Fanghua Palace together, Su Ran ran out wearing a coat, and said with worry in his eyes, "I heard that the king of Chu was assassinated, how is it now?"

Situ Mo took the lead, and everyone behind him looked at him strangely, "It's really not optimistic. Whether you can save your life will not be known until tomorrow."

Su Ran was startled: "..."

That being the case, why didn't Master Fu stay in the Vermillion Bird Hall?
"Did the assassin catch it?" Su Ran asked again.

I don't know who it is, who is so powerful that he can break into the palace and assassinate the king of Chu, and he is successful? !


Su Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "Just grab it."

Situ Mo looked up at him, "Why haven't you slept yet? Are you used to living in Fanghua Palace?"

In fact, he was very curious, why didn't he live in Mingyue Hall, the brothers haven't seen each other for a long time.

Su Ran's eyes dodged a little, and she smiled, "No, I just heard that there are assassins in the Suzaku Palace, and I'm just worried about the King of Chu."

"Don't worry too much. At most, the skin will peel off, and you shouldn't die." Xiao Ci patted him on the shoulder with a little sympathy for Chu Beidao.

Su Ran: "...."

Delamination is not serious? !

Xia Houjin sat down, "Since you can't sleep, why don't you come chat and tell me what the old hag of Yong'an Palace wants you to do?"

Speaking of this, Su Ran's face changed slightly. He looked at a few people and thought that they were the only ones who could help him this time.

"The queen mother wants me to marry the eldest princess..."

Su Ran squeezed out a few words between his teeth, his eyes were full of disgust and coldness.

The four frowned and looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, with all precautions, the old hag caught Su Ran's attention.

The young master of the Su family, the richest man in the kingdom, an imperial merchant, and the noble concubine preliminarily selected by the late emperor.

Later, in order to make the first emperor pay attention, the Su family proposed to let the second son of Su enter the palace as a concubine, and promised that the Su family would only support the empress forever.

The Su family is as rich as an enemy, and the Queen Mother is interested in the Su family's wealth.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to succeed.

And the Su family has long belonged to the female emperor's faction, so it is impossible to agree to marry the eldest princess.

"But the queen mother will not let it go..." Su Ran said a little annoyed.

I don't know if the Queen Mother will take the anger out on Su Li because of this.

"Don't worry, this matter will wait for Chu Bei... When he is still alive tomorrow, we will discuss with him how to deal with the old witch." Xiao Ci comforted him.

Su Ran frowned, "Then what happened to Chu Bei?"

The four of them were ashen-faced and sighed again and again. They sat down and went through all the ins and outs for him.

After hearing these things, Su Ran frowned fiercely, and said something fair, "You guys did it wrong."

If they deceived the empress together, the empress could punish them for the crime of deceiving the emperor.

Situ Mo nodded, "I know, but there is no other way. The matter has come to an end. I can only pray that Chu Bei can make the Emperor happy and forgive us."

Fu Si pursed his lips and said, "I'm afraid it won't be that easy, just wait, the Empress is not a good person, you can see what happens to me."

Everyone looked at him: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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