Chapter 224 Yao Family
Everyone kept their heads down, and the smart ones knew that some words should be automatically blocked.

Princess Chu kept an elegant smile, stood up and bent her knees, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mu Wan hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "Your mother-in-law doesn't need to be polite, it's what you should be. It's the first time I saw your mother-in-law. I hope you don't take it to heart. After I lost my memory, I don't remember many things. I didn't even have time to visit my mother-in-law, and I will accompany the queen back to her mother's house later, don't worry, there are no outsiders in this palace rule, and you don't need to care about it."

Hearing these words, Chu Bei's face became tense.

Concubine Chu was very calm in the face of the empress' enthusiasm, because she was always so warm and friendly to her when she didn't lose her memory.

Even in order to curry favor with Chu Bei, she, as a concubine, was often rewarded by the Empress.

But before she entered the palace, she was still a little worried, because recently it was reported that after the empress lost her memory, her temperament was not as good as before. She not only punished the ministers many times, but even wanted to punish the queen.

She was afraid that her son would be punished, so she was always cautious.

After all, she is the emperor, the most honorable woman in the world, no matter what her status is, no disrespect can be tolerated.

As for Chu Bei, after all, he entered the palace as a queen, and to put it bluntly, he was the son-in-law.

It's true that Mu Wan respectfully called her mother-in-law, but she felt awkward. She used to call her concubine mother.

The Empress exchanged a few words with Princess Chu's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and they got along fairly well.

Chu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she would embarrass his mother and concubine because of him...

Looking at the woman with a bright and soft smile, the other concubines also heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't help showing a smile.

The group planned to go to the dining hall, but at this moment, Mu Wan suddenly thought of something, and turned to look at the girl from the Yao family, "Oh, by the way, I told you that Cousin Ning entered the palace, why are you two here?"

Being exposed by the blunt words, the two girls of the Yao family hurriedly knelt down, their faces blushed and they said nervously, "Back... back to the emperor, sister Xinyao is not feeling well, so she asked me and my second sister to enter the palace on her behalf. If the emperor has anything to say, we will also It can be brought to her."

"Not feeling well? Is she sick?" Mu Wan's eyes tightened, and her expression became worried. Didn't she be fine last night? Why did she suddenly get sick?
Seeing the dodging gaze of the girl from the Yao family, Mu Wan's eyes flashed darkly, and she knew there was something else hidden in it.

Think about how Ning Xinyao can live a happy life under the fence.

I heard that apart from Mrs. Yao who has passed away, there are not many good things in the Yao family.

"Back to the emperor, younger sister Xinyao just has an upset stomach, mother has already asked the doctor to check it out, she is fine, please don't worry, the emperor." Miss Yao replied.

Yao Qi felt uneasy and flustered, afraid that the empress would find out the clues, these remarks were agreed at home.

The Ning family fell, and the empress did not care about Ning Xinyao's life after she ascended the throne, but now she was announced to enter the palace unexpectedly. The Yao family didn't know what the empress was planning.

I heard that the Empress Dowager wanted to choose concubines for the princes. Their sisters might have a chance to meet the Empress Dowager when they entered the palace. Let the two daughters enter the palace instead, and they are also afraid that she will sue, so they stop her a lot!

The two sisters of the Yao family were beating drums in their hearts. What if the Empress came to Yao's house to pick Ning Xinyao into the palace on a whim, they were terrified.

Looking up secretly, Mu Wan's face was cold, her eyes were sharp as if she could see everything.


Before Mu Wan could make a sound, the two sisters were trembling with fright.

"Come here, pass on my oral order to take Cousin Ning into the palace."


The carriage from the palace arrived in front of Yao's mansion.

It was only at this time that Yao Chi knew that the palace had sent someone to tell Ning Xinyao to enter the palace. Because he was not at home, Yao Liu was too selfish to hide the matter, and locked Ning Xinyao in the room, leaving the two of them alone. The daughter entered the palace instead.

"Idiot, idiot!" Yao Chi slapped her directly in anger.


Yao and Liu cried, feeling aggrieved. I did this all for him, for the entire Yao family. The Yao family was implicated by the Ning family and was demoted from the uncle's mansion to a commoner. The Yao family's son has never been reused in the court, and he has changed from a first-class meritorious family to a poor family, all of which are caused by the Ning family.

Everything that Ning Xinyao owned was owed by the Ning family to the Yao family. She just took back what belonged to her, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Who knew that the husband would beat her without acknowledgment.

Yao Liu burst into tears.

"Shut up! Ignorant woman, this is a crime of deceiving the emperor. You think you are helping Wen'er and the others, but you are trying to kill them and the entire Yao family!" Yao Chi stared at her sullenly, uncontrollably roared.

(End of this chapter)

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