Chapter 198 Oh, Harem...

Mu Wan changed her clothes and opened the door of the bath hall. Chu Bei was waiting for her at the door.

As if he didn't see him, he walked away.

Chu Bei did not give up and followed.

"Don't touch me."

"I won't touch it."

It's just that when she takes a step, he takes a step and follows her all the way, which is really annoying.

Mu Wan was irritable and couldn't bear it anymore, she turned her head and stared at him, "Don't follow me."

Chu Bei straightened his body and said with a smile, "I didn't follow the emperor, I just wanted to take a walk."


"The imperial garden is so big, don't go the same way with me, it will affect my mood of enjoying the flowers."

"It's late at night, and I'm worried about the assassination of the emperor, so I want to escort the emperor back to the palace." Chu Bei stood still, like a little puppy hugging her thigh tightly, unable to pull it out.

Mu Wan said with disgust, "With the protection of the flying sickle, I am safe, not to mention that my martial arts have almost recovered, enough to protect myself, there is no need for the queen to do anything extra, you can step back."

"The minister intends to go to the imperial study to review the memorial, and drop by the way, the emperor does not need to care."


Mu Wan poked him coldly, "I will read the memorial, so don't bother others."

Chu Bei: "...."

At this time, there was a leisurely sound of piano in the imperial garden.

Melodious and beautiful, with a touch of sadness in the song.

Who is still playing the piano in the imperial garden in the middle of the night?

Alas, the harem...

Mu Wan frowned slightly, attracted by the sound of the piano.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered darkly, and he followed suit.

When I arrived at a pavilion, I saw a man sitting there playing the piano with bare hands.

Maybe it was Mu Wan's arrival that frightened him.

Under the tension, the string broke after two strikes.

"The concubine has met the emperor, my lord..." Fuyu knelt down hurriedly while watching the person coming.

Mu Wan looked up at the moon hidden in the clouds. After the heavy rain, the sky was clear again. The starry sky was so beautiful.

Look at Fuyu kneeling there, dressed in white and with black hair, like a boy in white walking out of a painting.

This face, these eyes, and these vermilion lips are all unbelievably beautiful.

But compared to the man beside her, she paled in comparison.

If Fuyu is a gorgeous peach blossom and a pure lily, then Chubei is the snow lotus on the top of the snow mountain, and the peony among the flowers, magnificent and colorful but cold and arrogant.

"Yu Meiren... the song you played just now seems to be sad, but was bullied again in the palace?" Mu Wan glanced at Fuyu, then glanced at Chu Bei's unparalleled handsome face, feeling panicked in her heart .

Fuyu raised her eyes, and the first thing she met was the man's cold gaze, she clenched her fists, and couldn't help but feel fear, "Go back to the emperor, no, the concubine is very good in the palace, and the empress treats the concubine generously."

"Really, then you live in that palace, I'm tired, why not go to your palace to rest tonight."

Surprise flashed across Fuyu's face, but when he met Chu Bei's eyes, he said in panic, "There are too many people living in Qingyou Pavilion...I'm afraid it will disturb the emperor, it would be safer to invite the emperor to rest in the Vermillion Bird Hall."

"Then follow me to Xuanwu Hall."

Mu Wan couldn't say much, so she walked away.

Chu Bei stood there without moving, but his face was livid and extremely ugly.

And Fuyu knelt for a while, got up in fear, and quickly followed Mu Wan's footsteps.

After the person left, two shadows jumped out of the darkness.

Chu Bei looked at them, and said coldly, "Take care of the emperor, don't allow anyone to touch a hair of her..."

The two female guards nodded immediately.

Then quickly rushed to the Xuanwu Hall, and appeared in the empress' bedroom as a court lady.

After returning home, Mu Wan took a hasty bath, and came to the dragon bed wearing a thin middle coat, only to see Fuyu had bathed and changed into thin clothes, where she was kneeling, she frowned slightly, "Don't kneel, Get up."

Fuyu stood up, glanced at the maids standing on the left and right sides in front of the dragon bed, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Mu Wan also glanced at the maid, "You all step back, there is no need to wait, as long as there is floating jade here."

(End of this chapter)

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