The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 212 The meaning of the emperor

Chapter 212 The meaning of the emperor

Mu Wan hid behind him, blinked slyly at Hong Yin, and said with a smile, "This young lady said that I don't know her as the eldest princess, so even if she is the eldest princess, can she slander the hot pot restaurant? King Chu of this store is the second shareholder, how can things be fake?!"

" don't need any money to give away everything in your store. There is no free lunch in this world! The eldest princess is right, who knows that the things in your house can't be cleaned! But you beat them indiscriminately. Injuring the eldest princess, this is a capital offense, even the prince of Chu has to be reasonable." Hong Yin argued with her body shaking, not afraid of death.

This girl is smart and has a bit of courage.

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, and she stood up, "Okay, I'm going to explain the truth to you, and it's slander to say that it's unfounded. Everyone, take a closer look and hear it. If you don't believe me, just choose a few representatives to come to our back kitchen. Visit and witness what is done now. Our Su family is open to do business, integrity is the first, cheating customers, making huge profits, our Su family can't do it. We, our Su family can report this matter to the emperor, and ask the emperor to be the master of our Su family."

After Mu Wan said so much in one breath, Hong Yin was forced to retreat by her sharp words, her eyes were full of panic and fear.

"Also, the King of Chu is here. The No. [-] hotpot restaurant in the capital opened for free for three days. It's all the emperor's will. If you don't believe me, you can ask the King of Chu to explain."

Chu Bei: "...."

Su Ran: "...."

Chu Bei glanced at it coldly, Hong Yin's face was ashen, this time he really hit the iron plate.

"A few days ago, Mr. Su entered the palace and asked the emperor to give him a word. The first hot pot restaurant in the capital was given the name by the emperor. It is indeed the emperor's intention to eat for free for three days. Everyone has a good meal, firstly, to show compassion for the people, and secondly, to celebrate the rebirth of our kingdom after the rain." Chu Bei stood up and said.

Here he specifically mentioned rain, reminding everyone that not long ago, the Empress offered sacrifices to the heavens to pray for rain, and Jin Longfei's identity mattered.

"Your Majesty loves the people like a son, he is a king of the ages!"

Many people have already knelt down, expressing admiration and gratitude to the current Empress.

Seeing this scene, Situ Mo and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, not expecting things to develop like this.

Chu Bei looked at the woman with a bright smile, his eyes flickered. Was her purpose from the beginning to win people's hearts and restore her reputation? !
She can actually do this step...

Chu Bei clenched his fists and felt a little uneasy. He was actually a little afraid that she would become stronger.

The atmosphere at the scene was infected.

Su Ran followed closely, "The emperor also hopes that the Lantern Festival will be fun with the people."

Mu Wan added, "For these three days, no matter how high or low, regardless of status, anyone can enter the store for free as long as they line up."

After hearing these words, those ordinary people were even more excited and burst into tears, knelt down towards the imperial city and shouted "Long live the emperor".

Mu Wan walked to the door and led them in, and said, "Fuzi, fetch some water, let the children wash their hands, and take them to eat in private room."

Three or four children, dressed in tattered clothes, with gray faces, thin bodies, and bright black eyes looked at Mu Wan timidly, excitedly, and couldn't believe it.

"Thank you son..."

The older boy among them kowtowed hurriedly with a few younger ones.

Mu Wan looked at them, living on the street at such a young age, she couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

"What's your name and how old are you?"

"My name is Ah Da, I am ten years old this year, this is my younger sister, younger brother, ah two, ah three..."

Mu Wan: "...."

Su Ran behind him didn't know what to say (ー_ー)!!
"Let them in," he said.


After being kicked out, the eldest princess fainted. Seeing everyone bowing to the empress and calling Ming Jun, Hong Yin ran away in a desperate manner, and hurried back to the mansion with the eldest princess.

There are hidden guards guarding the door at the back, and no one comes to make trouble, so everyone can happily eat hot pot.

(End of this chapter)

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