The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 242 That daring lunatic dared to beat Lord Chu.

Chapter 242 That daring lunatic dared to beat Lord Chu.

When they arrived at the Golden Luan Hall, everyone wondered why the King of Chu was injured?
Some ministers stepped forward and asked, "My lord, your injury was caused by the assassin last night?"

Last night, the Regent of Nanliang and the Empress were enjoying the moon in the West Lake, but they were suddenly assassinated. The King of Chu took people to rescue him, but no one heard that the King of Chu was injured.

This injury was obviously caused by someone beating him up, and he didn't know that that daring lunatic dared to beat Lord Chu.

Seeing his son frowning slightly, the old prince Chu felt a little worried. There are not many people in the world who can hurt Bei'er. Could it be that the person who assassinated Nanliang's regent last night did it?
Are those assassins so powerful?
Facing the minister's inquiry and father's concern.

Chu Bei narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, but smiled a little smugly, he didn't care about this little injury, and said, "It was the emperor's kiss last night, it doesn't matter."

Everyone: "..."

"The Emperor is here!"

As soon as Mu Wan stepped into the hall, all the ministers in the hall were looking at her, their faces were flushed, and they persuaded embarrassingly, "Your Majesty, take care of the dragon body!"


Mu Wan was a little puzzled, she glanced at Chu Fox who was smiling but not smiling, and realized later that this guy must have said something that was misunderstood.

"Thank you dear dears for your concern, I will take care of the dragon's body."

Mu Wan gave Chu Bei a cold look, sat down and said.

"Let's start morning."

How can the matter of the empress' bedtime love be discussed in the Golden Luan Hall, everyone is getting fatter, right?

Under the stern gaze of the empress, everyone could barely shut up.

Then get down to business.

Yesterday, she discussed with several confidant ministers that she wanted to take the Ning family back to Beijing, and she also knew that some people would object to this matter.

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly and she glanced at Ling Wang and the others who were a bit of a villain.

When this matter was brought up, a large number of people from King Qi's side stood up and opposed the pardon of the Ning family's crimes for various reasons.

"When Lord Ning Hou sent someone to assassinate King Li, there is insufficient evidence and many confounding facts. The late emperor punished Ning Hou severely because he felt sorry for King Li. It has been 12 years since the incident. I think so many punishments are enough. .”

King Ling stood up, his eyes drooping, and he said, "My Majesty, the assassination of King Li was the trial of the late emperor. I think the late emperor will not wrong Ning Xian, and the late emperor has demoted him to a commoner. Ning Xian has already It's not Lord Hou, even if he is the emperor's relative, he is still a sinner, I hope the emperor understands that public and private are clear."

Mu Wan's face darkened, and she sneered, "When I ascended the throne, I proclaimed amnesty to the world. It's not a heinous crime. How can I still be a sinner? Hmm! Or is it that my relatives don't have this benefit?"

"I made a slip of the tongue and begged the emperor to punish me." King Ling knelt down unhurriedly, lowering his head and flaunting the corners of his lips wantonly.

It was just to make her unhappy, and if he had the ability, someone would beat him up. He couldn't wish for it.

Taking the lives of the Ning clan to make amends to him, and suffering a little bit of flesh and blood is nothing.

Mu Wan's eyes were gloomy, and she gritted her teeth secretly. Sooner or later, she would throw him to the fiefdom, leaving him with trouble every day.

At this time, the prime minister stood up, "Your Majesty, since the Emperor has enthroned and proclaimed amnesty to the world, Ning Xian can be exonerated from his crimes, and he is the emperor's maternal grandfather, so he should be taken back to the capital to take care of him, so as not to be falsely accused of being unkind and filial."

Then a group of ministers seconded.

Mu Wan glanced at King Ling and the others, "If you want to continue to object, do you want me to be an unkind and unfilial person?"

"The ministers dare not, what the prime minister said is very true, and the ministers seconded the proposal."

Prince Qi led the man to kneel down with a half-smile, hoping that the man could return to Beijing alive. Anyway, Lao Qi was more anxious than him about this matter, and he would not let the Ning family go.

Mu Wan calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, then send someone to the northwest border to pick him up as soon as possible."

Fortunately, I discussed the countermeasures with the prime minister in advance, so it went so smoothly.

Next, someone had to be sent to escort the Ning family back to the capital, and the success would not be considered until they returned safely.

(End of this chapter)

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