Chapter 214 Encouraging
Xia Houjin: "...."

He was a little bit crazy, angry, his cold and arrogant elder brother changed just because of this woman.

Situ Mo and Xiao Ci pulled him and signaled not to be impulsive. Finally, Chu Bei was willing to take down the empress. If he didn't sacrifice his appearance, this matter would fall to them. Would you like to? !

Xia Houjin felt a little aggrieved. The eldest brother had a sweetheart but no brothers. But thinking about asking him to face Jun Muwan, he seemed to be unable... He shook his head, and in the end he could only shut up.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Chu Bei continued to hold Mu Wan's hand, but the next moment, the Xuanyu Fan slapped the back of his hand hard.

Mu Wan withdrew her hand, looked at him coldly to warn him, then raised her eyes coldly, "I know, that's why I asked you for help, especially Su Ran, you are my cousin. An expert figured it out."

Su Ran glanced at Chu Bei and nodded: "Yes."

Chu Bei's face was a bit ugly, but he quickly put on a gentle smile and smiled at Mu Wan, "The lantern show is about to start, we can go shopping in the street first."

Mu Wan's eyes lit up, and she finally smiled, "Well, this idea is fine, let's go."

Su Ran watched the two leave together talking and laughing, looked up to the sky and sighed: "..."

"Brother has become more and more immoral. He used to coax that woman like this." Xia Houjin couldn't help complaining in a low voice, feeling sorry for her brother who sacrificed himself for everyone's freedom. Alas, it was all Jun Muwan's fault.

"Don't say a few words." Situ Mo coughed lightly, looked at Xiao Ci and shook his head secretly. Xia Houjin might not understand it before meeting her sweetheart.

"Hmph, you are really selfish, don't think that I don't know that big brother has become like this, half of it is your instigation."

Xiao Ci's eyes dodged slightly, "You don't understand, you don't see it, does he like it?"

They encouraged it a lot, but the key is that Chu Bei is willing.

They encouraged them before entering the palace, and they didn't see him agreeing. It wasn't until Jun Muwan woke up from amnesia that he fell in for no reason. This has nothing to do with them, okay?

"Okay, don't say a few words, let's keep up." Su Ran was in a complicated mood and was a little shocked. If Chu Bei was really with the Empress, could Li'er...leave the palace?

He had to find a chance to talk to Chu Bei.


After watching the "toilet", several people planned to go to enjoy the lanterns.

They jumped down together one after another, and the shopkeeper was still waiting to get his attention.

"Uncle Zhang, reject him first, and when someone comes to ask about it later, they say it's a top secret in the store, so it's inconvenient to disclose it." Mu Wan said.

After hearing this, Uncle Zhang understood and went to tell the young master.

The son was dressed in brocade clothes and a mask, and his status was probably rich if he was either noble or rich.

But compared to their master, that is not enough for anyone.

Uncle Zhang has nothing to fear.

The son was a little disappointed, so he had to take the people away.

After going out, he passed by Mu Wan and the others, and said, "What a pity, I have never seen such a good thing in Xiqi."

He didn't notice the other people, and he revealed his identity without knowing a word.

This is the prince of Xiqi Kingdom.

Speaking of which, they have all lived in Junguo for less than half a month, why haven't they left yet?
Mu Wan frowned slightly and looked at Chu Bei.

"Wait for someone."

"Wait for who?"

Situ Mo said with a light smile, "King Li."

Li Wang...

Mu Wan's face changed slightly, the two princes who were proclaimed by the late emperor, one is the King of Prayer and the other is the King of Li.

King Li is ranked seventh, and he has a younger sister, Princess Ten.

His biological mother was Concubine Zheng, the late emperor.

Concubine Zheng, the first emperor, was the niece of the Empress Dowager, who died of dystocia after giving birth to ten princesses.

Speaking of which, the tenth princess was born only one day away from her.

Back then, Concubine Ning and Concubine Zhen died of dystocia one after another.

When the nine princesses were born, colorful auspicious clouds fell from the sky, the sun and the moon were shining together, and the haze was lingering. They were born emperors.

But the tenth princess was only one day late, so there was no good omen, she always felt that it was Mu Wan who robbed her of the aura of life.

The queen mother loves King Li and the ten princesses very much. This party is even more dreadful than the queen mother's party.

(End of this chapter)

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