The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 215 She Was the Biggest Today

Chapter 215 She Was the Biggest Today

And these three people are not in the capital now.

This Jun family is really heartbreaking.

In order for Mu Wan to ascend the throne smoothly, the first emperor sent the empress dowager to the capital.

After hearing the news, it was already too late, and the Empress Dowager was so annoyed that she did not return to Beijing.

Up to now, the grandparents and grandchildren are still wandering outside.

It was mentioned in the novel that the No. [-] character should be at the back, but she only saw half of the novel, and after a quick glance at the back, she remembered the characters, but she didn't know the rest.

Go back to her and learn more about them, they will definitely trouble her when they come back, especially the Empress Dowager, who seems to dislike Concubine Ning very much and by the way also dislikes her very much.

Now that she has taken away the throne she intended to be King Li, she will not be treated even more, and may even conspire with Prince Qi and the others.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

"The real trouble is yet to come..." Seeing that her complexion was not good, Chu Bei couldn't help holding her little hand again.

Empress Dowager, Prince Qi and the others are really nothing. What is really scary is the Empress Dowager and King Li.

King Qi and King Li have competed for the position of heir for many years, and it has always been fierce both inside and outside the court.

Now King Qi intends to win over Nanliang, and King Li may also intend to win over Xiqi or Beiming.

He didn't want to tell her these things now, he took her out of the palace to enjoy the lanterns today, and he didn't want to spoil her interest.

Mu Wan nodded, gave him a cold look, and severely warned him not to do anything else, otherwise... hum!

Chu Bei: "...."

Mu Wan snorted softly, shook off him, and couldn't help running over to see the lively place ahead.

But at this time, Lu Fei and the others couldn't move because they were too full to eat, so they had to rest at the inn, otherwise it would be more fun with them.


"It's really lively."

Mu Wan came to a place selling lanterns, picked up a rabbit lantern and looked left and right, "It's so beautiful."

The handicrafts of the ancients are really unique. These lanterns are exquisite and beautiful, and some of them are unique. They are very eye-catching, and they are surrounded by people.

Mu Wan carried the lantern and left. Su Ran was paying the money behind her, and Chu Bei and the others followed her closely. There were too many people for fear of losing them.

However, the flow of people this year is not as much as in previous years. Many people are waiting for the hot pot restaurant to draw activities, and they did not come to visit the lanterns at all.

I just look forward to the end of the Lantern Festival as soon as possible, so that we can draw a lottery soon.

So although the Lantern Festival is still very lively, it is not as crowded as last year.

Last year, the entire street was packed with people who just wanted to witness the beauty of the goddess of flowers.

In front of it is the Flower Lamp Stand. On a high platform, all ladies who want to win the title of Baihua Goddess will perform their talents on the stage, and then they will compete with each other for their beauty and beauty. It is very exciting.

Mu Wan has prepared a few packets of melon seeds and popcorn, and is going to sit on the opposite roof to watch the fun, and find some beauties by the way.

The teenagers around looked at her excited eyes, and then at the small tea table on the roof. They all dropped the black line. Every year, the Lantern Festival is a program. They are all tired of watching it, and they really don’t want to accompany her. She watches such boring programs.

But there is no way, she has a special status, if they don't protect her closely, they are afraid that if she makes a mistake, the old man will take their skin off.

The Lantern Festival will have to wait for a while. Mu Wan goes shopping, plays and eats everywhere.

Fire-breathing, throwing circles, darts, guessing riddles, etc., I played all of them, and finally came to a mask seller.

Standing there, she picked out a few masks, and chose one for each of them. With curved eyebrows, she smiled and said, "Gifts for you, thank you for your hard work today."

All animal masks.

Pigs, dogs, rabbits, sheep, and foxes.

She herself put on a domineering ghost king mask.

With an airy expression, he looked at them with a twinkle in his eyes, "Put them all on, why don't you like the present I gave you?"


Well, she is the biggest today, so I have to listen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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