The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 225 Shooting yourself in the foot

Chapter 225 Shooting yourself in the foot

At this moment, Yao and Liu knew what was going on, and his body softened, and he was frightened into a fool. The crime of bullying the king...that would be beheaded.

"My lord, what should I do now? I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't know that the emperor would suddenly care so much about sister Xin... Wen'er and Qi'er have entered the palace, will the emperor... Master, you have to save them!"

"Shut up first, this matter can only depend on Yao'er."

Yao Chi's face was livid, he was angry and afraid to let someone greet the father-in-law in the palace first, and then he went to invite Ning Xinyao himself to explain the situation to her, hoping that she could come into the palace to help speak good words.

"Well, yes... let's go beg sister Yao'er, she is the emperor's direct cousin, we have raised her for so many years, we should let her repay her kindness." Yao Liu's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, he hurriedly got up and wiped away his tears, followed Yao Chi went to Xueqin Garden.

The couple arrived at Xueqin Garden and explained their intentions.

"Xinyao understands what uncle means." Ning Xinyao looked at Yao Chi and his wife and said indifferently.

She will repay the Yao family's kindness in nurturing.

"Good boy, uncle knows that he has wronged you for so many years. In the future, uncle will not let you be wronged. There are also letters from the border. Your parents are very good. This time you enter the palace, don't rush to ask the emperor to let them go back to Beijing." Do you understand?" Yao Chi couldn't figure out what the Empress was thinking, so he couldn't help asking.

Ning Xinyao looked at him and nodded, but she knew in her heart that her uncle was only worried that she would offend Longyan and implicate the Yao family...

He doesn't need to say more about these words, she understands them in her heart.

With a hint of doubt, Ning Xinyao followed into the palace.


Suzaku Hall.

Mu Wan drank tea and chatted with Princess Chu and the others.

Seeing that the empress was not angry, the sisters of the Yao family relaxed a lot. Even if Ning Xinyao entered the palace, she would not expose them, so she gradually became confident.

Among the few girls, it was obvious at a glance that the Yao family sisters were the most unruly.

After eating all the pastries on the plate, it doesn't mean she won't be allowed to eat them, it's just that Xiao Xuan'er and the others are sitting next to them for comparison, it's really ugly to eat.

Looking at it, Mu Wan couldn't help feeling disgusted, put down the pastry she picked up, and automatically blocked them, looking at Xiao Xuan'er and Chu Xin, these two were Xiao Ci and Chu Bei's younger sisters, both princesses.

There are also Situ Fangfang, Situ Mo's cousin, Xia Houyue, Xia Houjin's direct sister, I heard that the four of them are also very good friends, they are girlfriends, some are lively, some are calm, and they are good in every way.

If it's a model, Mu Wan thinks these four girls are all right.

If you choose four more, Miss Chu San and Miss Chu Si are also fine, as for the sisters of the Yao family, forget it.

Ning Xinyao counts as one, and choose another one.

Mu Wan was thinking in her heart that she planned to get in touch with a few girls after dinner. Maybe she could become friends. She also needs a circle of friends, and this circle of friends can't just be brothers, it also needs little sisters.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan couldn't help being in a good mood, she didn't even notice that Xiao Xuan'er sat down and looked at the man beside her from time to time.

Situ Mo sat on the lower right side of her, and whenever Xiao Xuan'er looked at her, he felt tense, and Xiao Ci, who was on the lower left side, felt the same way.

Both Xia Houjin and Chu Bei were sweating coldly, watching her every move all the time, for fear that they might find any clues at this time.

It's best not to let her know about Situ Mo and Xiao Xuan'er, one more thing is worse than one less thing, it's not good for anyone if you know...

Xiao Xuan'er doesn't know how to control her emotions, but Situ Mo must control her well. She is very disappointed now. Brother Mo is obviously avoiding her, so it's hard to meet...Why!

Situ Mo lowered his brows slightly, his face was indifferent, and he tried his best to restrain his irritability.

Mu Wan took a sip from the teacup, her eyes fell, and she noticed that Situ Mo's face was not looking well, so she asked concerned, "Concubine Shu, are you feeling unwell?"

Situ Mo paused, his eyes dodged slightly, and he hurriedly smiled, "Thank you for your concern, I just don't eat the cakes I don't like, I'm not used to it."

Hearing this, seeing that he was holding a piece of almond cake in his hand, Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, "Don't you like almond cake? When we played chess together last time, I saw you ate several pieces."

It's delicious, but she doesn't like it. Could it be that she read it wrong? !
Situ Mo: "...."

"This piece is too sweet."

"Oh, you don't like to eat sweet ones, so next time the imperial dining room is not allowed to make sweet almond cakes."

Situ Mo: "...."

He likes to eat sweets!
This is lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot! (>﹏<)
(End of this chapter)

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