The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 211 Benwang, let's see who dares to touch her!

Chapter 211 Benwang, let's see who dares to touch her!

The three of them just looked at her and didn't speak.

Silence is the default.

She understands.

"She must be the one who led me into trouble. You see, if I don't associate with her, I won't be like this anymore." Mu Wan smiled awkwardly.

"Let's go down and have a look."

"With big brother here, don't make trouble."

Xia Houjin held her back and said.

Mu Wan thought about it, and thought it was right, she had better not confront the eldest princess, lest she be targeted.

Her business has just started, and she can't let a few good brothers jump out and make trouble.



The eldest princess is flirting with Su Ran.

Su Ran hated it more and more.

Fortunately, with Chu Bei by her side, this woman did not dare to be so presumptuous.

He felt that this woman wanted to pounce on him... Disgusting woman.

"You and the king of Chu opened this hot pot restaurant together?"

Seeing Chu Bei, the eldest princess shivered subconsciously, and took a few steps back.

He is not someone else, and he will not be afraid of her identity as the eldest princess.

Su Ran said coldly, "Yes, if the eldest princess wants to eat hot pot, please line up."

"Why do I have to queue up? I want to eat now. You arrange a private room for me." The eldest princess was dissatisfied for a moment.

"This is the rule in the store. Everyone has to queue up. Others have been waiting for several hours. Please don't hinder everyone from eating hot pot."

"That's right…"

A group of people behind immediately started booing and complaining.

They have been waiting for almost a day.

Her arrival wasted their time.

She can't come to eat that day when she is a princess, if she has to come here now, the little people like them will grab it!

"Does the eldest princess have no money?"

"It's, it's..."

someone shouted.

The eldest princess looked back at these troublemakers, and was even more angry. She glanced at a few beggars at the door, and sneered, "You still let such dirty things in? It's free! Hmph, don't give everyone food. This kind of dirty and free thing!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed. Thinking about it, it's not true. There is a big table of things, including chicken, duck and fish, and the food is all silver. How can ordinary people eat for free when doing business? !

Many people began to hesitate. They heard that there was chicken plague in some nearby villages, and many chickens and ducks died... If you open the door for business, who doesn't want to make money, why is this shop free?

Everyone retreated one after another, thinking that what the eldest princess said was reasonable.

Those little beggars were a little overwhelmed. They were too hungry and heard that there was a big meal for free, so they waited at the door all night.

I didn't expect that it would cause trouble to the store. Will the boss throw them all out?

At this moment, Mu Wan was already furious, and ran downstairs angrily, and Situ Mo didn't have time to stop her.

Forgot she regained her martial arts...

Qinggong jumped in front of the eldest princess, and kicked her flying before everyone could react.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they backed away in panic.

Su Ran's face changed slightly, he quickly grabbed her wrist, and said nervously, "Cousin, you didn't know it was the eldest princess when you first arrived in the capital, so don't act impulsively."

Mu Wan's eyes flashed, and she entered the scene in seconds, "Ah! Why didn't my cousin say it earlier, when I first arrived in the capital, I heard that the eldest princess is gentle, skillful, dignified, and this lunatic just talked nonsense and slandered us. Like the eldest princess! Would the eldest princess say such vicious words?"

Everyone looked at the eldest princess who was lying on the ground, and then at the young master in front of the store, and they didn't know who was telling the truth.

At this time, the eldest princess' girl Hong Yin glared at Mu Wan, and said angrily, "Presumptuous, you dare to disrespect the eldest princess, come and arrest him!!"

Several guards swarmed up.

"I want to see who moves her." Chu Bei just stood in front of Mu Wan and protected him behind him.

When those guards saw the King of Chu, they immediately knelt down, and Hong Yin's face turned pale with fright.

Chu Bei glanced sharply, "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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